BARRY TOWNSHIPSTATUS: Approved with date change 4-4-17
July 26, 2017 March 29, 2017
6:30 p.m.
Barry Township Hall
155 E. Orchard Street
Delton, MI 49046
Board Members Present: Wesley KahlerSupervisor
Debra J. KnightClerk
Lee Campbell Trustee
Teresa SchuiteboerTrustee
Absent: Judy Wooer Treasurer
Guests: None.
ROLL CALL: Present: Knight, Kahler andSchuiteboer and Campbell.
Absent: Wooer.
The purpose of this meeting is to review/discuss the DNR grant application/process for Cadwallader Park in Hickory Corners, Michigan. Approve costs received for expenses pertaining to our new office.
LIMITED PUBLICCOMMENT: Request for Public Comment: None were heard.
MINUTES: March 14, 2017 regular meeting minuteswere presented for approval. MOTION by T. Schuiteboer, second by L. Campbell to approve the 3-14-17minutes as presented. 4 AYES 0 NAYS 1 ABSENT MOTION CARRIED.
20 YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN LEGION POST#484:Discussion was held on the adoption of resolution 2017-08, DNR Grant application and the Lease agreementfor Cadwallader Park Barry Township and Simmons-Williams American Legion Post 484. Concerns were discussed. Changes made to the lease agreement will be presented to the attorney for approval. . MOTIONbyT. Schuiteboer, second by L. Campbell upon attorney approval of noted changes made to the lease agreement, Supervisor Kahler and Clerk Knight shall present the amended lease to Mr. Frayling and Mr. Clear (American Legion Post 484 representatives) for approval /signing. ROLL CALL VOTE: WK: Yes. DK: Yes. TS: Yes. LC: Yes. Nays: none. JW: Absent. MOTION CARRIED.
RESOLUTION 2017-08 MICHIGAN RECREATION PASSPORT GRANT PROGRAM: MOTION by W. Kahler, second by D. Knight to approve the DNR Recreation Passport grant application for improvements (As detailed in the application ) to Cadwallader Park in Hickory Corners, Michigan. A letter of intent from both donors is included in the application. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Barry Township hereby authorizes submission of a recreation Passport Grant Program application for $75,000 and further resolves to make available a local match through financial commitment and donations of $25,000 (25%) of a total project cost, during the 2017-2018 fiscal year. ROLL CALL VOTE: WK: Yes DK: Yes LC: Yes. TS: Yes Nays: None. JW: Absent. MOTION CARRIED. 2017-08 Duly Adopted.
APPROVAL OF TRADES FOR THE NEW BUILDING: A cost worksheet was presented to members for review. Discussion followed. MOTION by L. Campbell, second by W. Kahler to approve the costs as specified, total not to exceed $31,000.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: WK: Yes. DK: Yes. TS: Yes LC: Yes. Nays: none Absent: JW. MOTION CARRIED.
Supervisor Kahler asked for any further discussion, hearing none.
MOTIONby D. Knight, second by L. Campbell to adjourn @ 6:30 p.m. 4 AYES 0 NAYS 1 ABSENT MOTION CARRIED.
Debra J. Knight
Barry Township Clerk
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