Bathroom Plan of Action

The Bathroom or Restroom as some may call it is another room that is used very often. Most of time it is a room that may look clean, but really isn’t. Just think, once we get this spring cleaning of the bathroom completed, it will be easier to stay on top of it. So push up your sleeves, turn on some music and let’s dig in!

Needed Supplies for Bathroom

-Swiffer Duster handle or the extended handle will be better or long pole duster if you have tall ceilings.

-Vacuum cleaner with attachments

-Baking Soda

-Sal Suds Soaps

-3 middle boxes or some sort of containers

-Plenty of cleaning cloths

-Floor swiffer

-Step stool


-Hydrogen Peroxide

-Rubbing Alcohol

-Mirror and glass cleaner *Recipe Below

-If you are an oiler, then dab on some Motivation and En-R-Gee (Young Living Oils)

-If you are a Young Living Oiler, then you are probably aware of Thieves cleaner. Just use this as your main cleaner for the bathroom.

RECIPE FOR BLINDS: Fill tub with hot water and add 1 cup of baking soda and some vinegar. Add blinds and when covered with water, then add a squirt of dish liquid. Can use Dawn but Castile is better into the stream of water. Soak for 5 min or so and rinse, then drain and lay on towel to dry.

WINDOW/MIRROR/GLASS RECIPE: ½ cup of rubbing alcohol, ½ cup of vinegar, 2 drops of Mrs. Meyers dish detergent or castile soap. Mix in a spray bottle.

SCRUB CREAM RECIPE:1 cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of Sal suds or castile soap, 1 TBP of Hydrogen Peroxide. Combine ingredients in a bowl and stir until a glue like texture. Then pour into an air tight jar. Leave about 3-4 inches from top for expanding room. It will expand within the next 24 hours.

To use: apply small amount onto sponge and apply to surface. Wipe clean.

GROUT AND TILE CLEANER:Mix baking soda and water to a paste. Use sponge and brush to clean tile and grout. Make sure to wipe up with clean wet cloth. White residue from baking soda will show after it dries if not cleaned up well.

If you have been keeping up with the other plan of actions, then you know we are to start off with prayer. I know, might sound silly to some but God does want to help you clean!

Just take a few minutes to Thank God for the room you are about to clean. There are many without indoor plumbing. Ask God to help you, give you motivation and guidance in certain decision making times. If you are one to get overloaded easily, ask God to help you stay focused and not have any stress or anxiety concerning cleaning and organizing. Finally ask for strength and be able to have no interruptions. Amen!

Ready? Turn your phone onto do not disturb…better yet, just turn it off. You are here to do a job and you are going to stay focused!

I like to start cleaning and organize as we come to it. Switches things up and I don’t feel overwhelmed by one job at a time.

-Take all rugs, curtains, shower liner and towels to be washed. *Tip to freshen up towels to follow.

*This might be a good time to throw out the rugs and buy new ones for a new look to reward yourself!

-Make all recipes if haven’t yet.

-Start by looking around with 3 bins. One for trash, blessing bin and bin for things that belong in other rooms. Go through and see if there is anything noticeable that you can bless others with or gather items that do not belong in the bathroom.

- You are going around ceiling and de-cob with the extended swiffer or long pole duster. If you have textured ceiling, I do not recommend using swiffer to get cob webs. It will catch on the texture of ceiling and leave something else for you to clean. Go around whole ceiling and corners of walls. And do not forget top of door casing.

- Take off light globes and put in dishwasher to wash. Do not forget to clean out the ceiling vent.

-Blinds are next. If you keep them clean on a regular schedule, then you go girl! If not, well then….it is going to be harder on you. So depending on how dusty/dirty, you can take the swiffer duster in one hand, close the blinds and take duster sliding over blind downward. Then turn blinds to other way and do the same. If really dusty, you might have to do this several times. Another way is to take them down, put in tub to wash. Use recipe from above.

-Now you will vacuum curtains if you had not already taken down to wash.

-If your faucets have water build up, this is the time to spray with vinegar. The shower head can be cleaned by filling a zip lock baggie with vinegar and placing shower head into it. Use a rubber band to hold baggie on. Depending on how bad, this usually will need to soak for a few hours.

-Cleaning of drawers, cabinets and any closets in bathroom. This is probably something to take some time if you have a lot of junk drawers. Take out everything out and pitch what needs to be gone, (expired meds and old nail polish for examples.) vacuum or wipe out drawers and organize. Tips to follow on Face book posts.

-Washing of walls (from ceiling to floor) Well many years ago this was a must but in today times…not so much. We tend to change paint colors before walls get dirty enough to wash. So I am sure there are some scuff marks, finger prints and such on walls here and there. Take the baking soda and wet micro fabric cloth, make a paste and wipe marks off walls. You can use Mr. Clean magic erasers, however from past experience, they take off paint! Baking Soda is less expensive as well.

-Cleaning of doors. Dust off door ledges or wipe down doors with baking soda as with walls for marks and such. Don’t forget to wipe down door knobs. Can use window recipe. Vinegar is a disinfectant.

-Dusting of any pictures hung on walls and cleaning of mirrors. Use the window recipe.

-Windows- if you are planning to clean them yourself…do not do it on a sunny day. If you are having them professionally done, you go girl! Use the window/glass recipe. If you use Norwex products, the Enviro for wet and polish cloth to dry. Do not forget frame of window and yes, the sash! Vacuum out first then wipe out. Can use q-tips to get into corners.

-Use the scrub cleaner to clean counter tops, sinks, shower and the tub. If you have a jet tub, you can spray hydrogen peroxide to clean the jets. Using bleach can damage the inside plastic piping.

-If you have shower doors that have water build up, spray vinegar and let sit for a bit.

-If you have tile, baking soda is great to use to clean the grout. (video and pics to come later) Use a tooth brush (electric) to make easier. Make the baking soda into a paste with water or the hydrogen peroxide.

-Clean the toilet last. Use the recipe from above. After cleaning of the toilet, spray your brush with hydrogen peroxide and lay brush on side then lay the seat down to hold brush in place while drying.

-Now moving to baseboards. If you keep this up on a regular schedule, awesome! If not, then use the vacuum cleaner hose to suck up dust. You might need to use the baking soda here as well to get dirt and marks off. If you do keep it up on a schedule then just swiffer and you are almost done!

-Wipe down the outside of the cabinets if have not while cleaning the inside out.

-Clean trash cans with baking soda, hydro peroxide and rinse thoroughly.

-Now on to the floors! If you have hardwood then dust mop the floor. I use a swiffer and save money by not buying the swiffer sheets... Just use a micro fiber cloth. If it gets to dusty, then take your vacuum hose and clean off the cloth. I do not recommend vacuuming the hardwood if 1) have real hardwood. Could scratch floors. 2)if you do not have real hardwood then I would not vacuum unless you have a good vacuum such as a dyson or like mine….the shark stick. Others just do not do as good of a job even on bare floor position. I have tested this. Had husband vacuum our laminated hardwood floors with our old Hoover vacuum then I went behind with the dust mop. Yes! There was dirt on my cloth.

Now you are ready to wet mop the hard wood. Can use Bona floor cleaner but vinegar and water (in a spray bottle) does just as good and saves money. Now when dust mopping and wet mopping hardwood, always remember to go the way of the grain...or the planks.

If you have tile, sweep and then mop. I recommend cleaning floor by hand to clean tile and grout very thoroughly (Find recipe above)

-After everything is cleaned and dried, then place back curtains, rugs and etc.

Worn out? I bet you are!

Now end with prayer again! Thank God you made it with his help and now ask for help daily to keep it up!

Hope this helps! Feel free to email me at or call 270-935-8357 with any questions or suggestions!