Barbara Blaine

President, SNAP

July 21, 2014

Dear Barbara,

I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you concerning my proposals to resolve the issues with the Church once and for all by the time of the August SNAP conference but, needless to say, we have all been very busy.

As Jeff Anderson and Marc Perlman can confirm, I have been discussing with them for several months my “four tools” of IF-PREVENT, Super-EPIC, Safe Haven and GEIP. These proposals are also summarized in the enclosed “BIPARTISAN Strategic Plan for Winning in November” focused on Illinois.

I have below included a short summary of these proposals entitled “Carrots, Sticks and Win-Win Outcomes—FIXING THE SYSTEM ONCE AND FOR ALL.” The “carrots” includes all of the above programs. Since my Global Energy Independence Program (GEIP) alone couldSAVE $2-3 Trillion/year, this could go far indeed towards not only funding these programs but doing much good around the world.

Conversely, if Pope Francis REFUSES to accept these proposals, including settling ALL outstanding abuse cases and opening up ALL of the church’s records, then I would be very interested in Jeff and Marc potentially joining me in my motion to Judge Beibel in criminal court for the appointment of a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR similar to what was done in the case with Mayor Daley’s nephew.

While there are many details to this case, because you are from Chicago, I am enclosing my letter to Rahm Emmanuel as well as my Easter 2013 letter to Cardinal George discussing these issues.

While I fully understand and share some of your skepticism concerning Pope Francis, I am more than willing to HELP Pope Francis to “do the RIGHT THING” if he is so inclined. I am also, however, very much of the mind to “TRUST, but VERIFY.” Therefore, if Pope Francis refuses the “caritas,” then the “stick” of a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR is ready and waiting.

If you have a meeting of your governing Council for SNAP some time during the conference, I would very much be interested in presenting these proposals to you and having you vote on them if you wish to do so. Quite literally, especially between the “carrot” of GEIP and “stick” of a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR, given Pope Francis’ age and the number of people opposing him within the Church (ie, the Pharisees and Praetorian Guards—see below), the sooner we act, the better. Although you are very busy, I would very much appreciate your and David’s thoughts on these proposals either before or during next week.

In Peace and Love,


Kimball Ladien, M.D.


Carrots, Sticks and Win-Win Outcomes--FIXING THE SYSTEM ONCE AND FOR ALL.

The following are a set of carrots, sticks and win-win outcomes that are designed to help to FIX THE SYSTEM leading to abuse within the Church and far beyond. These proposals also suggest concrete ACTIONS that can be taken by SNAP specifically to ensure that these win-win goals are achieved.

1.Carrots—Specific Positive Options for Ending Abuse.

1.1 IF-PREVENT = Investigate, Fix and PREVENT.

In medicine, the standard practice is to Investigate, Fix and, above all, PREVENT problems whenever and wherever possible. By both having a high index of suspicion for abuse and rapidly Investigating problems when they arise, we can both minimize occurrences and Fix problems quickly when needed. By both teaching children and parents to be aware of these issues and instilling the VALUES of helping and protecting others, we can actually go a long way not only towards PREVENTING abuse, but actually ensuring that the Church is at the forefront of, quite literally, practicing what they preach concerning these matters. Having the Church actually help to PREVENT abuse would be a win-win outcome for all.

1.2 Super-EPIC—Transparency and Accountability.

Just as FedEx can track a package anywhere in the World, Super-EPIC would help to track “problems” be they in medicine, government, business or abuse within the Church. Once implemented, Super-EPIC could allow Pope Francis or anyone else inside or outside of the Church to “track” the status of investigations into allegations of abuse. By applying the above IF-PREVENT protocol with specific steps and timeframes in which investigations should occur, we can go a long way towards ensuring that such cases could no longer conveniently “fall through the cracks” in deference to the “powers that be” including priests, bishops, Cardinals or anyone else who would stand in the way of prompt and thorough investigations into such matters.Super-EPIC thus provides both TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY.


Much as with the old CCC and WPA from the Depression, a Community Service Corps (CSC) would guarantee able-bodied people jobs within the private and/or public sector as needed. By prioritizing prevention-oriented programs such as daycare and afterschool programs for at-risk youth, we could create literal Safe Haven’s within communities for children to learn and grow. By also involving parents in these programs, and monitoring for signs and symptoms of abuse and/or stress from families, gangs or other sources, we can help to ensure that such Safe Haven’s include the homes as well as our schools and other areas within the community—including our Churches and other religious centers.

As noted above, if we could reduce gang crime, drugs, dropouts, abuse and joblessness by even 10% in Illinois, for instance, we would be SAVING over $500 million annually. By reinvesting even some of the savings into further expanding prevention-oriented programs, we could get a multiplier effect with even greater savings, both human and financial, in future years. This would thus be a win-win outcome for all.

1.4 GEIP—Global Energy Independence Program.

GEIP represents a very simple equation that can provide a clean, renewable energy source that can SAVE $2-3 Trillion/year of the $5-7 Trillion spent annually primarily on carbon-based energy sources. Dr. Ladien is currently in the process of GIFTING GEIP to Pope Francis and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in return for their assistance in implementing the above programs.

While the savings achieved by GEIP would be used, in part, to fund the rapid implementation of these programs, they would also go far towards eliminating poverty, famine, illiteracy, endemic diseases and abuses of all sorts, both large and small, if used wisely. While Pope Francis and the BMGF could help ensure the wise implementation of such funding, it will takemany others in many specific areas such as SNAP focusing on issues of abuse to ensure that noble words are matched by decisive ACTIONS.

2.Sticks—Means to Encourage Rapid ACTION by Pope Francis

2.1 Publicity—Cardinal Bernadin and the $3M Payoff to Steve Cook.—A 2nd Poster-Child for August.

Steve Cook never recanted his accusations of a long-standing relation with Cardinal Bernadin. Cook simply said that his memory was “unclear.” Although Cook was penniless at the time of his death from AIDS, he left an estate of $3M to his mother, sister and lover. While the Church sealed the court records, they did not seal the estate records. By SNAP publicizing this FACT in Chicago NOW, we can perhaps shame the media into finally doing the serious investigations that they have ignored for years. Bernadin and Archbishop Nienstedt should BOTH be Poster-Children for August—old and new faces of abuse.

2.2 Canon Law 1446—Mandated Mediation.

CL 1446 MANDATES mediation “as soon as possible.’ We should insist that Bishops enforce canon law.

2.3 Special Prosecutors—The Royal Road to RICO—The Case of Mayor Daley’s Nephew.

“A Mistake is not a cover-up.”— Cardinal George in deposition, 5/6/14.

If Pope Francis will NOT agree to implement the above programs NOW, including accepting GEIP on behalf of the Church and the BMGF, SNAP is invited to join Dr. Ladien in his current request to the criminal courts of Illinois to appoint a SPECIALPROSECUTOR similar to the one appointed to investigate the WRONGFUL DEATH of David Koschman by Mayor Daley’s nephew, RJ Vanecko.

While Cardinal George has stated that “A mistake is not a cover-up,” when the same “mistake” is repeated for 30 years and continues to this very day, then Cardinal George and the Church itself are marching down the Royal Road to RICO. A mistake may or may not be a “cover-up.” But a COVER-UP is ALWAYS a MISTAKE. Quite literally, it is time for the Church to CONFESS and REPENT its wicked ways.

2.4 Legislation—David’s Law and Sylvia’s Law

David’s Law and Sylvia’s Law as discussed in the enclosed “BIPARTISAN Strategic Plan for Winning in November” can be replicated in states around the Country. These laws would go far towards helping to PREVENT such abuses of power in the Church, government and elsewhere as well moving forward.

3.The Power of Love—Seeking the Win-Win Way.

“Do onto others as you would have done onto you.”—Jesus of Nazareth, ca. 30 AD.

By Supporting “the Church of Christ and Love” andFighting “the Church of Pharisees and Praetorian Guards” (the folks who killed Christ in the first place), we actually HELPPopeFrancis and can determine RIGHTHERE, RIGHTNOW if he is truly SERIOUS about REFORM--or not. KLSNAPFixSys21July14