Bayshore Association

April 2017 Newsletter

From the President…

Hi, Neighbors! Let’s get this summer started! The Bayshore Board of Directors has been discussing replacement of the deteriorating crosstie steps on the lake side of the pavilion for some time. Now the task is complete, and at a fraction of the expected cost, thanks to Clemson Boy Scout Troop 235.

We talked about this for about a year, and even solicited bids. Who knew a solution was right across the street! Nathan Kidd volunteered to plan and execute the task as his Eagle Scout Project. A scout must organize others to bring a community project to completion thus demonstrating leadership, to be a culmination of leadership skills he has learned over his years leading other scouts. Nathan and his fellow scouts not only removed the old crossties and replaced them with new treated timbers, they also repainted the picnic tables and installed a fire ring near the pavilion.

We congratulate Nathan, his fellow scouts and scout leaders for a project well done. It is an improvement that will be greatly appreciated by our members for many years to come.

Gordon Powers, President

April Picnic

Mark your calendar for our annual April picnic/business meeting to be held on April 29 at the Lake Park Pavilion. The association will provide the main dish. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. The festivities will begin with a social starting at 5:00pm. A short meeting will be held at 5:45, and dinner will be served around 6:00. We will elect three new board members at the meeting. There will be no charge for this, our annual business meeting, picnic.

New Members

Welcome new (since the August meeting) Bayshore residents and association members Jeff and Lucinda Donald (2804 N. Bayshore Drive), Tina Lemay (6007 N. Mount Vernon),and Kyle Jones (4010 Woodbury Road). We’re happy to have each of you in the neighborhood!

Causes we support

Of course, the Corinth-Shiloh Volunteer Fire Department is very important to our community. We continue to contribute to them, as well as volunteering assistance with their fundraiser events. If you have ever had the misfortune to make a 911 call for an emergency or medical issue, you know that they were the first one’s there to assist you!

Additionally, we continue to be amazed by the success of the Ripple of One organization in Seneca and our board agreed to continue our monthly support for them in 2017. Ripple of One is a Seneca-based organization whose mission is to empower families to move beyond public assistance and become self-sufficient through mentoring, accountability, and incentives. The organization offers programs to help individuals and families with their finances, health, relationships, and education.

Bayshore Spring Cleaning

On Saturday, April 8, 15 volunteers picked up limbs and leaves and spread mulch at the lake park. Thanks to everyone who gave their time and sweat to refresh one of the most beautiful and relaxing places in our area!

On Saturday, March 11, our neighborhood association completed its quarterly Adopt-a-Highway cleanup of Bayshore Drive. Twelve volunteers picked up 15 bags of garbage and various other treasures, including a driver’s license and credit cards. We are beginning the second year of our AAH program so, next month we will send an email inviting new members to join our Bayshore Drive PickupTeam. Only members who have signed up can participate. (The SCDOT requires that all participants are aware of the potentially hazardous nature of the work and sign an agreement to follow SCDOT’s safety guidelines and not hold SCDOT, AAH, and his/her sponsors responsible for and injuries or damages they may suffer as a result of participation in the program.)

Initiation & Annual Dues / $ 24,402.50
Park Reservations / $ 160.00
Picnic Receipts / $ 448.00
Replacement Keys / $ 12.00
Misc Income / $ 6.00
Interest / $ 1.99
Blue Ridge Capital Credit Refund / $ 9.22
2016 Total Income / $ 25,039.71
2015 Balance Forward / $ 18,450.76
2016 Expenses / $ 19,957.20
Total Financial Assets as of 3/31/17 / $ 23,533.27
Utilities / Office/Printing Supplies
Blue Ridge Electric / $ 464.87 / Postage/envelopes / $ 135.88
Blue Ridge Electric / $ 788.61 / PO Box Rental / $ 70.00
Seneca Light & Water / $ 175.87 / Office/Printing Total / $ 205.88
Seneca Light & Water / $ 194.18
Utility totals / $ 1,623.53
Property Taxes / Picnic Expenses
003494-16-3 / $ 12.90 / Picnic Supplies / $ 299.45
003495-16-3 / $ 40.85 / Picnic Catering/Reimbursements / $ 996.50
003496-16-3 / $ 253.70 / Picnic Expenses Total / $ 1,295.95
Tax Total / $ 307.45
Maintenance / Insurance
Lawn Service / $ 6,273.83 / Johnson & Johnson Ins / $ 2,385.00
Tennis Court repair & paint / $ 2,600.00 / Insurance Totals / $ 2,385.00
Fire Ant Bait / $ 53.28
New Keys / $ 53.23 / Donations/Gifts
Wash for tennis courts / $ 13.23 / Corinth-Shiloh Fire Dept / $ 750.00
Sand for beach area / $ 782.00 / Ripple of One / $ 1,200.00
Yellow Jacket traps / $ 78.23 / Donation Total / $ 1,950.00
Yellow Jacket trap kits / $ 18.10
Fire Station Bake Sale signs / $ 140.45 / Other Expenses
Park trash bags / $ 21.20 / Firehouse Bake Sale supplies / $ 136.94
Pavilion replacement timbers / $ 1,390.82 / Plumbing bathhouse drain cleaning / $ 273.32
Pavilion steps quarry dust / $ 26.50 / Chili cook off consumables & prize / $ 75.61
Pavilion steps steel rods / $ 85.00 / Bank Service Charges / $ 25.00
Pavilion picnic table paint / $ 59.13 / Other Expenses Total / $ 510.87
Pavilion original cross ties disposal / $ 83.52
Maintenance Total / $ 11,678.52

Bayshore Ballot

2016-17 Bayshore Board of Directors

NameOfficeTerm Ends

Theresa Cannin Treasurer 2017

Si Bischof Secretary 2017

Danny Weathers Newsletter/Neighborhood Watch 2017

Gordon Powers President 2018

Brooks Morrow Vice President 2018

Alan Godfrey Tennis Park 2018

Larry Kraemer/Jan Morgen Lake Park 2019

Bob Miller Government Liaison 2019

Jean Powers Special Projects 2019

Bayshore web site:

ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS: As indicated above, three members of the Board complete their terms at the end of April 2017. All three would like to serve another term and are listed below. Please vote for three of the below listed candidates desiring to serve a three-year term on the Bayshore Board of Directors.

Please bring this ballot to the picnic April 29th, or mail it to Bayshore Association, Inc. PO Box 913, Seneca, SC 29679 so that it is received prior to April 29, 2016. You may also vote by email to stating your choices. Your vote must be from your email address of record. Ballots will available at the meeting. One ballot per household please.

Three year term (VOTE FOR THREE)

____ Si Bischof

____ Theresa Cannin

____ Danny Weathers

____ Write-in ______