Basic Nutrition Analysis Report:

1)Complete the following forms by typing the information (many of the answers will come directly from you printed reports, some of them you will calculate).

2)Submit the assignment by the due date. Please upload the final assignment via BlackBoard.I cannot grade without the reports.

Grading Criteria*

SectionPoints PossibleYour Points

Comparison to AMDRs/DGs/My Plate5______

Vitamins and Minerals 5______


Energy Balance5______

*Reports-must be uploaded to BlackBoard for a grade

Total (20pts)______

Comparison to the AMDRs, DRIs and Dietary Guidelines(5 pts)

Use the following printouts to complete the table:Actual Intakes vs. Recommended Intakes,

Calorie & Fat Sources, Recommendations (this table is based on 3 day average).

A. table

Nutrient/Food Component / Recommended or Acceptable Intake / Your Intake / How does your intake compare (too high, too low, ok)
Total carbohydrate / 45-65% of total calories / 163 g
40% of calories / My 163 grams of carbs are normal however my % of calories is low
Fiber / F: >25grams/day
M: >38 grams/day / 16 g / Under
Sugar / <25% of total calories / 18.8 g
Calculate:[(sugar g x4)total calories] x 100 / under
Using total calories / 10-35% of total calories / 20 % of calories
Found on “Calorie & Fat Sources” printout / OK
Using the RDA / Recommended __46____grams for you
Found under “recommended” column on “actual vs. recommended” report / Your intake___83_____ g
Found on “Actual vs. recommended report
/ The report states my intake is normal however it is almost twice as much as recommended
Total fat / 20-35% of total calories / 42 %
Found on “Calorie & Fat Sources” printout / over
Saturated fat / <10% of total calories / 16%
Calculate:[(sat fat g x 9)total calories] x 100 / over
Cholesterol / <300mg cholesterol / 601 mg / over
Omega 6:Omega 3 / 1:1-4:1 / N/A
Calculate Ratio = omega 6 intakeomega 3 intake:1 / N/A
Sodium / <2300mg/day / 2347 / over

B. Comparison to the AMDRs, DRIs and Dietary Guidelines (cont.)

If your intake washigherthan recommended for any of the following, describe 2 changes you could make to your current diet to bring your closer to the recommendation.


1.use stevia as a natural alternative

2. eat your cupcakes without the frosting

Total Fat

1.Adjust how you cook your food (use cooking spray rather than frying in oil)

2. Instead of fried chicken with the skin, eat a boneless skinless breast

Saturated fat

1.Eat less fast food

2.Cook for yourself to control what oils/ cuts of meat are chosen

Cholesterol egg whites rather than the whole egg

2.add “meatless Mondays” to your regiment


1.get rid of your salt shaker

2.choose reduced sodium options rather than the normal kinds

If your intake for Fiber waslowerthan recommended, describe 2 changes you could make to your current diet to bring you closer to the recommendation from food sources, not supplements.

1.Take a fiber supplement (Metamucil, psyllium husk, etc.)

2.increase your fruit and vegetable intake

C. Using your SuperTracker Spreadsheets determine which food, out of the 3-days analyzed, provided you with the highest amount of the nutrient/food component listed below.

Nutrient/Food Component / Highest food source over the 3-day period
Calories / Buffalo wings
Protein / chicken breast
Total fat / Buffalo wings
Saturated fat / eggs
Monounsaturated fat / avocado
Polyunsaturated fat / avocado
Total carbohydrate / Orange juice
Sugar / Orange juice
Fiber / avocado
Sodium / chicken breast

D. Comparison to My Plate Analysis

Based on your “My Plate” printout, what percentage of the recommended intake for each food group did you consume?

1.Grains:___64__ %

2.Vegetables:___66__ %

3.Fruits:___50__ %

4.Milk:__66___ %

5.Meat & Beans:__92___ %

6.What, if any, food groups are exceeding 100% of the recommendation?

7.What, if any, food groups are not meeting 50% of the recommendation?

Vitamins and Minerals:Comparing your Intake to Dietary Recommended Intakes (DRI’s)(5 pts)

Vitamin/Mineral / DRI / Your Intake / %DRI / If<75%DRI, list 2 deficiency symptoms / Highest food source over the 3-day period
May use “Single Nutrient” report
Vitamin A / 700µg / 1275 µg / 182% / -night blindness
-difficulties in cell differentiation / Chicken breast
Vitamin B6 / 1.3 mg / 2.2 / 169% / -Lack of energy
-anemia / Butternut squash
Vitamin C / 75mg / 86 mg / 115% / -scurvy
-loss of appetite / Orange juice
Vitamin D / 15mg / 6mg / 40% / -brittle bones
-high blood pressure / Greek yogurt
Vitamin E / 15mg / 8 mg / 53% / -anemia (via premature birth)
-loss of muscle coordination / Avocado
Folate / 400µg / 476µg / 119% / -NTD in fetuses
-anemia / Multigrain bagel
Calcium / 1000mg / 860mg / 86% / -brittle bones
-stunted growth / milk
Iron / 18 mg / 12mg / 66% / -anemia
-weakness / bagel
Potassium / 4700 / 2502 / 53% / -increase acidity in the body
-when dehydrated, K deficiency masks thirst / Butternut squash
Zinc / 8mg / 7mg / 87% / -diarrhea
-weakens immune system / Butternut squash

1. For any nutrient where your intake was <75% of the DRI, list 2 foods for each nutrient that you could add to your diet to help meet the recommended intake. Be sure to list foods that you would actually eat.

Vitamin D- milk, yogurt

Vitamin E-sunflower seeds, peanut butter

Calcium-milk, yogurt

Iron- spinach, kale

Potassium- sweet potato, banana

Zinc- chicken, fish

2.Were the majority of your vitamins/minerals met through consumption of foods in your diet that included supplements such as fortified foods (cereals, Power Bars, shakes, etc.) or through whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats?

Most of my vitamins/minerals were consumed through whole foods (excluding milk/orange juice which I always buy fortified with calcium

3. Based on the above chart and the answers to the questions, do you think you need to take a daily vitamin/mineral supplement? Why or why not?

I think it would be better for me to address each vitamin and mineral that I am deficient in separately. I would take this route to avoid toxicity and so that I can adjust the levels according to my daily habits.

Phytochemicals(5 pts)

Review your fruit and vegetable intake over the 3-day period.

1. Count the number of fruits and vegetables you ate during this 3 day period What is the total you consumed over the 3 days?


2. Phytochemicals are associated with a reduced disease risk. It is recommended that you consume a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, ideally 1 from each color category:green, red, orange/yellow, blue/purple, and white. How many of each of the following colors did you consume?

Fruit/Vegetable Color / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3
Green / ll / l
Red / l
Orange/Yellow / l / l

3. For each color, list 1 fruit and 1 vegetable you could consume to help you meet the “5 a Day” goal. If you need help, review the following article:

Fruit/Vegetable Color / Fruit / Vegetable
Green / Kiwi / Spinach
Red / cranberries / Red bell pepper
Orange/Yellow / peaches / Butternut squash
Blue/Purple / Blueberries / eggplant
White / banana / cauliflower

Energy Balance(5 pts)

1. What is your BMI?(found in Actual vs. Recommended)What is your weight classification according to BMI standards? Do you feel this is an accurate classification? Explain.

25. I am classified as being overweight. I feel that this is completely inaccurate; I am an athlete and have been weight training since I was 13. My parents are of athletic build and have dense musculature, which has been passed down to me.

2. On average, how many calories did you consume?

______1,500_____ calories/day

3. According to your profile, how many calories do you need each day to maintain your current weight?


3. Based on the above, should you be gaining weight, losing weight, or maintaining your weight?


4. Over the past year have you gained weight, lost weight, or maintained your weight?

Lost, then gained in the summer, now I am attempting to lose what was gained

5. Is your answer to question 3 the same as your answer to question 4? If no, what do you think could explain this discrepancy?

They are in line. I live in a beach town which has many restaurants that serve food like pizza, wings, fries etc. I also work in a restaurant so having a few fries here and there doesn’t seem like a big deal until you check the scale after a month or two and wish you hadn’t.

6. The latest recommendations on physical activity include 30 minutes of high intensity physical activity at least 4 days per week or an accumulation of 60 minutes of moderate activity every day. Did you meet this goal? If yes, how? If no, describe what you could and would do to meet this goal.

Yes. I met this goal through field hockey and working out Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for at least 1 hour at a time so I acheived a total of approx. 6 hours of moderate-high intensity.