
·  Bathing suit/beach towel

·  Business professional clothing for 4 days

·  Dress shoes

·  Casual clothing for 6 days

·  Casual shoes

·  Sleep wear

·  Athletic wear /clothes for the Rec Center

·  Tennis shoes

·  Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, brush/comb, glasses/contact lens supplies, medications, hair dryer etc.

·  Sunscreen/sunglasses/hat

·  Sweatshirt/sweater – air conditioned meeting rooms

·  Umbrella/Rain coat

·  Light jacket

Room Supplies:

·  Towel and wash cloth

·  Bathroom hand towel

·  Hangers

·  Twin sheet (x-long twin size)

·  Blankets or sleeping bag

·  Pillow

·  Hand soap

Session Supplies

·  Laptop and charger

·  Notebook/writing paper

·  Pens/highlighters/pencils

Other Recommended Items:

·  Spending money for vending machines and Starbucks on campus (All meals will be provided.)

·  Reusable water bottle

·  Back Pack

·  Bug Spray

·  Snacks (non-perishable items)