Barbara Ann McCauley

Assistant Professor

Phone: 218-299-4303


Department chair, 2004 – present; on leave academic year 2011-2012

Degrees and Education:

B.A. University of South Florida, anthropology and ancient history

M.A. University of North Carolina

American School of Classical Studies

Indiana University, program in classical archaeology

Ph.D. University of Iowa, classics

Research / Teaching Interests:

Greek religion and mythology, ancient history, classical archaeology, promotion of Greek & Latin

Director of Concordia’s participation in Caesarea Maritima excavations, Israel—1997, 1998, 2000

Director of Concordia’s participation in Palaiopolis, Andros excavations, Greece—2004

Leader of classics and philosophy May Seminar Abroad “Lost Civilizations of the Mediterranean," May 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008

Combined Caesarea Expedition, assistant trench supervisor, registrar

Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, visiting assistant professor

University of Iowa, visiting assistant professor

Hebrew Union College excavation at Tel Dan, Israel


Concordia: Bush Summer Research grant, Bush Technology grant, Bush Pedagogy Peer Group Grant, Dovre Center Faculty Travel Seminar, Summer Study Grant, Faculty Writing Retreat.

University of Iowa Travel Council grant, University of Iowa Council on Teaching’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award nominee, Watkins Bequest scholarship to the American Academy at Rome, Who’s Who Among College Students in American Universities and Colleges.

PaperS and publications

CAMWS 1991 (Hamilton, Ontario)—“Catullan Geography: Embellishment or Something More?”

University of Iowa Classics Colloquia:

“Solon, Salamis and the Salaminioi: Hero Cults and Politics in Athens”—March 1993

“Heroes, Bones and Power or Why Did the Greeks Keep Moving Those Bones Around?”—February, 1994

APA 1994 (Atlanta, GA)—“Seducing the Heroes of Salamis: Cult, Propaganda and Athenian Policy”

Fifth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult (Göteborg, Sweden)—“Heroes and Power: The Politics of Bone Transferal”—April 1995

CAMWS 1995 (Omaha, NE)—“The Transfer of Hippodameia’s Bones: A Historical Context” published in
Classical Journal 93 (1998) 225-39.

APA 1997 (Chicago, IL)—“Aristomenes, Hero of Messenia”

“Heroes and Power: The Politics of Bone Transferal,” in Ancient Greek Hero Cult. Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult Robin Hägg, ed. (Stockholm 1999) 85-98.

“Solon, Salamis and the Salaminioi: Hero Cults and Politics in Athens,” Concordia College Faculty Colloquium Series, April 2002.

Review of Ada Gabucci, Ancient Rome: Art, Architectgure and History in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.09.10.

Review of Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, Jennifer Tolbert Roberts. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History in Dialog. A Journal of Theology 42.2 (2003) 186-87.

APA 2005 (Boston, MA)—“Heroes, Territory, and Identity”

Review of Donald Ogden, Aristomenes of Messene: Legends of Sparta's Nemesis in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.07.46.

APA 2007 (San Diego, CA)—"Heroes, Territory, and Cleisthenes of Sicyon"

CAMWS 2009 (Minneapolis, MN)—"Euripides' Heracleidae and the Cult of Heroes"

"Euripides' Heracleidae and the Cult of Heroes" accepted for publication by Classical Bulletin.

NJCL 2010 (Fargo, ND)—“Atlantis: Fact and Fiction”

ACL 2011 (Minneapolis, MN)—“Atlantis as an Exercise in Critical Thinking”

Professional organizations:

Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), Life Member

American Philological Association (APA), 1987 to present

Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), Life Member

Classical Association of Minnesota (CAM), 1996 to present

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), Concordia College institutional representative

American Classical League, 2002 to present

Works in Progress:

“Solon, Salamis and the Salaminioi: Hero Cults and Politics in Athens”

“Aristomenes, Epaminondas, and the Establishment of Messenia”

“Heroes, Territory, and Identity”

"Heroes, Territory, and Cleisthenes of Sicyon" being readied for publication

Review of Nino Luraghi, The Ancient Messenians: Constructions of Ethnicity and Memory. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008 for CJOnline, Classical Journal's online book review.