Yelm Business Association

Beautification Committee Draft Report

July 14, 2015

Committee members: Steve Craig, Chair, Anne Wahrmund (retiree & Yelm Planning Commission), Cameron Jayne (Director, Triad Theater), Paul Keesler, (Artist-Sculpture), Bob Droll (Landscape Architect),and Ron Thomas (Architect).


The committee generally agreed that improved beautification of Yelm could contribute to it being perceived more as a “destination city” rather than a “drive by city.” Therefore, the goal of the committee is to foster development of a city image that is attractive, memorable, unique and leaves its citizens and visitors, alike, with a very positive impression.


The committee agreed that objectives specific to Yelm beautification need to be articulated and consistent with the overall goal. The following list of objectives was developed and intended to be a reference guide in identifying and prioritizing specific beautification projects.

·  Uniqueness – Play to the natural strengths and unique qualities of Yelm and surrounding area.

o  Crossroads of pathways for Native Americans, pioneering settlers, and modern day travelers.

o  Historical and modern day pathway to Mount Rainier.

·  Memorable – creates and leaves a very positive impression.

·  Regional – Yelm serves a large area of south Thurston County and that should be a major consideration.

·  Nature – (Natural Features in and around Yelm)

o  Improvements that incorporate natural elements that are unique to Yelm, such as: “Yelm Potatoes” (River Rocks), Oak Trees (Garryanna Oaks), Evergreen Trees (Fir), Prairie Grasses (note association with draught tolerant plants), other?

o  Views of and path to Mount Rainier

o  Close proximity of Nisqually River

o  Surrounded by Prairie (Yelm, “Pride of the Prairie”)

o  Close proximity to Mima Mounds

o  Wild flowers (camas, etc.)

·  Healthy Life Style – Yelm has many attributes that relate to having a healthy life style.

o  Bike/walking trails

o  Regional athletic Facilities

o  River rafting

o  Skateboard park

o  Fishing

o  Food co-op (organic food)

o  Yogo

o  Fitness centers

o  Alternative wellness

·  History – Yelm has a rich history that could be communicated and illustrated.

o  Native American Tribes (Nisqually Tribe)

o  Pioneers (Tell story in a tangible way)

o  Mount Rainier Pioneers (P.B. Van Trump, James Longmire, John Muir (founder of Sierra Club), others

·  Urban Outdoor Gathering Space(s)

o  An outdoor living room (place that brings people together)

o  A gathering place of Farmers Market

o  A gathering place of community festivals and celebrations

o  A starting/ending location for athletic and/or fund raising events

o  Appealing to visitors/residents of all ages and physical abilities

·  Pocket parks

o  Close to residents

o  Unique features to each pocket park

o  Readily found and/or viewed by first time visitors to Yelm

o  Located in various districts of the city

·  The Arts – Art and artists contribute to the beautification of Yelm

o  Arts Community – Artist cooperative and possible art institute

o  Visual

o  Performing

o  Musicians/music

o  Lectures

o  Film

o  Art education

·  Others?



The above listed GOAL must be durable, meaningful, and transformative. It needs to stand the test of time and have the ability to attain broad based community support.

We should be able to test the GOAL to ensure that it can stand up to scrutiny:

·  We want Yelm to become a Destination City because:

o  To develop an improved sense of community pride (i.e., “we are more than just a collection of businesses and residences along two state highways……we are proud of our City and want it to be a destination for businesses, residents and visitors alike.”)

o  It’s good for business…..improved business tax revenues provide the opportunity for the City to invest in civic improvements (infrastructure improvements, utility improvements, parks urban amenities, etc.).

o  Others??


A simple test to determine if an objective is worthy to remain on the list: if the objective is accomplished,……. is it a critical step in helping us to achieve our goal??


Here again, the test to determine if a task should be on the list and, therefore, pursued (via time, energy and money), is to clarify that accomplishing each task will materially help to accomplish the stated objective(s).


This listing has not been ranked, or have rough cost estimates and a time line for each yet been developed.

·  Art shows (fall and winter) and development of artist cooperative and possible art institute….. YBA declare Yelm and greater Yelm area an “art community”….(colony??)

·  Develop attractive trail signage and initiate plans to beautify trailhead in Yelm.

·  Initiate study to determine feasibility of Yelm’s old and abandoned water tower becoming an artistic focal point.

·  Initiate feasibility/cost analysis of installing a fountain display in Mill Pond that would use recycled water to maintain a year around water level.

·  Develop city entrance “gateways”

·  Create murals based on approval by the city and participant business owners.

·  Establish a “Yelm Walk of Fame” that celebrates outstanding contributions made over the years by the citizens of Yelm and the greater Yelm area.


·  Solicit input from the community and other municipal and civic organizations (stakeholders) is critical to obtaining the broad consensus needed for the significant effort in time, talent and money that it’s going to take over time to help achieve the above include:

o  Community workshops (informational meetings where attendees get to actively participate).

o  Community Design Charettes (opportunities for the public to be involved in the design process).

o  Professional Design Charrettes (AIA RUDAT or WA Landscape Association/National Park Service weekend Charrette.