2016-20175th Grade Science Syllabus Mrs. Danya Ardis
Course:5th grade science
Please email me with questions or concerns throughout this school year
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You can use this website to:
- Double check when an assignment or project will be due
- Check when a test will be given
- Review material using power points and games
Content: The students will master the scienceconcepts in the strands of physical science, life science, and earth/space science. Students will be provided with opportunities for investigation, observation, and explanations of a variety of scientific phenomena through the use of AMSTI (Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative)kits. This means our science classroom is "lab-based" to provide thehands-on, inquiry-based experiences with the understanding that solid science is best learned by "doing" science.
1st Semester / 2nd SemesterDynamics of Ecosystems
(semester long unit)
* Lab Safety/Equipment
* Measurement
*Earth Systems Interactions
*A Slick Solution / 3rd Quarter
Matter and Interactions Unit
*Mixtures and Solutions
*Soil Characterization
4th quarter
Earth: Gravity and Space Unit
*A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes
Grading:Standards Based Assessments = 50%
Experiments/labs =50%
Required Materials:
(1) green 3 pronged pocket folder
marble composition book
Pens with dark ink (black, blue)
Crayons & color pencils
Copies:Any time that worksheets are used for homework or class assignments, you get only one copy. These should be placed in your science folder as soon as you get them. If you lose, misplace, or destroy this worksheet, you will not be given another sheet.
Late Work: Any assignment/project that is not turned in when it is due is considered late. Late work may be turned in for a deduction of 10 points per day.
Absent Work: Upon your return from an absence, please see Mrs.Ardisto get any notes or homework assignments that were given.
- You will have one day for every day you were absent to make up work.
- If you were absent on the day of a test, you will have one week to make up that test. Test may be made up, Thursdays after school.
Homework: Write down daily homework assignments as well as upcoming projects, quizzes, or tests in your planner.
- Tests will be announced at least 4 school days in advance.
- Tests will not be given the same day as social studies tests.
- The test date will be posted on the board until the test is given.
There will be chapter tests, with the material taken directly from lectures, assigned reading, and homework. A study guide will be given for every test.
Interactive Science
- We will use interactive science notebooks. It is like a portfolio for what we've done in science for the entire year. It teaches students organizational skills, and it's an incredible reference/study tool for students. Students will receive a grade for their notebook.
- Please refer to the 5th grade discipline plan.
- Since this is a Science class, we will have lab assignments.
- There will be a “zero tolerance” level when it comes to misbehavior during a science lab.It is crucial for each student to pay attention to all directions and avoid distracting fellow students.
- When conducting a lab, it is often impossible to go back and fix mistakes, so please PAY ATTENTION!
- Before students can participate in our first lab or experiment, they must read the Laboratory Safety Rules and sign a Lab Safety Contract stating that they have read an understood the rules.
Please sign the following indicating that you have read, understand, and agree to the
policies and guidelines above. Keep the syllabus in the science folder at all times.
I **IMPORTANT – Please remember that students will be given ample time to complete research projects. Late projects will receive a 10 point deduction per day they are late. Project information will be coming at a later date.
**IMPORTANT – Each science project this year will require internet research. In addition, a “works cited” page will be required for each of these projects. We will be reviewing how to complete these pages in class, as well as with Mrs. Brown in the library. Not having internet access at home will not be an excuse for an extension or an incomplete project. If you do not have internet access at home, Saraland Public Library offers free internet on their computers. Also, Mrs. Lowe opens our library every morning, before school, for student research. We also have a computer lab students may use each morning. Thank you for helping your child become a responsible 5th grader!
Verification Receipt – Science Syllabus (2016-2017)
_____I understand my child will only receive one copy of this syllabus and it should be kept in their science folder. I understand if my child or I lose this syllabus, I may print another one from Mrs. Ardis’ class website.I understand Mrs. Ardis will not give duplicates for lost papers.
_____ I understand my child will receive a study guide for each test. It is important we keep them in the science folder.I understand Mrs. Ardis will NOT give additional study guides if either my child or I lose one.
_____I understand my child will be responsible for note taking during class each day.
_____I understand that if my child does not turn projects in on time, 10 points per day will be deducted from their grade.
_____I understand that not having internet access at home will not be accepted as an excuse for project extensions or exceptions. If I do not have internet, I understand there are resources at Saraland Public Library, SMS library, as well as a school computer lab my child may use.
_____I understand if my child is absent during science labs they will not be able to make it up but will be given an alternative assignment for a grade.
Student signature date
Parent signature date
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