BCTRA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting – February 4, 2015
Date: February 4, 2015 / Time: 5:00-6:20 pm / Location: Douglas CollegeAttendees: Meghan Archibald, Kylah Blair, Jennifer Bromley, Melanie Carlyle, Brenda Kinch, Alison Koci.
Staff: Kathy Flood
Regrets: Katie Chapman, Amanda Murphy, Donna Zwickel.
Chair: Brenda Kinch
Minutes: Kathy Flood
1. Additions/Changes to the agenda:
Due to computer connection issues that limited the time available for the meeting it was agreed to address only the agenda items that could not be deferred to a future meeting. Directors were asked to provide and circulate written reports that would be appended to the minutes.
Additions to the Agenda:
Regulations Task Group – CTRA request
2. Approval of minutes of January 7, 2015 Board of Directors meeting
Deferred to next meeting.
3. TR Month
The following TR Month activities will take place:
o Lower Mainland Walk/Run - BCTRA members will be invited to participate as a group in a walk/run on February 18th at Kits Beach.
Action: Alison to promote on the website.
o BCTRA T-shirts have been purchased and will be available free to the first twenty members on a first-come basis.
Action: Allison.
o Social events will be held in the Okanagan (Kamloops, Kelowna and Vernon) as well as in Victoria, and possibly North Island. The budget was discussed and it was agreed to fund up to $100 per event ($300 per region). Alcohol costs will not be covered.
Action: Local Directors and/or Regional Ambassadors to arrange event.
Action: Submit receipts by email to Admin Assistant who will reimburse.
o Posters – the Promotions Committee have had a TR Month poster designed. The content and design were reviewed by the board and it was agreed to print enough so that two copies of the poster can be distributed to each member to celebrate TR month. Kylah noted that some existing other promotional materials will be sent with the posters on a random basis as supplies allow.
Action: Kylah
o Educational Events:
Webinar - Weight Bias in Health Care Professionals – February 11, 2015
Webinar – Douglas College Students – February 20, 2015
o TR Month Information – a broadcast message to be circulated along with a posting on website to inform members of the TR month activities.
Action: Brenda
4. Promotions Committee/Posters
Kylah reported that the Promotions Committee have also developed four general TR posters in addition to the above-noted TR month poster.
The four posters were briefly reviewed with the following points raised:
· the photos were great, very active and colourful
· the posters looked very professional
· concerned about amount of text - was there too much?
· are the posters an accurate representation of TR?
· are appropriate permissions in place for the photographs?
· the NCTRC TR definition is very clear, could this be used instead? (would need permission)
· how do the posters fit with BCTRA mission, etc.?
· were the posters relevant to the general public?
It was agreed to defer printing these four posters and to add this topic at the Board Workplan meeting in April.
Action: add poster discussion to the April Board Workplan meeting agenda.
Action: Kylah to ensure that the appropriate permissions are in place for all photographs.
5. 2015 Board Workplan meeting – April 11 and 12, 2015
Brenda asked that all Directors attend the meeting in person. The meeting will start late afternoon on Saturday and go all day Sunday. The Treasurer will arrange for hotel rooms and meeting rooms at a hotel in Vancouver. Brenda will advise the details of the meeting agenda, etc. in the coming weeks.
6. Regional Ambassadors
It was agreed that a “Regional Ambassador” in the Lower Mainland would be useful.
Action: Meghan to follow up.
7. Next meeting:
Regular Board Meeting: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 5:30 pm.
Location: Douglas College
Meeting Adjourned: 6:20 pm
Documents circulated in advance of the meeting:
1. Minutes of January 7, 2015 Board Meeting
2. Action Items re January 7, 2015 meeting
3. Agenda and Revised Agenda – February 4, 2015
4. Request re BCTRA support of Uganda project from Janice Spencer
APPENDIX - Director Reports circulated after the meeting:
Director of Membership - Melanie Carlyle reported that:
o Continuing to work with Administrative Assistant on the process of processing memberships.
o Need to prepare broadcast for the annual Membership Drive
President – Brenda Kinch reported:
o Attended CTRA hosted Provincial Presidents web meeting with CTRA board members
o Connected with each Board member to review their portfolio
o Met regularly with Kathy re: day to day BCTRA business
Secretary – Meghan Archibald reported that:
o Regional Ambassador Program:
· Waiting for bios from a couple of people to add to the website
· Ambassadors will have BCTRA email addresses.
o Regional ambassadors felt that the draft job description was good; positions are to be main contact for other TRs in the region, to connect TRs together, and to maintain a database of contact information.
o Insurance:
· New 3 year term with new provider that is at a lower premium ($1200 for three year coverage, same coverage)
o Continue to work on package for Employers and prospective members ("why join BCTRA"):
· NCTRC has great list of "why hire a CTRS" with good ideas (opportunities for education and professional development, have skill set and education that qualifies them for membership, networking with other members, stay attuned with trends in the field...)
· Will continue to search and compile list, including CTRA resources available
Director of Education – Alison Koci reported:
o Connected with the Executive Director of CTRA to discuss the process of online evaluations and wanting to change the CEU verification process to be straight-forward and independent of the Board.
o The Education Committee is in the process of ensuring that each member of the committee is able to host a webinar. Three members already know how and past Education Director, Sheila Kennedy, has volunteered to train the other committee members.
o Webinar reviews: The last webinar was Tuesday November 25th at noon. This webinar was hosted by Kellie Duckworth and Sheila Kennedy. The webinar was presented by Dr. Colleen Reid and Maya Alonso and they presented on the community research project.
o Next webinars:
· Tuesday February 3rd- Cancelled- Norma Stumbo-half day, videoconferencing for TR month has been cancelled due to health issues Norma is having.
· February 11th from 12-1 – Weight Bias in Health Care professionals
· February 20th from 12-1- was postponed due to student internships and will be held later on in the spring- no date set yet. Louise Joycey will be presenting on the Impact of Adult Day Programs on Caregivers, Maggie Bosse will be presenting on the Social Needs of People with Dementia and Tara Speirs will be presenting on Connecting Lives through Art: Exploring Interactions among Art Program Participants. Kellie Duckworth is hosting.
· Friday March 13th Bev Suntjens’ workshop –her presentation of Beyond the Feedback Sandwich: Using Advocacy-Inquiry Techniques for Excellence as a TR Clinical Preceptor and Team Leader will be held at Douglas College-David Lam Campus.
· Also working on future education sessions.
o TR Month - TR fun run on February 18th - 20 T-shirts with the BCTRA logo have been purchased. So far 14 people have signed up for the fun!
o Education Grants – January application- one student applicant was awarded the Student Grant. No applications were awarded for the Professional Grant. A bulletin will go out for the May application deadline.
o Next meeting of Education Committee: Feb 26/2015 noon-1pm
Director of Regulations – Jennifer Bromley reported that:
o Jennifer has accepted the position of BC representative on CTRA's Regulation Committee. The first meeting is this month.
o Glossary of Terms – waiting for edits on the final copy of the "Key Terms" document from Regulations Task Group member; will then send to Katie to post of BCTRA website
Action: Jennifer/Katie.
o Regulations Task Group working on a Q&A document about commonly asked questions regarding TR and regulations. Will submit to Board for approval in the upcoming months.
o Coordinating with Meghan and South Island Regional Ambassador for TR month event (walk and refreshments) at end of February
Director at Large/Promotions Committee – Kylah Blair reported that:
o The majority of her work this month was focused on the Promotions Committee and the development of TR Month promotional material and other promotional material; also working in collaboration with BCTRA Secretary to develop the regional ambassador program.
o Promotions Committee - have developed final drafts of the TR Month promotional poster and they will be printed and distributed by mid-month. This will be later than expected and hopefully will reach members by the end of the month.
o Regional Ambassador Program – there are now ambassadors in all areas except the lower mainland and have had our first meeting (I was not able to attend). BCTRA email addresses have been established to allow easy communication with our members. We are hoping to use our ambassadors to disseminate information, assist with local events and to promote BCTRA.
Student Liaison – Amanda Murphy attempted to attend the meeting electronically but unable to due to the technical difficulties. Brenda will keep in touch with Amanda to update her on the Board’s activities.
Director of Communication – Katie Chapman
No report
Treasurer – Donna Zwickel
No report
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