Bear Creek HOA Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2013

Meeting began at 7:05pm


Dan Albert- President

Kim Galimanis- Newsletter / Neighborhood watch

Stephen Warren- VP

Steven Haynie- Secretary

Glen Mate- Gated community

Mary Kay Mate- Welcoming committee

Frank Balkovetz- Treasurer

Kent Mortensen- Architectural committee

Valley Landscape- Carlos


MGM started the meeting and went over the 2012 Forecasting vs. actual budget.

There was discussion regarding the HOA fees for the gated community, and how those monies are spent.

There was discussion on when the HOA fees were raised, and if they were going to be lower due to the surplus. The transfer fees have added to the budget surplus.

At this time the fees will remain the same. This last year monies were spent on the new Bear Creek signs, landscaping, and restoring the water features along Stoddard.

MGM asked for any volunteers to join the HOA board.

Landscape update-

Valley Landscape was awarded the contract for the next 24 months. Carlos was present to address questions. The spring cleaning has been completed, and the water features along Stoddard will be turned on next week. The irrigation has been turned on. Valley landscape will have a crew on site 2-3 times per week to monitor any needed changes to the common areas. There was discussion about the amount of water and the times the sprinklers went on during the season. There was discussion about replanting removed trees in certain areas of the community. Everyone was asked to make a call directly to MGM if they have concerns regarding the landscaping efforts of Valley.


Five new Bear Creek signs have been put in place to entrances around the sub division. There were suggestions to have Valley water, and keep up the area around the signs. Two of the signs are in Nampa-Meridian irrigation district covered waterways which are currently not attended to. There was a suggestion to provide additional landscaping around the signs. There was also discussion regarding adding solar lights to the signs.


The new Wal-Mart is under construction and there was discussion regarding the issues surrounding the fence diving Bear Creek and city of Meridian property. The vinyl fence currently in place is the property each owner. There was a discussion about an additional wall being built by Wal-Mart, and the damage done to foundations adjacent to the site. There was discussion about to who the owners should direct their concerns, MGM or the city of Meridian.

There was discussion regarding RVs and trailer parking on the street. All concerns were recommended being directly discussed with the neighbor, and then with MGM if the problem persists. A letter will be sent to the address of the party of concern, but ultimately all street parking is a City of Meridian issue.

A resident asked about a community pool, and currently there are no plans to implement a plan due to a lack of interest and space.

There was a discussion regarding the nuisance of animals. Concerns should be directed to MGM and/or animal control.

Architectural update- All architectural improvements should be submitted to MGM for approval. The architectural committee will see that all CC&Rs are followed. Specifically, any outdoor sheds should match the color and siding of the residence.

The welcoming committee asked for volunteers to help plan the National Night out and other activities in the community. A sign-up sheet was passed around.

There was concern about the Bear Creek website being updated to the schedule of the HOA meetings. There were requests for items to be disseminated to the community regarding concerns of various aspects of Bear Creek through our quarterly newsletter.

Most requests or concerns should always be submitted first to MGM so that there is a record of request/ complaint, and it will be sent to the board for direction.

The community garden was briefly discussed, and further debate will continue once the new board is in place next month.

HOA board meetings will continue in May 2013, and all residents are invited to come and discuss issues that are important to them. The Bear Creek website will be update with the meeting schedule and location.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm