Handout D401-03

Basic Word Processing Vocabulary

Alignment — The way lines of text are arranged.

Bold/Boldface— A formatting option that makes selected words print darker than normal.

Border — A frame that surrounds pictures or text.

Bulleted List — A list of key points, each preceded by a symbol for emphasis.

Center justification— A feature when activated will align the text horizontally on a line.

Endnotes— References used to credit the source of information.

Font Attributes— Additions that enhance your font for emphasis.

Font Size— The size of characters.

Font — A group of characters that have a similar appearance.

Footers — Repetitive text located in the bottom margin.

Footnotes — References used to credit the source of information or add explanations.

Full justified — Lines of text are both left and right aligned.

Hanging Indent — All lines except the first line are indented.

Hard break — Created by the user.

Headers — Repetitive text located in the top margin.

Indent — Insetting text from one of the margins.

Italics — Characters are evenly slanted toward the right.

Landscape — Wider than tall.

Left Justification — Alignment that allows a document to have an even left side.

Line Spacing — The amount of space between lines in a document.

Margins — Space around the edges of a page.

Orphan — First line of a paragraph at the bottom of a page.

Page break — Indicates that the maximum number of lines has been keyed on a page and a new page is beginning.

Page orientation — Direction a document is printed.

Portrait — Taller than wide.

Right Justification — Alignment that allows a document to have an even right side.

Save As — Used in saving a document for the first time.

Save — Used in updating an existing document.

Search — A feature that can be used if a file cannot be found.

Soft break — Created by the word processing program.

Subscript — Text that has been lowered vertically.

Superscript — Text that has been raised vertically.

Tab key — Allows the user to move the cursor a predetermined number of spaces.

Text Wrap — Feature that allows text to flow around an object or graphic.

Type Face — A set of characters with a common style and design.

Underline — A horizontal line that is placed beneath characters.

Widow/Orphan Protection — Feature that will prevent widow/orphan lines in a document.

Word processing — Software that is designed for the entry, editing, and printing of documents.

Word wrap — When keying a document, words automatically go to the next line without using the Enter key.

Widow — Last line of a paragraph at the top of a page.