Executive meeting

Held at Starplex, Evanston Sth on 5th August 2015

Meeting commenced: 19:45

1. Present: John Ellis, Bev Chessell, Frank Chessell, Linda Harris, David Harris, Steve Blee, Dale Provan, Ian Watson, Troy Lymn, Craig Henderson, Danny Somerville, Kym Hannam, Simon Granfield

2. Apologies: Rachel Ford

3. Business arising from the Committee meeting of 1st July 2015

Item 3, Signage – Nick Blair will lend Ian his ute to pick up the new sign and bring it to the track.

Item 8, Sponsorship – Dale to discuss in general business.

Item 14, First aid room – The plumbing needs to be finished outside ie connected to the main.

Item 29, Kitchen tiles – Ian to pick up the stainless steel from David.

The Mini Moto Racing guys did not race at the track after our last race meeting as they had planned to. There will now be no racing until a new hire agreement has been signed.

4. Treasurer’s report

See attached.

Total funds currently stand at approx. $65000 of which around $5000 is owed to AKA of SA for race related fees.

Motion: That the treasurer’s report for the month of July 2015 be accepted.

Moved: Danny Somerville Seconded: Steve Blee


5. Correspondence in

Email from AKA of SA – Officials training on 2nd August

Email from Smartyhost – Discontinuation of support for PHP version 5.2

Emails x 3 from John Monty – Mini Moto racing at Barossa

Email from AKA of SA – Copy of email set to KA re Mini Moto racing at Barossa

Email from Michael L – Speed management of go karts entering pits (advertising)

Email from AKA of SA – July SKC minutes

Email from AKA of SA – Cancellation of officials training on 2nd August

Email from John Monty – Renewal of public liability insurance for Mini Moto Racing

Email from Nick Champion MP – Grants newsletter August 2015

Email from AKA of SA – Answer regarding renewal of Mini Moto Racing agreement

Email from AKA of SA – Use of incorrect insurance paperwork

Letter from John Monty – Mini Moto Racing hire agreement

Letter from Barossa Council – Rates and D’Vine newsletter

6. Correspondence out

Emails x 3 to John Monty – Mini Moto racing at Barossa

Email to AKA of SA – Question regarding renewal of Mini Moto Racing agreement

Email to Bob Sloane (Mayor Barossa Council) – AMG medal presentation

7. AKA report

Report presented by Simon Granfield. See attached.

8. General business

8.1  Working bee / night practice

A working bee is required for a general post race meeting tidy up, plus we need to complete the tyre bundles. John suggest having it on Saturday 15th August to precede the bonfire night and night practice. A lengthy discussion ensued regards the merit of a night practice. Rachel has been on holiday so there has been no promotion and it was felt better promotion was required. Dale suggested that 3 notifications in the week preceding an event would be a good idea. Without Rachel present the night practice was put on hold.

The working bee was set for Sunday 16th instead and will include a track inspection for cracks, bumps and fungus growth under the track.

8.2  Sign

The “next event” day and month signs are yet to be made for the Spitwater sign on the highway. Dale is organising their making with Ian Williams and hopes to have them soon.

8.3  New weigh shed

Troy handed out approximate scale drawings of the proposed plans for the new weigh shed and fencing. The shed will straddle the area between the in grid and the old out grid but will overlap into what is currently the sweeper viewing area. Frank spoke for the proposed solution explaining the logic behind the location and the routing of traffic through and around the weigh shed, use of the impound and parc ferme areas. The general idea is to be able to stage build the new shed without impacting use of the existing shed if the build extends into the race season. There was a lot of discussion around how the shed would be secured. John was not keen on the use of roller doors as we have already had 2 such doors opened / damaged by intruders in the last year. Ultimately Kym suggested putting a PA door on the shed and securing the roller doors from the inside as securing a PA door from the outside is simpler than doing the same for roller doors. Eventually we settled on a shed with 4 roller doors and a PA door, which with the exception of the PA door is what we had originally been quoted for by Michael Yeo. There was some discussion about the need for guttering and how we might keep it cleared of leaves but this will be worked out later. The point was made that the shed will need to be raise sufficiently (50mm) to prevent it from getting flooded and that this would require additional concreting outside of the shed to allow for karts to be pushed in without bottoming.

Ian will now start preparing the building application for the council.

8.4  PA system

We need a more powerful amplifier. The old amplifier is unrepairable and the one we are currently using cuts out on overload every time the announcer gets excited. Also we are still using a corded microphone with a dodgy switch. In addition we have already established that the insulation on much of the cabling is degraded and the cabling needs to be upgraded. Kym recommended that we buy a pair of cordless microphones from Jaycar, the same as the ones he has previously lent us, with a dual channel driver. The approximate cost for this is around $270 - $300. He also suggested pricing a 200W amplifier from Bob’s Sound System. John will purchase the microphones and get a price for an amplifier from Bob’s. If the total cost is under $1000 he will make the purchase after consultation with informed members of the committee (Kym, Craig, Troy).

8.5  Mini moto racing

The mini moto racers are keen to use our track for racing this month. As they have now renewed their public liability insurance and KA have no objections to our signing a new hire agreement we will do so in the coming week. Simon to print the agreement and arrange with John to get signed and forwarded to John Monty from Mini Moto Racing for his signature.

8.6  Jenke race meeting

David has started the supp regs for this race meeting and needs to know what the feature class or classes will be. Craig suggested that we put a request in to KA to have the Jenke feature class run as the Sportsman restricted 125 class but as over 40 not over 35 since this has historically been the age for the class. Simon expressed his doubts that they would approve this since they have already knocked the class back as an over 40 class already this year. It was agreed that the class would be Sportsman restricted 125, and Simon will put the request in to KA for it to be over 40 not over 35. We agreed that there would be no second feature class as Clubman Masters is now barely viable and there are no other Masters type classes.

David will do the supp regs and email the committee prior to getting them approved.

8.7  Masters Games

Steve reported that we now have 32 entries. He had asked the Barossa mayor to present the trophies for the event but he had a prior engagement for that day.

Steve won’t be able to go to the next AMG meeting as he will be on holiday. He will arrange an organising committee meeting before that so that we keep things moving in his absence.

The Asthma Foundation who are an event partner are offering a special price on group (asthma response) training of $180 for groups of 6 to 25 people. Steve asked if we would be interested and David offered to pay for the a session. We now need to organise a day / date and invite people.

Meeting closed: 22:01