Thank you for your interest in becoming a Board member of the Bristol Music Trust. Background information and supporting documents can be found at If you would like hard copies of the supporting documents please email or call 0117 204 7108.

Please read the Job Description for the role before completing this form and then return, along with a recent copy of your CV, to send hard copies FAO Alison Williams, Human Resources, Colston Hall, Colston Street, Bristol BS1 5AR, by 9.00am on Monday 30th April 2018.


  1. Personal details

Current employment
Relevant previous employment
Existing trustee and directorships
  1. Skills and experience

(Please tick each box where you consider you have relevant skills and experience that you can bring to Bristol Music Trust. Then expand on your two most important examples).

Leadership (of medium to large organisation in public, private or voluntary sector)
Business development (in the public, private or voluntary sector): experience of successful market and/or product development
Experience of successful organisational development, growth/downsizing, change management
Marketing: professional expertise or experience of commissioning or managing a marketing function
Fundraising: professional expertise or experience of fundraising in a voluntary capacity
The law, in particular company and charity law, contracts, employment
Human resources management (at a senior level)
Arts management, performance skills or artistic direction, ideally in music
Accountancy/financial management – Chartered accountancy qualification or experience of charity accounting
Community development and regeneration; professional or voluntary achievements
Education: experience at senior level in formal education or in education policy, ideally with knowledge of/experience of music in education

3. Development of the Trust

What business, community or cultural networks of local, regional or national contacts would you bring to the Trust?
One of the aims of Bristol Music Trust is to enable all communities of Bristol to engage with music. Explain what experience you would bring to ensure the Trust is inclusive.
What interest and experience of music do you have?
How do you see Bristol Music Trust and Colston Hall developing in the future?

4. Your Commitment

Are you able to serve as a voluntary trustee for 4 years?
Are you able to commit to at least one evening a month?
Are you able to share your specialist skills with the Trust?



Please give the name and address of two referees from whom the Trust may seek information regarding your credentials. If you are currently employed, one of the referees must be your current employer, or if not employed your most recent employer.

Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Tel No. (Incl. area code): / Tel No. (Incl. area code):
Fax: / Fax:
E-mail: / E-mail:
Job title: / Job title:
If shortlisted for interview, please give any dates when you would NOT be available:


Do you have any unspent criminal convictions? Yes/No

If yes, please provide details below. You do not have to tell us about any convictions that are spent (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974). You must disclose all unspent convictions of any offence.

Date / Offence / Sentence


Please state below if you are related to or have a close personal relationship with any Trustee or Employee of Bristol Music Trust:

Name(s) / Relationship:

Personal Declaration

‘I declare that the information contained in every section of this application is correct and I confirm that I have a legal right to work in the UK and if this application is successful, I can produce appropriate documentary evidence to prove this, prior to working with the Trust’

Signed / Date

The emailing of your application signifies your signature and certification that the details within the application are correct. Please note that any false claim may make this application void.

5. Equalities Questionnaire

Please also complete and return BMT’s Equalities Monitoring Form. All information will be kept confidential, separated from applications and used only for monitoring purposes.

Please be aware that completing our Equalities Monitoring Form is not compulsory, but monitoring diversity information is a requirement of our NPO funding status given to us by Arts Council England, and the information we provide can be used to compare us against other organisations. Our funders care about the make-up of our organisation and want to see that represented through the figures we submit and we want to see our organisations full make-up to ensure that we are meeting our diversity aims and encouraging a diverse workforce.

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