Barnsley :Options for Information Sharing Session
Written by:Ian Fereday / Paul Foster
What approach has been taken?
Due to the inability to progress CAF messaging developments between TPP SystmOne and liquid Logic as planned via CfH contractual routes, an alternative approach is being pursued. Following an in-depth feasibility/scoping exercise, an alternative method that enables CAF messaging to be established between TPP SystmOne and Liquid Logic is being developed by a third party solutions provider, NDL. Whilst the initial development has been conceived as a ‘proof of concept’ method it is anticipated that it will provide a flexible and scalable solution in the future.
How information sharing happens – high-level business processes
The initial Proof of concept development supports the transfer of CAF assessments between the two systems in an electronic read-only format which supports automatic attaching of the rendered documents into the appropriate client record in the target system. Staff accessing such systems will then be able to access the shared information, based on the legitimate relationship they have with that service user / patient.
What the anticipated benefits are
-Improved timeliness and accessibility of information to support the provision and delivery of health & social care services
-Reduction in the administrative tasks/overheads/duplication in the associated manual processes e.g. printing and faxing paper copies between services
-Improved co-ordination of care
What challenges have been encountered?
Impact on local plans/requirements due to delays with progressing developments through CfH contractual routes
Identification of alternative solutions
Managing local expectations given the issues encountered
PDS Connectivity/Testing - The CAP process has been time consuming and difficult to say the least, but it is envisaged testing will be well underway before the CAF event on the 13th Sept.
The consistent and collaborative approach adopted by Health & Social Care throughout the CAF demonstrator site in Barnsley has enabled this work to progress – with support from the DH CAF Team.
What the next steps will be
Initial testing and implementation of the NDL development to ensure fitness for purpose against specified requirements
Pilot deployment within District Nursing services within HealthServices & Care managers In Adult Social Care.