BBHMS PSO Mtg Minutes 5/10/17
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Co Presidents Jen Dzinaand Julie Guardado at 9:37 with13 members present.
Executive Board Reports:
Council Delegate Report: Kelly Petrospresented the report as follows:
The school levy has passed, thanks to the community for their support. The proposed dress code changes for next school year will be revisited on May 24th by the Student Advisory Board due to concerns expressed at last month’s PSO council meeting by many parents. There were also concerns expressed about the lack of dress down Fridays and it was discussed that clubs will not be hurt by this as they will implement other ways for the clubs to raise money throughout the year.
BBHSD in partnership with TECH CORPS and Case Western Reserve is sponsoring a Tech Camp for students entering 3-8th grade. More information can be found on the district web site.
The HS Disney trip will be April 5-10, 2018.
PSO Council Officers for 2017-2018 were installed as follows:
President: Phillip Shipman
1st VP’s: Kerry Ely/Denise Gawlik
2nd VP: Jill Gerber
Honorary VP: Joelle Maygar
Corresponding Secretary: Gloria Joseph
Recording Secretary: Kelly Petros
Treasurer: Kim Policarpo
Friends of the PSO’s were also announced. Congratulations to all!
Principal’s Report:Mr Rings gave the following report:
5th grade orientation is May 16th.
8th graders will visit the HS and eat lunch on May 15-17.
May 17 there will be an adjusted schedule as Javier Sanchez, a motivational speaker, will speak to students on making good choices and writing your own story. The assembly will be 6th and 7th graders together and then 8th graders (2 assemblies).
May 19th 5th graders will visit and have lunch with Huddle students.
May 18th is the PSO volunteer luncheon at 9:30 in the media center. All PSO members are invited and encouraged to attend.
May 25th is Academic Awards along with the Art Show beginning at 7:00 in the cafeteria.
May 26th Dunk Tank Day! Builder’s Club had been working hard on this and there will be carousal games and lots of activities for the students!
May 30th Athletic Awards (Winter/Spring) 7:00 in the MS auditorium.
June 1st Last day of school. Kick It Day! There will be three food trucks as well as hot dogs and pizza. 10% of all sales will be donated to Kick It. The food trucks will be open for student’s to purchase lunch from 10-12 and then they will be open to the community at 12:00. There is also early dismissal for all schools, MS dismissal is 12:50. Students are encouraged to take the busses home.
President’s report: Julie Gaurdado and Jen Dzina presented Myles Rapkin with the Friend of the PSO award!! Thank you Myles for all that you do for the MS and school district!!
Gifts and Goals: $12,300
Sound board for the auditorium: $3000
Spot lights for auditorium (4): $6000
One Book One School: $2300
Wireless mic for Gym: $500
New gym equipment: $500
The motion to grant gifts and goals purchases was made by Gloria Joseph and seconded by Julie Zukauckas. Thank you!
Installation of PSO MS Officers for the 2017-2018 school year:
Co-Presidents: Jen Dzina and Julie Guardado
1st VP: Khara Mack
2nd VP fundraising: Jocelyn Butler
Honorary VP: Todd Rings
Recording Secretary: Ellen Kramer
Communications Secreyary: Julie Zukauckas
Treasurer: Dawn Papadatos
Council Delegate: Kelly Petros and Gloria Joseph
The motion to install the PSO MS Board was made by Rhonda Strmac and seconded by Kelly Petros. Congratulations to our 2017-2018 officers.
Upcoming dates:
August 21st 1st day of school
Meeting adjourned 10:30
Kristin Bevan
Recording Secretary