The Masterpiece Project
So you want to exempt the timed essay over your book club novel on Friday, May 22nd? Then you need to prove to me that you have mastered the material. You will do this by creating a masterpiece. This could be anything from a song, video, literary analysis essay, creative writing piece, scrapbook, or piece of artwork to another project of your choosing. Your final product should reflect an in-depth analysis and understanding of your book.
A written component will be required for all masterpiece projects (except literary analysis essay). The explanation provides you an opportunity to demonstrate the criteria below. Explain the choices you made with your project.
You will be graded on the following components...
a.) An understanding of the book's themes
b.) An understanding of the book's characters and plot
c.) An examination of the author's writing style, purpose, or literary devices
d.) Creativity – I expect to be blown away by your creation!
*This is an individual assignment.
Student collaboration is not permitted on this project.
In order to qualify for the Masterpiece assignment, all book club assignments must be turned in first. Students who have not completed the assigned readings and homework are not eligible for this alternative assessment. If you choose to complete the masterpiece project, you must sign up for the project with the teacher by block day, May 13th / 14th.
Final Masterpieces are due Friday, May 22nd