Chairman, Dick Titley called the meeting to order and gave a brief update. He then turned to the Agenda items, as follows:

Gareth ROBERTS – Finances

Gareth had prepared a hand-out laying out the Club’s finances. He made the following points:

  • The Club is in reasonably good shape financially;
  • We need other forms of income to keep things running i.e. sponsorship, fundraising etc;
  • Subs for Members and Patrons will remain at £60 p.a. this year;
  • The preferred methods of payment are either standing order or paying funds directly into the bank. However, we can/will accept cheque or cash;
  • The Chairman suggested it might be a good idea for players to set up a monthly standing order to cover the costs of membership, the tour and the dinner in order to spread the cost over the full year.

Tom Cowgill – Mini’s & Juniors

Tom gave a brief overview of how the Minis & Juniors have progressed over the past year, as follows:

  • Numbers have increased in the last season, they have now added an Under 5’s team;
  • They achieved the Kids First accreditation and are looking at progressing things further this year;
  • The season starts on 7th September, they have approximately 160 players now across all team categories – they are struggling somewhat with space but looking into it;
  • They are looking at fundraising ideas for this year which would benefit the Minis & Juniors and the wider club;
  • Generally they are in good health and looking forward to a great season.

* Dick noted that there had been a meeting recently with fellow Holland Park users and they have agreed a sharing of space, with the exemption of the main pitch, which was a positive for all involved.

Lee Coton– Senior Team Update

Lee was unable to attend and sent his apologies. Dick Titley gave his update:

  • Pete Whedon has been a great asset to the club. It’s crucial we recruit more players, please pass the word around.
  • We need everyone to make a big effort to attend training sessions. Many thanks to Jon Shum for running the bootcamp sessions. Many thanks also to Matt Knight for the great leadership he has shown during the summer and leading the 7’s team to becoming County champions.

Andy Gillet – Fixtures for the 2nd Team

  • Will try to have 2nd Team home games on the same day as 1st Team home games and hope to play at least once a fortnight. Please pass the word around that all are welcome.

Dick Titley – Player’s Committee

  • We need to have more involvement from the players. Proposed a player’s committee and perhaps a player’s representative to give a voice to the Seniors. Matt Knight is currently voted in as the ‘Players Rep’ on the main committee. Matt Bird and Jon Shum are also keen to get involved and will put it to the Senior Team.

Dick Titley – Travel

  • In relation to travel for 1st Team games, the club are willing to support but can’t pay for every trip as the funds are not there. If coaches are laid on, they will need to be self-funding.

Dick Titley – Accreditation

  • We met all our commitments last year, the plan is to keep it going forward. Some projects are done and others are ongoing.
  • Three issues being added to accreditation this year are:
  • Up to date membership structure;
  • Research for new playing areas for all teams; and
  • Setting up a Commercial Team to oversee all financial aspects of the club, fundraising etc.

Darrell Young – Procedures

Darrell noted there were a number of positions up for re-election, as follows:

  • Directors:
  • David Rowe – nominated and passed;
  • Nick Rigby – nominated and passed;
  • Darrell Young – nominated and passed.
  • Stewart Cox nominated Matt Bird as an additional Director. Andy Gillet seconded. Matt accepted the nomination and it was passed.

Then he turned to the Club Officer positions, as follows:

  • Honorary Secretary:
  • After several years of loyal service and commitment, Darrell Young has decided to step down as secretary. Tara Fletcher was nominated and passed as the new Honorary Secretary.
  • Membership Secretary:
  • Mick Barton volunteered for this role. The nomination was forwarded and passed.
  • Club Captain:
  • Johnny Simons and Matt Bird were both nominated for this position. After a vote, Matt Bird was appointed Club Captain.
  • 1st Team Captain:
  • David Rowe – nominated and passed.
  • Jon Shum – nominated and passed as Vice Captain of the 1st Team.
  • 2nd Team Captain:
  • Andy Gillett – nominated and passed.
  • 7’s Team Captain:
  • Matt Knight – nominated and passed.

There were then calls for volunteers/nominees for a new position, Club Volunteers Co-ordinator. Andy Gillett and Daniel Carlin put themselves forward for the position. It was suggested that it could be a joint position. The suggestion was seconded, forwarded and passed. Andy Gillett & Daniel Carlin were voted as Joint Volunteers Co-ordinator. Daniel Carlin is to be the Club’s World Cup 2105 Volunteer which will be a great role for Danny to perform on behalf of the club during the build up to this big occasion.

Dick Titley – Project Updates

  • Thank you to Joe Lloyd Jones and his company ‘The Carpet Showroom’ for sponsoring banners and providing a gazebo for summer tournaments etc., it was greatly appreciated.
  • Thanks to all involved with organising events for the Summer of Rugby.
  • Thanks to Jon Shum & Matt Knight for organising our involvement in the 7’s. It was a great achievement and will go a long way towards attracting new members to the club.
  • We now have a new kit supplier through ‘WB Global Trading’ who will be creating an online shop available in the future through the Pitchero website. The club will also receive 10% of all expenditure

Dick Titley – Pitchero Website

  • Facebook appears to be the main source of communication/sharing of information for the seniors. We need to change that around and make Pitchero our font of all knowledge in relation to all aspects of the club. We need everyone to get behind this and make it a website to be proud of!
  • Gareth Morgan is happy to do a group training session on how to use the website. Please contact him if interested.

Dick Titley – Social Events

  • 22nd November 2014 has been agreed as the date for the Neath Vets game.
  • The annual dinner has been booked for 16th May 2015 at the Pirelli Stadium. If there are any suggestions for an alternative venue etc., please contact Dick.
  • If anyone has any other suggestions for social events/fundraisers, please contact Dick in the first instance.
  • Tour dates have been confirmed as 18th/19th April 2015. Gary Steen is happy to organise again. David Rowe suggested they make it a “blind” tour this year. The suggestion was noted.
  • International Tickets – please contact Gareth Robertsasap if interested.


  • Suggestion that the Facebook page name be changed to “Friends” or “Fans” of Barton Rugby Club. Tara Fletcher to follow up.
  • Daniel Carlin suggested using the Mini/Juniors as ball boys for the Senior Team games to get them more involved. Glyn Bennett to follow up.
  • Kev Denver asked for any volunteers willing to help out with the mini/juniors to contact him.

The meeting came to a close at 9.20pm.