

Email Address:


Passport Number: ______Date of Departure from Bali: ______

Date of Birth:

Current Occupation & Employer:

Next of Kin or Other Emergency Contact:

Date of Rabies Vaccination: ______Copy of Certificate attached YES / NO

Are you vaccinated against Tetanus YES/NO Date of vaccination: ______


Have you ever volunteered anywhere before?

If YES where was this and for how long?

Any other skills or talents that you can bring to BAWA?

Date you will start Volunteering:

Date you will finish Volunteering:

Volunteer Agreement

As a volunteer with BAWA I agree to the following:-

  • That I wish to offer my services to the Bali Animal Welfare Association and understand there is no payment, reimbursement, supply of meals, clothing, materials, and supply of transportation or compensation for any expenses incurred.
  • I understand that any information provided to me by BAWA staff regarding transport, accommodation, expenses, living in Bali etc. is given in good faith and is to the best knowledge of the staff at the time.
  • I understand that confidentiality must be maintained regarding records of BAWA, I also understand that if I breach confidentiality I will be terminated from the volunteer program and may have legal action taken against me.
  • I understand that BAWA does not take any responsibility for any loss or injury incurred by me whilst I am volunteering at BAWA. This includes the cost of any post exposure rabies vaccination treatments that may be required.
  • I agree to work within the established guidelines, procedures and protocols of BAWA at all times and that I will abide by the mission of BAWA at all times.
  • I accept that BAWA is a no kill shelter and that my own beliefs may not always align with those of BAWA.
  • I will handle all of the BAWA animals in a gentle, respectful and compassionate manner.
  • I will respect the BAWA staff, recognize that they have protocols to follow and will comply with their instructions fully without obstructing their work or causing harm to the animals.
  • I will use my common sense and compassion with the animals.
  • I will respect the fact that I am a visitor to Bali and that whilst I may not agree with animal welfare practices I will not bring BAWA’s name or work into disrepute by engaging in arguments with local people regarding their treatment of animals.
  • I will work with everyone in a culturally sensitive manner.
  • I will not take illegal drugs or consume alcohol (or be under the influence of these substances) while on BAWA premises or representing BAWA.
  • I will not remove any property of BAWA from the premises of BAWA without signed permission from the Founder of BAWA.


The staff and the animals greatly appreciate the time and talents you are donating to us. Thank you for choosing to volunteer at BAWA