Bath & NES Student Community Partnership Minutes
Tuesday, 24th June, 2014, Chancellor's Building - Room 4.9 University of BathAttendance
ChairCllr Paul Crossley / Leader Bath & North East Somerset Council
Present at the meeting / Representing
Rob Armstrong-Haworth / Bath Spa University
Jennifer Dean / Student Community Partnership
Robert Gould / Bath Spa University Students’ Union
Cath Humphries / Bath & North East Somerset Council
Tommy Parker / University of Bath Students’ Union
Cllr Dine Romero / Bath & North East Somerset Council
Andy Thomas / Bath & North East Somerset Council
Mandy Wilson-Garner / University of Bath Students' Union
Apologies from
Prof. Bernie Morley / University of Bath
Paul Pennycook / Bath & North East Somerset Council
1. / Welcome, introductions and apologiesCllr Paul Crossley opened the meeting by welcoming everybody in attendance. Paul explained that he will be taking on the post of Chair for the SCP, with Cllr Dine Romero as the Deputy Chair.
Apologies were noted as being received from; Prof Bernie Morley and Paul Pennycook.
2. / Notes of the previous meetingThe notes of the previous meeting were agreed as accurate.
Actions from the previous minutes
Action 1 – Cath Humphries on the agenda of today’s meeting to discuss river safety.
Action 2 –Jenny Dean has met with the Fire Service and an update is on the agenda.
Action 3 –Purple Flag have not yet provided a cost benefit analysis of Purple Flag Universities.
3. / Report from ChairPaul Crossley explained that now he is chairing the SCP he would like to have the opportunity to meet more regularly with the Students’ Union Officers outside of the formal SCP meetings. We need to ensure that all opportunities for collaborative work are explored. And where it is already taking place, ensure that this is communicated between the partners and the wider public.
Paul has a particular interest in alcohol awareness.
Action 001: Jenny Dean to assist in setting up some meetings with Paul and the Students’ Unions.
4. / Report from Students' Union OfficersIntroductions and welcome was given to the new Student Union Officers Robert Gould and Tommy Parker who have started in their posts this week.
Robert is the new Vice President for Welfare at Bath Spa University Students’ Union. He explained that he currently has three main areas he would like to work on.
1. Equality Awareness Weeks. Following on from Emma Weskin’s successful Stamp Out Stigma campaign Robert would like to introduce several campaign weeks throughout the academic year. These may have a different theme for each week, and may coincide with national campaigns such as LGBT month. However this will depend on the academic year. Rob Armstrong-Haworth reported that there is a member of staff at BSU who would like to work with the Council on some activities in Black History Month.
2. Safe Socialising Campaigns. Robert would like to introduce self-defence classes. He would also like to hold an event around how to have a sober night out, using his own experiences. Cath reported that she is currently reviewing the Licensing Policy, with a focus on alcohol harm. Cathy McMahon is writing the policy and is looking at innovative ways of working with regard to alcohol harm reduction. Robert is also investigating running an anti-smoking campaign during Stoptober. Paul Crossley informed the meeting that the Health and Wellbeing Board are currently looking at the feasibility of making the Abbey and Church yard smoke free. Glasgow University have also recently made their campus smoke free.
Action 002: Cath to give Cathy McMahon contact details.
3. Publicising what the SCP does more to the student population. Robert reported that as well as showing long term residents of Bath that students have a positive impact on the city, we need to show students residents that not all long term residents feel negatively towards students. We need to show what we do for students living in the city. Jenny mentioned the Million Pound a Day campaign run by Oxford Brookes which showed the daily contribution the University made to the local economy. Discussions followed regarding whether it would be appropriate for there to be resident representatives attend the SCP meetings. And if so who would be appropriate. A member of FoBRA and the Tenants Representatives from CURO could be invited. All felt that further investigation was needed, and for this to be discussed as an agenda item at the next meeting.
Action 003: Jenny Dean to get more information about the Million Pound A Day campaign
Action 004: Jenny Dean, Paul Pennycook and Andy Thomas to put together a proposal regarding resident attendance at the SCP to be discussed at the next meeting.
Tommy Parker is the Community Officer from the University of Bath Students’ Union. He updated the group on some of the work he planned to focus on.
1. Sexual Harassment Campaign. Tommy plans to introduce a campaign which would involve clubs and bars signing up to a scheme where they commit to training their staff and having a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment on their premises. They would be able to advertise this through the use of a sticker/poster. Tommy would plan to trial this at a club which is popular with students, such as Second Bridge, with the aim of showing the success of the scheme to others. Cath reported that being part of a scheme such as this would help the premises meet their licensing objectives. It would be useful to discuss the scheme at the regular Nightwatch meetings.
2. Guarantor Issues. Tommy reported that some students are experiencing significant issues when a guarantor is required when signing a housing contract. The guarantor needs to be UK based and have a certain salary. This is something which is causing problems for both international students and students from lower socio-economic back grounds. They are often asked to pay the years rent in advance. Some universities act as guarantors for students in this position, but that would have some element of financial risk. Tommy reported some students don’t know who to go to if they experience this, and international students typically don’t complain.
Action 005: Tommy and Robert to both pull together some case studies of student experiences of this.
Action 006: Tommy to investigate where previous discussions about this at UoB have got to.
Action 007: Rob A-H to discuss with the Housing team at BSU.
5. / River SafetyCath Humphries provided an update on the work undertaken by the Strategic River Group and the River Safety Group.
· Signage is being put up along the river particularly the stretch from Green Park to Windsor Bridge. A new ‘Five Deaths in Five Years’ sign has been developed, in the same style as signage on roads which have a high number of casualties. These will be at 10 locations which are official and non-official entry points to the river path.
· New stickers will be going on the stands that hold the lifesaving equipment. This will show people the number to call if they notice the equipment is missing. The equipment at North Parade goes missing weekly. The Council don’t own all the equipment, as some is on private land, so Cath will be writing to all the owners to inform them of what they are doing so they can follow the Council example.
· A meeting was held with the Fire Service, which Cath and Jenny attended. From September we will be working with focus groups of students from both Universities and hopefully City of Bath College to review and refresh river safety campaign material. This is with a view of launching the new campaign in Feb 2015. Existing material will be used from September- Feb to ensure safety messages are still given at the start of term. This will include advice on what to do if you or someone you are with does fall in the river.
· Vandal proof cabinets holding grab ropes are also being investigated. The cabinets would be locked with a combination lock. If someone were to call the Fire Service because someone had fallen in the river they would be given the combination to get into the cabinet and get the grab rope out. They cost £1000 each, and need to be assessed for how vandal proof they are.
6. / Community Liaison Co-ordinators ReportJenny Dean gave an update on the objectives achieved from the SCP Action Plan 2013-15. Jenny will be arranging to meet with the new Students’ Union Officers for their input into the action plan for the next academic year. One of the key achievements is a reduction in repeat complaints, and the successful relationship built up with the Environmental Protection Team. Also the implementation of regular multi agency meetings to discuss green issues, which came out of a funding application last summer. Paul expressed an interest in attending the next Green Fund meeting in July
Action 008: Jenny to circulate a complete Action Plan update in August when all complaints data is available.
Action 009: Jenny to send Paul the details of the next Green Fund Meeting
7. / FinancesJenny tabled a copy of the SCP finances up to June 2014. Some discussions will need to take place to discuss maternity leave cover for Jenny from November 2014.
Action 010: Jenny to circulate year end finances when available.
Action 011: Jenny to arrange a meeting with Mandy Wilson-Garner and Andy Thomas to discuss options regarding maternity leave cover.
8. / Future agenda items and AOBJenny reported that Manchester is hosting a two day conference in November regarding Universities and community relations.
Action 012: Jenny to circulate details when available
Cath explained she had received a report from the Police regarding crime levels in Bath. This reported that students were the victims in 15% of crimes and made up 2% of the population. The group queried the data as students make up 26% of population in Bath. Cath will go back to the Police.
Dates for 2014/15 Academic Year:
Tuesday 21st October 2014 3-5pm at Bath Spa University
Tuesday 13th Jan 2015 3-5pm
Tuesday 14th April 2015 3-5pm