HELD TUESDAY 06 February 2014


Parish Councillors David Wood (Chairman), David Tamsitt (Vice Chairman), Val Steer, Andy McElroy, Liz Minter, Caroline Ridgeway, and Ernie Mullett.

2 x residents, and Clerk to the Council, Amanda Sparkes

1.  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

No apologies for absence were received prior to the meeting. The Chairman commented that there had been several ‘no apologies’ recently, and he asked the Clerk to write to all councillors including himself, to remind them that formal apologies with a reason must be sent to the Clerk prior to the meeting (by 3pm on the day of the meeting). He also advised that the reason for apologies may not necessarily be accepted by the council.

2.  Declarations of interest – None. The Chairman reminded everyone that if anything arises during the meetings that becomes a conflict of interest for anyone that they should declare an interest as soon as they become aware of this.

3.  Minutes of the last meeting held 05 December 2013

These were approved and accepted as a true record of the meeting, and the Chairman duly signed them.

5. Adjournment for parishioners’ questions and comments.

A resident asked for an update on the provision by Kent Highways of railings at the bottom of Rabbit Hole. Cllr Wood advised he had not heard anything and would need to chase.

A question arose around whether the parish council meeting Minutes are published in the parish magazine. The Clerk explained she send a relevant extract to the editor after each meeting. Cllr Wood reminded the resident that the parish council did not normally meet in January so there was no Minute to publish.

A resident asked about the street lights. The Chairman explained there had been delays with Kent Highways arranging for a contractor to undertake a survey and inspection of all the columns in the village. Once the results of that are known things can progress, such as replacement of any priority faulty ones and considering part-night lighting on others to save energy. The council may also be able to ask about the actual lighting spread of each unit.

The meeting continued.

6.  By-election to fill city councillor vacancy following the death of Cllr Bill Oakey

The Chairman was saddened to report the death of city councillor Bill Oakey, who will be missed. He advised he has now posted the city council’s Notice for candidates, with a view to holding an election in early March.

7.  Finance and General Purposes

The cheques totalling £1512.97 were authorised for payment.

Other financial matters

(a) NOTED receipt of wayleave payment from UK Power Networks of £13.17 for wayleave over Derringstone Green

(b) CONFIRMATION from Canterbury City Council of the precept requirement £25,323.60 plus cushioning grant £1,676.40 giving a total budget for 2014-15 of £27,000

The Chairman advised he had received a comment from a resident about the 8% increase in the precept. He asked councillors that if they receive any comments from any resident that they ask residents to come to a meeting.

Referendum principles

The Chairman advised that the DCLG has just published the referendum principles relating to Council Tax Increases for 2014/2015 and there are no principles for parish councils for 2014/2015.


Confirmation received 13 December 2013 that subject to Canterbury City Council’s budget in February, Barham Parish Council has been successfully awarded the full Parish Capital Grant requested of £5,880, to go towards the priority replacement street lighting columns once these are identified, and this grant will require equal match funding by the parish council. This grant will be paid into the council’s bank account in April, and the funding must be spent in that financial year. Evidence of all expenditure, copies of invoices etc. will be required in due course.

Concurrent Function Grant application for 2014-2015

The application for 2014-2015totalled £13,776. The Executive approved the option to cap payments at last year’s allocation level and fund at 84.73%. Barham will receive £8,706.11, leaving a shortfall of £5,069.89.


The award for 2013-2014 was £9,737.36. So far the parish council has spent £8,053.09 on concurrent function items (not including those relevant payments above or that are brought to the meeting to authorise). The parish council expects to exceed the grant awarded by the end of the financial year.

8.  Planning Matters

The parish council had no objection to the following tree works:
CA//13/02370/TPO - Land at Barham Court, Barham
Works to 2 Beech trees and 2 Lime trees subject to tree protection orders at Barham Court
Barham Court, Rectory Lane - Remove a dead sycamore on Rectory Lane immediately to the north of Barham Court
Stainton Lodge, Rectory Lane - Fell a stand of Pines (total of six) due to storm damage and loose root plates, located at the top of the garden
The Cottage, Railway Hill - Fell a Beech tree, located by the garage and causing damage to a small brick wall
Hallmark Workwear And Safety, Barham Court Farm, Church Lane - Removal of ivy (exempt) and crown lift (upto 3 to 4m) along a row of trees adjacent to 17-22 The Grove
The parish council noted the following new planning applications:
CA//13/02304/FUL – 4 Farm House Close – Single-storey extension
CA//13/02233/FUL – The Barn, Breach Farm, Elham Valley Road – proposed erection of a detached glass house
CA//13/02372/LUP - Why Not, Valley Road, Barham
Conversion of attached garage into habitable residential space.
CA//13/02433/LB - Little Breach Farm, Elham Valley Road - Erection of open porch
CA//14/00090/FUL - Tiuccia, Derringstone Street
Loft conversion with two pitched rear dormers this is a re design from the original application
CA//13/01809/FUL – Sunny Downs, Out Elmstead Lane CT4 6HL -Removal of existing roof and proposed additional bedrooms to first floor with new pitched roof to residence. Single storey extension linked to house including day room, garage, gym and swimming pool – GRANTED
CA//13/01950/FUL & CA/13/1951/LB - Heaselands, South Barham Road
Proposed single-storey rear extension including internal and external works and the installation of a balcony at first-floor level – GRANTED
CA//13/02088/TAM - Arter Brothers, Barham Services, Dover Road
The replacement of the existing 15m installation supporting 2no antennas with a new 15m monopole supporting 3no antennas and 4no 300mm dishes. 1no existing equipment cabinet to be replaced with 3no new cabinets with development ancillary thereto TELCOM APPROVAL OF
CA//13/02183/FUL - Crown Point, Valley Road, Barham
Loft conversion to form one bedroom, new velux rooflights to side and rear roofslopes – GRANTED
CA//13/02150/FUL – The Old Post Office, Valley Road
Change of use from mixed residential/retail to a single residential dwelling together with the erection of a single-storey rear extension and external alterations – GRANTED
CA//13/02367/FC - Land between Rectory Lane and Dover Road
Erection of agricultural building to house tractors and equipment for use in connection with viticulture enterprise - GRANTED

Other Planning matters

9.  A resident’s request for a War memorial in the village

The Chairman explained at the December meeting that a resident had contacted the Clerk requesting a war memorial that commemorates the fallen of the Parish. Plaques do exist at the Church and the village hall. The Chairman explained he had done a little research and found several grants for repairs for existing memorials but nothing to grant for a new one. In principle support was agreed, subject to a suitable location for the memorial to be determined and external funding permitting. Since that meeting the Clerk has discovered that section 29 of the Commons Act 1876 makes it an offence to erect any structures on a village green, unless it is for the better enjoyment of the green, and the KCC officer commented that a memorial does not enhance recreational use.

Cllr Wood cautioned against registering land the parish council already owns as village greens for restrictions and legal constraints on future use like this.

This does not preclude Barham Parish Council from doing something but councillors would need to think of alternatives. Cllr Minter suggested a memorial cricket or football game could be played on the green each year.

10.  Highways


NOTED that the Clerk has signed an agreement with EDF to renew the contract for the unmetered electricity supply from 1 March 2014 to 28 February 2017 (36 months)

Street lighting columns

The inventory of all the columns in the village has been sent to Kent Highways and the inspection of all the columns is imminent. Until the results of the inspection are known no further actions can be taken. These will include considering which columns could be subject to part night lighting (switched off between midnight and 5am) to save on energy costs.

Crookenden Place salt bin

The Chairman explained that Kent Highways have been asked to deliver a one tonne bag of salt at an agreed location for Crookenden Place. The residents have agreed to manage its distribution. The bag precludes the need to purchase a salt bin now.

Creation of a new access in to a field on Gravel Castle Road

Barham parish council received many enquiries on 19 November about the sudden creation of a new access in to a field on Gravel Castle Road. The owner made a new entrance to this field which involved the removal of about twelve feet of hedging. Highways, the Safety Critical Team, Enforcement, Planning Officers, and the tree conservation officers have all been discussing this case and the enforcement case is moving forward. The different authorities are discussing the most appropriate legislation and procedures to follow.

Flooding in the village

The Chairman advised that there is now a pump at the bottom of Railway Hill pumping water 24 hours a day over the bridge, as the bridge is now acting as a dam. This is likely to be in place for a while given the weather forecast.

There has been very good inter-agency co-operation and response around the village, with the provision of sand bags, advice, pumping and so on. KCC Highways resolved the closure of the Causeway, and Railway Hill/Deringstone Road, as vehicles driving through the water caused bow waves that put properties at risk of flooding, and with the high flow in the Nailbourne the depth and width too deep for most cars. Out Elmstead Lane has also been closed.

Serco were asked to find an alternative way of collecting the refuse for properties affected by road closure, and they changed to a smaller vehicle and changed the route to the narrower Greenhills route, although this then led to Kent Highways needing to respond to pot holes concerns.

The Chairman asked the Clerk to give thanks to the Environment Agency, Canterbury City Council, Serco, Kent Highways, and Southern Water for everything they have done.

Cllr Wood commented that some sewage is being pumped in to the Nailbourne from Ottinge to protect properties and warned everyone to keep pets and children out of the water.

Cllr Ridgeway explained she was going to attend a meeting of the River Group on 8 February. The Clerk receives regular updates about the Nailbourne which are circulated. The Clerk will add these in future to the parish council website for residents’ information.

Not everyone was aware that individual households in areas of risk of flooding may sign up to receive flood alerts / texts / emails from the environment agency. Flood warning alerts (by text or landline telephone) is a free to receive register service. Residents just need to register a telephone number that the environment agency can send flood warnings to at any time of the day or night.

The Floodline number, open 24 hours, is 0845 9 88 11 88. Call this number to register for alerts. You can also ask for a quick dial number that will give you direct access to recorded flood warnings for your local area.

0800 80 70 60 – 24/7 Incident Reporting Hotline

Website this has flood risk forecasts, live flood warnings and alerts.

There are new flood warning codes:

  • Stay alert
  • Stay vigilant
  • Early precautions
  • Flooding expected
  • Take action
  • Protect yourselves & your property
  • Significant risk to life
  • Significant disruption to communities
  • Protect yourselves

Cllr Mullett commented that the flooding currently is not as bad as in 2001 when the main road was flooded too. The Environment Agency were not responsible then. Cllr Ridgeway commented that now that the fat has been cleared from the river the water flows much better.

Other highways matters to report

The Clerk will log on Kent Highways portal the following reports:

1. Potholes at the top of Derringstone Downs – these are crumbling away. Sections have been previously marked but the holes have not been filled. They are now quite dangerous.

2. A huge pothole about six foot by three foot wide at the corner of Rabbit Hole and Brickfield Road (on the right hand corner) – this is flooded currently so difficult to see and therefore also quite dangerous.

3. A deep pot hole 4-6 inches deep in Church Lane, 50 yards from the junction with the A260.

4. At the top of Rabbit Hole and turning right to go to Arters about 50 yards on grit from the bank collapse acts as a mini-dam and needs clearing.