Battlefield School Parent Council

Tuesday 4th November 2014, 7pm


Katherine Bell (Secretary)

Charlotte Pearson (Treasurer)

Sally Gallery

Steve Owens

Claire Curry (Headteacher)

1. Apologies

Allene Bruce (Chair)

Mairi Downs (Treasurer)

Grace Greene

Kathie Turner

Louise Ballantyne

2. Consultation on proposed amendments to catchment area – Ian Fraser, Glasgow City Council

We are the only school affected by the potential changes which would, according to forecasts, lose pupils as a result.

By 2023 if there were no changes the predicted school role would be 355 (73% occupancy). With the changes the figure would be 260 (57% occupancy). There is therefore a good argument to make the whole of the affected area go to Battlefield and not be split. Ian will record this as the feelings of the Parent Council.

3. Minutes of Last Meeting

Agreed as accurate.

4. Matters arising

Completed actions : Tutors from Battlefield Community Project have done workshops with children, Access to Education Fund Application made, Fancy Dress Disco very successful – everyone enjoyed and raised c.£200, Discussions with children about playground will continue, Letter ref: head lice has been sent, Steve progressing getting Astronomy Club started, Facebook page published, Uniform shop launched and Claire has been in contact with Scottish Cycling about them doing coaching sessions at school.

5. School report

Laura Imrie is coming back from maternity leave in January 2015. She will be part time (2.5 days per week). The remaining 2.5 days will now go to workforce planning for consideration so that the 0.5 Depute Head Teacher position can be advertised as a permanent post. Ideally someone from the Parent Council should be on the interview panel so we need to check who has attended the training for this.

HMI were in school to see how the project on e-twinning had gone. No official report has come back but they were pleased with what had been done.

6. Finances

Balance = £4961.38 (with £257.55 to be paid out).

We agreed that £200 would be given to the school to help with improvements for the upper school library. Also £300 will be given to the new Astronomy Club which Steve Owens has kindly agreed to run.

There is still an issue with cheque signatories to be sorted out.

7. Fundraising

Katherine has submitted an application to the Access to Education Fund for £5,000 for ipads. The result of this will be known by the end of November.

The school has been successful in securing Awards for All funding for playground improvements including a seated stage area for outdoor learning. This will cost approx. £10,000 and £7,628 has been awarded so the Parent Council will make up the difference of c.£2,300.

8. Events

29th November – Christmas Fayre. The events committee will meet in Beanscene on 6th November at 7pm to progress actions for this.

9. AOB


10. Date of Next Meetings

Tuesday 9th December @ 7pm.