BASIC STEP-PLAN FOR Registration of self-employed person

At the beginning of a career as a self-employed person you have an obligation to:

·  Obtain a trade license before you start a business as a self-employed person;

·  Register yourself as a self-employed person with the relevant health insurance company by 8days after the start of business activities;

·  Register yourself as a self-employed person with the relevant revenue office by 15 days after the start of business activities;

·  Register yourself as a self-employed person with the relevant Prague Social Security Administration/ Regional office of the Czech Social Security Administration by 8 days after the month in which you start a business and register yourself as a self-employed person.

The easiest way to fulfill these obligations is to fill in a single registration form (“jednotný registrační formulář”) and submit it at any trade license office regardless your permanent stay or place of a business[*]:

1)  Go to, download and fill in following forms:

·  Základní JRF pro fyzickou osobu

-  Part A, 03 Registered office: If an address of registered office is not the same as your residence address, you have to submit a document proving your right of use of registered office (e.g. lease agreement, extract from Lang Register, consent of owner with use of real estate);

-  Part A, 05 Scope of business: Fill in “Výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené vpřílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona“;

-  Part E: Indicate (e.g. by crossing) following bodies:

§  trade license office;

§  office of the Social Security Administration;

§  health insurance company;

§  revenue office;

·  Seznam oborů činností náležejících do živnosti volné „výroba, obchod a služby neuvedené vpřílohách 1 až 3 živnostenského zákona“ – cross No. 56;

·  Přihláška k registraci pro fyzické osoby – document for the revenue office.

Further instructions are contained in document Pokyny k základnímu JRF pro fyzickou osobu also available on the website:

2)  Go to a trade license office;

3)  Pay a fee of CZK 1,000 (do not use stamps);

4)  Submit the fulfilled single registration form with annexes and with the payment confirmation.

The trade license office should register you in a trade license register within 5 business days after application and will send you an extract from the trade license register.

You can start to work as a self-employed person when you submit the single registration form.

NOTE: If you have a data box, you must use it for registration at the revenue office.
NOTE: These rules apply to:
(i)  Czech citizens,
(ii)  EU/ EEA/ Swiss citizens with residence in the Czech Republic; and
(iii)  other persons with permanent residence in the Czech Republic.
Other persons shall further follow instructions below.


1)  EU/ EEA/ Swiss citizens without residence in the Czech Republic

With the single registration form you have to submit also an extract from a criminal register or an equivalent document issued by the state of which you are a citizen or by an EU member state of your last residence.

If this state does not issue an extract from the criminal register or an equivalent document, you shall submit an affidavit made in the presence of a notary or an authority of the state of which you are a citizen or of the EU member state of your last residence.

There is also possibility to obtain an extract from the Czech Criminal Register including an attachment with record from some EU member states – see:

These documents must not be more than 3 months old.

2)  Other persons without permanent residence in the Czech Republic

With single registration form you have to submit also following documents:

·  Extract from a criminal register or an equivalent document issued by the state of which you are a citizen. If this state does not issue extracts from the criminal register or an equivalent document, you shall submit an affidavit made in the presence of a notary or an authority of the state of which you are a citizen. These documents must not be more than 3 months old; and

·  Residence documents.


Submitted foreign documents have to be officially translated into the Czech language (official translation of documents from EU member states is generally not required).

The authenticity of the signature and the stamp on the originals of the submitted foreign documents shall be generally certified (apostilled or superlegalized):

Certification is not required based on bilateral international agreement, e.g. in the following EU member states: Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain. List of further states is available on → download document Legalization of public documents for their use abroad - information in English → see part “IV. Exemption from legalization or apostillization pursuant to bilateral agreements on legal aid”.

Documents issued in other states which are contracting parties of the Hague Convention have to be apostilled. List of the contracting parties of the Hague Convention is available on

Documents issued in states which are not contracting parties either to the Hague Convention or to bilateral international agreements introducing exemption from legalization have to superlegalized.


[*] List of trade license offices is available on website: