The Start of my Arctic Adventure:

What were we trying to put up in the freezer?

a)a tent

b)a wigwam

c)an umbrella

Getting Near the Island of Svalbard

What is the name of the arctic island?



c)Isle of Wight

Setting Up Base Camp:

What did the blue barrels have in them?

a)Fresh water

b)More food

c)Soft drinks

At Base Camp 1:

What was unusual about night time?

a)There was no television

b)It stayed light all the time

c)The fire

At Base Camp 2

Why was base camp moved into a dip?

a)It was a nicer place

b)It was flat

c)To keep out of the wind

The town

What did they mine here?

a)iron ore



The Buildings of Longyearbyen

What happens to the sun in winter?

a)it comes up late in the day

b)it does not shine

c)it comes out at night

Some Unusual Signs

What do you think the sign says?

a)beware of polar bears 

b)no polar bears allowed

c)polar bears this way

Getting About in the Arctic

What did skidoos replace?



c)dog sledges

Meeting some working dogs

What can dogs do that is very important?

a)bark very loudly

b)pull sledges and be good guard dogs 

c)run very fast

Animals in the Arctic – The reindeer

What do reindeers sometimes eat from gardens?

a)the washing

b)food from the bird table

c)flowers and plants

Animals in the Arctic –The Polar Bear

Why would polar bears come into the camp?

a)they are cold

b)they want to know what’s going on

c)they are looking for food

Animals in the Arctic –The Seal

What is blubber?

a)the noise that seals make

b)a thick layer of fat

c)food for the seals

A sea that freezes

What happens to the sea when it gets very cold?

a)the water gets very cold

b)icebergs are made

c)it begins to freeze

How icebergs are made

What happens to the icebergs?

a)they melt straight away

b)they sink

c)they float away

A Glacier - Ice That Moves:

What is a glacier?

a)thick snow

b)a big sheet of ice that moves

c)a mint sweet

More About Glaciers:

What is a crevasse?

a)a hole in the ground

b)a deep crack in the ice

c)a sort of mountain

The Northern Lights:

In which month did they first see the northern lights?


