Adoption Date: February 2, 2009 / Revision Date(s): / Page 1


Specific care for specific injuries include the following:

If a fracture is suspected, do not move the injured part at all. If a spinal injury could have occurred, do not move the victim at all; doing so could cause permanent and irreversible spinal column-nerve damage.

Bleeding should be controlled only with direct pressure and pressure points. Do not apply a tourniquet. Do not use direct pressure on the head if the person could possibly have a fractured skull.

In the event of respiratory and/or cardiac arrest, a certified person should start CPR immediately. The office should be notified to call the ambulance. Tell the dispatcher you have a cardiac arrest on a child, and that a paramedic from one of the ambulance services should be sent immediately. The Cimarron CountyEMTphone number and the Cimarron Memorial Hospital phone number should be kept immediately available in each office.

When applying ice to a contused or injured area, always place a layer or two of cloth or paper towels between the skin and the ice pack to avoid a cold injury. It is not necessary to have a huge bag of ice; a small Ziploc works best.

Burns should be treated with cool water immediately, and then apply sterile dressings or sheets moistened with sterile water or normal saline.

When a seizure occurs, remain calm! Very few people actually die during a seizure. If a death is seizure related, it is usually because of the location at the time of the seizure. Status epilepticus is a true life-threatening problem in which one seizure occurs right after another, resulting in severe hypoxia (decreased oxygen), which can cause cardiac arrest. When a person is seizing, they do not breathe, so every person who seizes suffers some hypoxia; but, as soon as the seizure is over, under normal circumstances, the person will start breathing again automatically. There are three main things to remember: (1) Remove any object which the child might strike or which might injure the child during a seizure; (2) don't restrain the child in any way (the muscles' movements are so strong and violent that, if restrained, the child can actually suffer fractured bones); and (3) ensure the child has an open airway following a seizure. If a child has not suffered a fall that could have resulted in spinal injury, the child should be placed lying on his or her side. This will provide an open airway as well as prevent aspiration. If a child has suffered a fall, even if it wasn't but a short way, the child's spinal column could have been injured and should not be moved even after the seizure is over. A child who has suffered a fall during a seizure should receive medical transportation and treatment.

Employees should be aware of several things about diabetics because it is important to act promptly to avoid a life-threatening situation. Symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) are: increased thirst and urination, weakness, abdominal pains, generalized aches, deep breathing, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. The diabetic's skin is usually warm and dry; sometimes with a flushed coloring to the face. Symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) are: excessive sweating, faintness, headache, pounding of the heart, trembling, impaired vision, hunger, irritability, personality change, and difficulty awakening the diabetic. The diabetic's skin is cool and moist. What to do: If the diabetic is conscious, give glucose, or liquid containing sugar, such as orange juice. Do not give fluid if the person is not conscious. Seek medical attention. Diabetic emergencies can be precipitated by too little insulin, failure to follow diet, infection, fever, emotional stress, too much insulin, not eating enough food, unusual amount of exercise, and delayed meals.