Victor Seymour Curriculum Information for Parents/Carers

We will focus on reading and exploring traditional stories and especially those from Jamaica. We will be re-writing some of the ‘Anansi the Spider’ stories, using characters from the originals. We will also be writing poems about the rainforest – colours, textures, animals etc. An exciting time ahead!
The children will be reading daily, either through shared or individual reading and practising daily phonics and sounds of the week.
Good websites: /


We will be exploring fractions and how they are made. We are also looking at weighing and measuring objects accurately and with the correct unit of measurement. We are also revising Place Value, addition and subtraction and all while continuing to practisehalving and doubling!
Good websites:


We are beginning a new Unit of Work on Variation. This will involve us looking at similarities and differences in plants and animals and why these occur – both locally, nationally and globally.
Good websites:

We are combining work on Jamaicawith map work, land use, travel, tourist attractions and how people live on the Island. We will be comparingKingston, Jamaica with Kingston-Upon-Thames. We are also looking forward to exploring the different aspects of the Rainforest and the range of life that lives in such a great habitat. /


Spring 2 2011 /


We will adding captions to picturesfromJamaica using the pictures that the children e-mail to school!
We are also going to be adapting pictures of ourselves in our Variation topic. The children will also be the first to explore our new MLE site!!!


We are exploring the work of Rousseau and the effect of colour and texture. This will link closely with our work on the rainforest
We will be concentrating on explore the use of equipment for team games and making up our own games using the skills, and the rules we have developed.We continue to investigate and develop dance skills and routines.
We will continue to perform and evaluate each others music, with a focus on composition and notation.
/ RE
We will be studying Christianity and the lead up to Easter. The children will be discussing and exploring the life of Jesus. We will also explore the difference between mercy and forgiveness.


This term as we continue to follow PSHCE themes from the SEAL Project and our theme is ‘Good to be Me’. We will look at what the children feel they are good, how to improve their skills, how to relax and keeping safe in the home. /


Please continue to learn the spellings weekly, as this is having a great impact on your child’s writing.
Please remind your child to check their trays for letters and hand in any letters you may need to pass to us.
Thank you