First News
August 26, 2016
BE Respectful, BE Responsible, BE Fair-Minded
Mrs. Brinkman –
Mrs. Saya–
Mrs. Bonawitz-
September 6th- NO SCHOOL…Teacher Work Day
September 9th- Grandparent’s Day Breakfast @ 7:30-8:30
September 12th- SAC @ 4:30…PTA @ 5:30 (childcare provided)
PTA Participation
PTA would LOVE for you to come and be an active member! PTA helps raise money for our school and they need YOUR help! Let’s see if 1st grade parents can fill the room at every meeting! We hope to see you there on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH @ 5:30! Thank you 1st Grade Families!
Please send your child to school with a healthy snack daily. Send this snack separate from your child’s lunch. Thank you for your help with this!!! We are in need of snacks, so if you can send a large classroom snack we would greatly appreciate it!!! This is the snack that we keep on hand for any children that forget or have one of “those” mornings,where they just don’t make it to school with a snack. Due to health concerns in 1st grade, please don’t send any nut products to school for snack. Thank you!
3 First Grades!
We are so excited to have 3 first grade classes! Each 1st grade class has 18 children! Off to a great year!
Water Bottles
Please send your child to school with a water bottle daily. We do not have a drinking fountain in our classroom, so the water bottles are wonderful. Please make sure your child’s name is on his/her water bottle and encourage them to bring it home each night to be cleaned. Please send water bottles that are easy for the kids to drink from. Bottles that have caps that screw on and off to get a drink are not ideal as they spill easily. Thanks so much for your help with this matter.
Pick up/drop off
Please let us know of any changes in your child’s pick up or drop off routine. You can contact the front office during the school day if changes have occurred at 679-9500. Please make sure that all adults that might be picking your child up are listed on the enrollment card. We want to make sure our children get to and from school safely! Thanks so much for your help with this.
Friday Folders
Friday folders are coming home today! Remember to take our all of the important papers and return the folder to school on Monday! If you haven’t returned your pink informational sheet for your child please send that back to school in the folder on Monday! Thanks!
This week…
We have been focusing on classroom routines. We made a chart with the children that helps your child remember what to do when he/she enters the classroom to be ready for a great day of learning. RESPECT is the core value we have focused on this week. We read books and sang a song about respect so children would explicitly know what it looks like and sounds like to show respect. We had Teach To’s at 9 stations around the school so that we could learn all of the expectations that are to be followed by all Ponderosa Pandas. We even had our 1st fire drill. We are off to a fantastic year!
New Classroom Schedule
In today’s Friday Folder you will find a new classroom schedule. Changes were made since we now have 3 full 1st grades! Remember to send your child to school in tennis shoes on PE days!