Bayou Vista Volunteer Fire Department
Thursday, February 14th,2013
The Board of Directors of the Bayou Vista Volunteer Fire Department (BVVFD) convened for their Regular Meeting on Thursday, February 14th, 2012 at 6:05pm at the BVVFD Offices - Galveston County MUD #12 Building (1st Floor) at 2929 Highway 6, Bayou Vista, TX. A quorum of the Board of Directors was present and included the following:
PresidentGreg HarringtonPresent
Vice PresidentRon MlcakPresent
TreasurerColleen SweeneyPresent
SecretaryCarolyn RosePresent
MemberPaula EshelmanPresent
Others in attendance: Tanya Russo, Stephanie Burt
Greg Harrington, President, called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.
Announcement was made by Greg Harrington of the presence of a quorum, that the meeting had been duly called, and that the notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner prescribed by law.
Roll call was taken and a quorum verified.
The Pledge of Allegiance was not conducted.
There were no comments from the floor.
- Status update on approved refinance and final related terms of existing loan for fire truck
Colleen Sweeney, Treasurer, provided a status update on the refinance of existing loan with Texas First Bank for the fire truck. BVVFD’s attorney Ellis Ortega had reviewed all the documentation and approved to proceed. The monthly payments will drop from $3,581 to $1,800 a month, effective with the March 2013 payment.
- 2013 Schedule of BVVFD Board Meetings
Carolyn Rose, Secretary, reported that the Galveston County MUD #12 office had notified that there was a conflict with several 2013 scheduled dates for the BVVFD board meetings. Paula Eshelman, Member, will review use availability at the City’s Community Center; and Ms. Rose will schedule for the next board meeting for possible date and/or location change.
Letter - MUD Building ADA Status – Item deferred until March
- Update onon-going BVVFD related PR activities
Paula Eshelman provided an update on a number of public relation and information items and activities she has and continues to be working on, including:
-The well received BVVFD Fire Fighter presentation at a recent Salt Water Garden Club, and future plans for additional community presentations
-The approval notice from Lee Grundman, operator of the Galveston County WCID #18 – Freddiesville, that they will begin collecting $2.00 monthly from Freddiesville’s approximately 180 residents. This will be placed on their water bill, and will be paid to BVVFD quarterly.
-An informational board will be placed outside City Hall and the MUD offices, providing information on BVVFD and the optional BVVFD monthly fee shown on the MUD’s water bills. Carolyn Rose shared a preliminary lay out.
-The Salt Water Garden Club will begin including information about BVVFD in their “welcome baskets” distributed to new Bayou Vista residents. In addition to general information, BVVFD will purchase some small flashlights with BVVFD’s logo for additional inclusion with the baskets.
-Vista Views continues to provide news stories and information on BVVFD, and in the March upcoming edition, a letter outlining the financial needs of BVVFD will be included.
- Update on awarded or pending grants to BVVFD
Carolyn Rose reported that she had completed and requested funding once again from the Exxon Foundation. These funds are made possible due to Colleen Sweeney’s volunteer support and work for BVVFD.
- Consider and possible action to approve participation in a Poker Tournament fund raiser event
Tanya Russo presented a proposal to hold a “Hold’em for Heroes” poker tournament March 9th. All proceeds generated from the event, will be split between the City of Bayou Vista Police Department and BVVFD. Other than the request for volunteer assistance in planning the event and working the evening of the tournament, there would be no financial costs to BVVFD. Following additional discussion of the proposed event and BVVFD’s participation; a motion was made by Carolyn Rose, and seconded by Ron Mlcak, Vice Chairperson, to approve BVVFD’s active participation in the proposed “Hold’em for Heroes” poker tournament fund raiser event scheduled for March 9th. The motion carried as presented with all voting in favor.
- Consider and possible action to approve BVVFD’s Fire Chief 2013 year-to-date activity report
This item was deferred to the next regular BVVFD board meeting. No action taken.
- Consider and possible action to approve the Financial Report for General Operating Financial Report through the Month of January2013.
Colleen Sweeney reported that voluntary contributions received through MUD #12 in the month of January were up slightly. Another $6,000 from the New Year’s Eve event was posted; which allowed for revenues to exceed expenses for the month. Ms. Sweeney noted that the training expense shown for the month is an annual expense, and reminded that starting in March the truck loan payment would drop to $1,800 a month. Discussion was held again over the remaining unpaid State funds for reimbursement for BVVFD’s response expenses incurred responding last year to Texas wildfires. Greg Harrington is continuing to work with are legislative representatives, including the office of Greg Bonnen, to obtain some assistance in getting the pending amount due paid. Following additional discussion of the agenda item and review of supporting documentation; a motion was made by Paula Eshelman and seconded by Ron Mlcak to accept the January financial report as presented. The motion carried as presented with all voting in favor.
- Consider and possible action to approve the BVVFD Meeting Minutes of Annual BVVFD Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of January 19th, 2013
Following a review of the annual meeting minutes of the January 19th meeting; a motion was made by Colleen Sweeney and seconded by Paula Eshelman to approve the January 19th annual meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried as presented with all voting in favor.
- Consider and possible action to approve the BVVFD Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of Regular Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of January 10th, 2013
Following a review of the regular meeting minutes of the January 10th meeting; a motion was made by Paula Eshelman and seconded by Colleen Sweeny to approve the January 10th meeting minutes as presented. The motion carried as presented with all voting in favor. Ron Mlcak abstained.
- General Members – A general member is an individual who contributes $15 on a consistent, monthly basis to the BVVFD.
There were no General Member comments.
- Board Members
There were no Board Member comments.
- President
Greg Harrington introduced Stephanie Burt, a Bayou Vista resident, who has expressed interest in serving on the Board of Directors, assuming the position of Carolyn Rose who will be leaving.
Upon motion by Greg Harrington, President, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Rose, BVVFD Secretary