

1951 E. Citation Lane


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Ph.D.1982,University of Colorado, Boulder,Education, Curriculum and Instruction. Specializations in Reading/Literacy Education; Research Evaluation Methods; Educational Administration

Dissertation:A psycholinguistic analysis of the reading strategies of high, average and low ability readers across selected content areas. Dissertation Abstracts International,43 (4), 1026-A: (University Microfilms No. DA 8211081)

M.S. Ed.1974,Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois (Education with Specialization in Reading Education)

B.S. Ed.1971,Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois (Elementary Education)


Certified as a Reading Specialist K-12, Elementary Classroom Teacher and Reading Teacher K-12 (Colorado) and as an Elementary Principal (Colorado K-8)

Professional Experience

7/10-PresentProfessor, Arizona State University, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities, Arts & Cultural Studies, English Department; Affiliated Faculty, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Educational Leadership and Innovation and Affiliated Faculty, School for Social Transformation, Women’s and Gender Studies

1998-2010Professor, Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton College of Education, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Language and Literacy: Responsible for the design and conduct of research and instruction in content literacy; gender, culture and literacy; adolescent literacy; research methods in literacy; issues in literacy; new literacies, and research and evaluation methods. Department Chair/Coordinator for Language and Literacy, 2001-2002

Professional Experience (Continued)

1998-PresentProfessor, Arizona State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Women's Studies (Affiliated Faculty): Responsible for design and conduct of research and instruction in gender and social justice issues in literacy development and practice, and research and evaluation methods.

1995-1998Associate Professor, Arizona State University, College of Education, Division of Curriculum and Instruction: Responsible for the design and conduct of research and instruction in content literacy; gender, culture and literacy; issues in secondary literacy; adolescent literacy; elementary reading methods; and research and evaluation methods.

1995-1998Associate Professor, Arizona State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Women's Studies (Affiliated Faculty): Responsible for design and conduct of research and instruction in gender and social justice issues in literacy.

1994 Scholar-In-Residence, University of Georgia, National Reading Research Center, Athens, Georgia (Sabbatical Leave).

1988-1991Assistant Professor, ArizonaStateUniversity, College of Education: Responsible for the design and conduct of research and instruction in content literacy; secondary reading; elementary reading; and research methods.

1987-1988Associate Professor, CaliforniaStateUniversity, School of Education: Responsible for the design and conduct of preservice and graduate courses in content literacy; elementary reading methods; reading diagnosis; and secondary reading.

1985-1987Assistant Professor, California State University, School of Education: Responsible for the design and conduct of undergraduate and graduate courses in content literacy; elementary reading methods; and secondary reading instruction.

Lecturer, University of Colorado, Boulder, School of Education:

1984-1985Taught graduate courses and workshops in the Departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership; organized regional conference and presented at the University of Colorado Regional Conference on Instructional Leadership

1983- 1984Evaluation Specialist, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Denver, Colorado: Designed and conducted workshops on methods of reading instruction and assessment.

Professional Experience (Continued)

1983-1984Research Associate, Mid-continent Regional Education Laboratory (McREL), Denver, Colorado: Conducted evaluation of Chapter I reading programs for the Missouri State Department of Education; wrote extensive review and critical synthesis of teaching effectiveness literature; prepared proposals for research funding; authored technical reports of research and evaluation activities.

1982-1983Research Assistant, Center for Action Research, Boulder, Colorado: Assisted in the conduct of a focused ethnography, “The Role of the Secondary School Administrator as an Influence on Teachers' Collegiality and Innovativeness,” National Institute of Education Grant No. NIE-G-82-0020.

1981-1982Teaching Assistant, University of Colorado, Boulder, School of Education: Supervised student teachers; served as lecturer for graduate courses in literacy processes and methods, supervised University Reading Clinic.

1981-1982Research Assistant, Office of Financial Aid, University of Colorado, Boulder: Designed and conducted a survey to assess undergraduate and graduate students’ expenditures

1981-1983Intern, Office of Research and Evaluation, JeffersonCountyPublic Schools, LakewoodColorado

1979-1981Secondary Reading Specialist, Grades 7-12, Jefferson County Public Schools, Arvada High School, Carmody Junior High School, Lakewood, Colorado,Department Chair, 1979: Designed and conducted inservice for faculty, administrators and parents; designed reading methods for and team-taught with content teachers; taught reading classes; conducted placement and evaluation of students in developmental and advanced reading laboratory.

1978-1979Secondary Reading Teacher, Grades 9-12, Jefferson County Public Schools, Bear Creek High School, Lakewood, Colorado: Taught remedial, developmental, and advanced reading courses in high school reading laboratory; member of the English/Language Arts Department; coordinated reading instruction with content teachers' curriculum.

1977-1978Diagnostic Teacher, Grades 4-6, DenverPublic Schools, Denver, Colorado: Designed and implemented new Title I reading, language and mathematics program for an ethnically diverse student population; focused on improvement of students' attendance through home visits; served as a consultant to classroom teachers.

Professional Experience (Continued)

1972-1977Elementary Classroom Teacher, Grade 5, Rockford Public Schools, Rockford, Illinois: Taught in both a team-taught and self-contained classroom at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School, a Target School; authored proposal for and implemented a gifted Language Arts Program; cooperated with the Illinois Office of the Superintendent of Instruction in creating A Language Experience Approach to Reading and Individualizing Your School and Classroom Reading Program, two monographs that described our classroom reading instruction. In 1974, King Elementary was selected by the Florida State Board of Education as having one of the most innovative reading programs in the nation; assisted in the design and implementation of a Title III ESEA oral language program.

1972 (Summer)Head Start Teacher, Pre-School, Rockford Community Action Association, Rockford, Illinois.

1971-1972Title I Reading Teacher, Grades 1-5, Harlem Consolidated School District, Loves Park, Illinois.

Funded Grants

Guzzetti, B.J. (2006).The effects of a literacy-based forensics unit on secondary students’ interest, participation and achievement in science. The Spencer Foundation,Principal Investigator,$40,000.

Guzzetti, B.J.(2005).Burnt Beauty: Adolescent Girls Writing Differently on Their Own,ArizonaStateUniversity, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Women’s Studies, Principal Investigator, $450.

Guzzetti, B.J(1998).Gender and Culture as Influences on the Development of Literacies: An Integrative Review of the Literature. Nila Banton Smith Research Dissemination Grant, International Reading Association, $10,000.

Hynd, C.R., & Guzzetti, B.J.(1994-1996).Teachers, Texts, and Culture: The Influence of Context on Students' Conceptual Change in Science. U. S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, NationalReadingResearchCenter, OERI Grant Award No.R117E00134,Co-Principal Investigator, $40,962

Guzzetti, B.J. (1994, 1995).Teachers, Texts, and Culture: The Influence of Context on Students' Conceptual Change in Science., Research Incentive Award, ArizonaStateUniversity, College of Education, Division of Curriculum and Instruction. PrincipalInvestigator, $788.

Funded Grants (Continued)

Guzzetti, B.J., 1993. Case studies in conceptual change: Cognitive and contextual influences on learning from text. Faculty Grant-In-Aid, ArizonaStateUniversity Principal Investigator ($4,000).

Guzzetti, B.J., (1990-1991).Meta-analysis of the prior knowledge instructional intervention research.Elva Knight Research Grant, the International Reading Association, Principal Investigator ($4,943).

Guzzetti, B.J. (1989).Meta-analysis of instructional interventions from reading education and science education to promote conceptual change in science. Faculty Grant-in-Aid, ArizonaStateUniversity, Principal Investigator, ($4,300).

Guzzetti, BJ. (1989). Effects of prior experience on concept acquisition from expository text. Research Incentive Award, Arizona State University, College of Education, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Principal Investigator, $500.

Guzzetti, B.J. (1988).Effects of text and reader-based instructional strategies on conceptual learning. Research Incentive Award, Arizona State University, College of Education, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Principal Investigator, $750.

Guzzetti, B.J. (1986). Research Seed Grant, the Kellogg Foundation for proposal tothe National Science Foundation, The interaction of teacher and text: Developing critical reading insecondary science. Principal Investigator,$400.

Guzzetti, B.J.(1985). Research Grant,CaliforniaStateUniversity, Affirmative Action Faculty Development Fund, Principal Investigator, $860.

Guzzetti, B.J. (1982). Special Research Grant, the GraduateSchool, University of Coloradoat Boulder, ($500).

Honors and Awards

Outstanding Alumni in Literacy Education, Northern Illinois University, 2010

Certificate of Recognition from ArizonaStateUniversity, Commission on the Status ofWomen, 2005

Citation of Merit for Outstanding Service, the National Reading Conference, 2002

Service Award, the National Reading Conference, 2001.

Invited Membership, the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy, 1997

Included,Marquis’,Who's Who in American Education,1997-2005

Honors and Awards (Continued)

Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Award,CaliforniaStateUniversity, 1988 ($2,500).

Finalist, Outstanding Dissertation of the Year, the International Reading Association, 1983

Included, Outstanding Young Women of America, 1983


Foley, L.M., & Guzzetti, B.J. (2012). Do-It-Yourself media for content teaching with at- risk elementary students. 61st Yearbook of the Literacy Research Association, (pp. 276-288). Oak Creek, WI: Literacy Research Association.

Guzzetti, B.J. & Stokrocki, M. (In Press). Reflections on teaching and learning in virtual worlds.E-Learning, 10, (3).

Guzzetti, B.J. & Bang, E.J. (2011). The influence of literacy-based science instruction on adolescents’ interests and achievement in science. Literacy Research and Instruction, 50, 1, 1-24.

Leung, C., Cartwright, K.B., Guzzetti, B.J., Flanagan, K.N., Laster, B.P., & Richards, J.C. (2010). Ethical issues in conducting literacy research in schools and in out-of- school settings. Journal of Reading Education, 36 (1), 9-17.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2010). A content analysis of forensic comic books and graphic novels: Implications for science instruction. In R.T Jimenez, V.J. Risko, D.W. Rowe, & M.K. Hundley (Eds.), 59th Yearbook of theNational Reading Conference Yearbook, (pp. (90-101).Oak Creek, WI: The National ReadingConference.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2009). Thinking like a forensic scientist: Learning with academic and everyday texts. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 53, 3, 192-203.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2008). Identities in online communities: A young woman’s critique of cyberculture. E-Learning, 5 (4), 457-474.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2006). Cybergirls: Negotiating social identities on cybersites. E-Learning, 3, (2), 158-169.

Guzzetti, B., & Yang, Y.(2005). Adolescents’ punk rock fandom: Construction and production of lyrical texts. In B. Maloch, J.V. Hoffman, D.L. Schallert, C.M. Fairbanks & J. Worthy, 54th Yearbook of theNational Reading Conference,(pp. 198-210), Oak Creek, Wisconsin: The National Reading Conference.

Publications - Articles (Continued)

Guzzetti, B.J., & Gamboa, M. (2005). Online journaling: The informal writings of two adolescent girls. Research in the Teaching of English.40, (2), 168-206.

Guzzetti, B.J., & Gamboa, M. (2004). Zines for social justice: Adolescent girls writing on their own. Reading Research Quarterly, 39, (4), 408-435.

Guzzetti, B.J., & Gamboa, M. (2004). Zines for social justice: Adolescent girls writing on their own: Supplementary online only material. Available:

Guzzetti, B.J., & Gamboa, M. (2004).Zining: The unsanctioned literacy practice of adolescents.In C. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, B. Maloch, J. Hoffman, & D.L. Schallert (Eds.), 53rdYearbook of the National Reading Conference(pp. 206-217).Oak Creek, WI: The National Reading Conference.

Guzzetti, B., Campbell, S., Duke, C., & Irving, J. (2003). Understanding adolescent literacies: A conversation with three zinesters. Reading Online. Available:

Guzzetti, B.J. (2002). Zines.In B.J. Guzzetti (Ed.)Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history,theory and practice. p. 699, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIOPublishers.

Guzzetti, B. J. (2002). Textbooks. In B.J. Guzzetti (Ed.). Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory and practice. Pp 651-653. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2002). Cooperative learning. In B.J. Guzzetti (Ed), Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory and practice. Pp. 107-108. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO

Guzzetti, B.J. (2002). Transmission instruction. In B.J. Guzzetti (Ed), Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory and practice. p. 663, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Guzzetti, B.J., & Wooten, C. (2002). Children creating artists’ books: Reading Onlineavailable http.

newliteracies/gzzetti2index.html. Reprinted in Read/Write/Think, (2004). The National Council of Teachers of English andThe Marco Polo Educational Foundation, available at

Guzzetti, B. J., & Fey, M. H. (2001). Critical perspectives on teacher research: Gender and post-typographical text. Reading Online, 4(7). Available at

Publications - Articles (Continued)

Guzzetti, B. J. (2000). Learning counter-intuitive science concepts: What have we learned from a decade of research? Reading and Writing Quarterly,16(2), pp. 89-98.

Guzzetti, B. J., Anders, P.A., & Neuman, S. B. (1999). Thirty Years of JRB/JLR: A retrospective of literacy research. Journal of Literacy Research,31(1), pp. 67-92.

Guzzetti, B. J., Williams, W. O., Skeels, S. A., & Wu, S. M. (1997). The influence of text structure on learning counter-intuitive physics concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(7), pp. 701-719.

Guzzetti, B. J., & Williams, W. O. (1996). Changing the pattern of gendered discussion: Lessons from science classrooms. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 40(1),2-11.

Guzzetti, B. J., & Williams, W. O. (1996). Gender, text and discussion: Examining intellectual safety in the science classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(1), 5-20.

Guzzetti, B. J., Hynd, C. R., & Williams, W. O. (1995). Improving physics texts: Students speak out. Journal of Reading, 38(8), 656-663.

Hynd, C. R., & Guzzetti, B. J. (1993). Exploring issues in conceptual change. In D. J. Leu, & C. R. Kinzer (Eds.). Forty-Second Yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Chicago, IL: The National Reading Conference.

Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E., Glass, G. V, & Gamas, W. S. (1993). Promoting conceptual change in science: A comparative meta-analysis of instructional interventions from reading education and science education. Reading Research Quarterly, 28(2), 116-159.

Guzzetti, B. J., Kowalinski, B. J., & McGowan, T. M. (1992). Using a literature-based approach to teaching social studies. Journal of Reading, 36, 114-122.

McGowan, T. M., Guzzetti, B. J., & Kowalinski, B. J. (1992). Using literature studies to promote elementary social studies learning. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 5(1), 10-13.

Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E., & Glass, G. V (1992). Promoting conceptual change in science: Can texts be used effectively? Journal of Reading, 35(8), 542-649.

McGowan, T. M., & Guzzetti, B. J. (1991). Promoting social studies understanding through literature-based instruction. The Social Studies, 82(1), 16-21.

Publications – Articles (Continued)

Guzzetti, B. J. (1991). Using trade books to promote conceptual learning in content areas. ArizonaReading Journal, 12, 71-72.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1990). Strategies for enhancing comprehension through trade books in high school English classes. Journal of Reading,33(6), 411-413.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1990). Effects of textual and instructional manipulations on concept acquisition. Reading Psychology,11(1), 49-62.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1990). Using literature in the content areas. Reading Today, 7 (5), 17.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1989). Using prior knowledge to improve content reading,Reading Today, 6 (4), 18.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1989). From research to practice: Current issues in secondary reading: Using trade books for content comprehension. Arizona Reading Journal,18(1), 15-16.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1989). From preservice to inservice: A naturalistic inquiry of beginning teachers' practices in content reading. Teacher Education Quarterly,16 (1), 65-71.

Guzzetti, B. J., & DiStefano, P. (1988). From research to practice: Current issues in secondary reading. Arizona Reading Journal, 17(3), 26-27.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1985). Report on instruments for measuring school effectiveness. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, (ED 253 587; TM 850 124).

Guzzetti, B. J. (1985). A critical synthesis of the research on school effectiveness: Implications for dissemination. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, (ED 245 398).

Guzzetti, B. J., & Martin, M. (1984). A comparative analysis of elementary and secondaryprincipals' instructional leadership behavior. ERIC Document Reproduction Service (ED 245 399).

Dole, J. A., & Guzzetti, B. J. (1979). Investigate and compute through books. Colorado Council of the International Reading Association.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1974). A strategy lesson for confirming semantic cues. In J. L. Johns (Ed.), Musingsand marmalade: Some thoughts on the sticky aspects of reading. DeKalb, IL: Northern IllinoisUniversity Press.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1987). Humanism in the classroom. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 22 (2), 23-28.

Publications – Articles (Continued)

June, D., Wenger, H., & Guzzetti, B. J. (1987). Personalizing instructional supervision systems. Educational Leadership, 44 (8), 51-56.

Guzzetti, B. J., & Marzano, R. (1984). Correlates of effective reading instruction. The ReadingTeacher, 37(8), 754-759.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1984). The reading process in content fields: A psycholinguistic investigation. American Educational Research Journal, 21 (3), 659-668.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1983). Comparing results of a standardized test to an informal inventory: A lesson for teachers. Journal of Reading Education, 9(3), 29-34.

Guzzetti, B. J. (1983). Highways and byways to content reading. Journal of Reading, 26 (5), 451-452.


Guzzetti, B.J., & Bean, T. W. (Eds.), (2013). Adolescent literacies and the gendered self: (Re)constructing identities through multimodal literacy practices. NY, NY: Routledge.

Guzzetti, B.J., Elliott, K., & Welsch, D. (2010). DIY media in the classroom: New literacies across content areas. NY: Teachers College Press. [Note: Reviewed in 2010 by Jill Denner in Education Review]

Guzzetti, B.J. (Ed.). (2007). Literacy for the new millennium: Early literacy.Westport, CT: Praeger.

Guzzetti, B.J. (Ed.). (2007). Literacy for the new millennium: Childhood literacy. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Guzzetti, B.J. (Ed). (2007). Literacy for the new millennium: Adolescent literacy.Westport, CT: Praeger

Guzzetti, B.J. (Ed.). (2007). Literacy for the new millennium: Adult literacy. Westport, CT: Praeger

Anders, P.A. & Guzzetti, B.J. (2005). Literacy instruction in content areas, 2nd Ed.Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Guzzetti, B.J., (Ed). (2002). Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice.Santa Barbara, California: ABC- CLIO. [Note: Reviewed in Stuart, D. (2004). Journal of Literacy Research, 36, 3, pp. 405-418].

Books (Continued)

Guzzetti, B. J., Young, J., Gritsavage, M., Fyfe, L, & Hardenbrook, M. (2002). Reading, writing and talking gender in literacy learning. International Reading Association/National Reading Conference Literacy Series: International Reading Association, Newark, DL.(Reviewed inThe Voice of Youth Advocates, 2003)Chapter Four, “Gender and Discussion”, Reprinted in R. Ruddell & N. Unrau 2003 (Eds.), TheoreticalModels and Processes of Reading CD ROM, Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Guzzetti, B. J., & Hynd, C. R. (Eds.), (1998). Perspectives on conceptual change: Multiple ways to understand knowing and learning in a complex world. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Anders, P. L., & Guzzetti, B. J. (1996). Literacy instruction in content areas. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt, BraceCollege Publishers.

Chapters in Books

Foley, L,. Lesley, M., Agnello, M.F., & Guzzetti, B.J. (in press). Teaching writing in the techno-zone: Exploring writing in a first-grade classroom. In K. Pytash& R. Ferdig (Eds.), Exploring technology in writing and writing instruction. Hershey, PA: IGI Publishers.


Guzzetti, B.J. (2013). Girls’ zines as a global literacy practice: Stories of resistance and representation. In B. J. Guzzetti & T.W. Bean (Eds.), Adolescent literacies and the gendered self, (pp. 53-63).NY: Routledge.

Delaney, C. R., & Guzzetti, B.J. (In Press, 2013). Ethical Issues in the Virtual World of Second Life: Do They Matter? In. C. Rhodes & K Wise (Eds.), Ethical Issues in Literacy Research. NY: Routledge.

Guzzetti, B.J., & Mardis, M. (2011). Thinking with forensic science: A content analysis of fiction and nonfiction graphic novels, (pp. 92-111). In D.E. Alvermann & K. Hinchman (Eds.) Re-conceptualizing adolescent literacy, 3rd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2010). Feminist perspectives on the new literacies: Practices and research. In E. Baker (Ed.) New Literacies fromMultiple Perspectives: Research and Pedagogy, (pp. 242-264). NY: Guilford Press.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2009).Adolescents’ explorations with do-it-yourself media: Authoring identity in out –of-school settings. In M. C. Hagood (Ed.), New Literacies practices: Learning from youth in out-of-school and in-school contexts, (pp. 41-57). NY: Peter Lang.

Chapters in Books (Continued)

Guzzetti, B.J. (2009). Lessons on literacy learning and teaching: Listening to adolescent girls. In L. Christenbury, R. Bomer, & P. Smagorinsky (Eds.), HandbookResearch on Adolescent Literacy,(pp. 372-385). NY: Guilford.Press.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2008). Adult literacy. In V.N. Parrillo (Ed.),Encyclopedia of social problems(pp. 543-546.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

Guzzetti, B.J. (2008). Adolescent girls performing gender through literacies: Marginalized or resistant youth? In K. Sanford & R. Hammett (Eds.),Boys, girls and the myths of literacy, pp. 219-233.Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars Press.