Bart Beaty, “What it Means to be a Cartoonist in France,” Slate’s Culture Blog, January 7, 2015,

David Brooks, “I Am Not Charlie Hebdo,” New York Times, January 8, 2015, accessed January 14, 2015,

Teju Cole, “Unmournable Bodies,” New Yorker, January 9, 2015, accessed January 14, 2015,

Josh Feldman, “Reza Aslan: Muslims Are Condemning Terrorism, Critics Just Aren’t Listening,” Mediaite, January 11, 2015,

Todd Gitlin, “Jewish Lives Do Matter—to Terrorists. To a Distracted Left, Not So Much,” Tablet Magazine, January 13, 2015,

Arthur Goldhammer, “Let’s not sacralize Charlie Hebdo,” Al Jazeera America, January 7, 2015,

Emily Greenhouse, “The Charlie Hebdo Affair: Laughing At Blasphemy,” New Yorker, September 28, 2012, accessed January 14, 2015,

Jared Keller, “One Student’s Epic Tweets Call Out the Biggest Hypocrites Marching for Free Speech in Paris,” Mic, January 11, 2015,

Anthony Lane, “Shooting the Jesters,” New Yorker, January 8, 2015, accessed January 14, 2015,

Chad Parkhill, “The Problem With #JeSuisCharlie,” Junkee, January 9, 2015,

Note: there is an error in his piece—Marine Le Pen was not the politician who insulted Taubira; it was another FN politician.

Esther Romeyn, "Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Spectropolitics and Immigration

Theory,” Culture and Society 31 (2014): 77-102.

Joe Sacco, “On Satire – a response to the Charlie Hebdo attacks,” The Guardian, January 9, 2015, accessed January 14, 2015,

Omid Safi, “9 Points to Ponder on the Paris Shooting and Charlie Hebdo,” On Being,

Jeremy Scahill, “Circus of Hypocrisy,” Democracy Now, January 12, 2015,

Adam Taylor, “The free-speech hypocrisy of some world leaders marching in Paris,” Washington Post, January 11, 2015, accessed January 14, 2015,

Jane Weston, "Bête et méchant: politics, editorial cartoons andbande dessinéein the French satirical newspaperCharlie Hebdo,"European Comic Art 2 (2009): 109-129. url:

Note: This link includes Jane Weston’s article as well as a translated interview of comic-strip artist Cabu by cartoonist Tanitoc, in the same pdf.