
Course Description

This course is part of the Finance career pathway as established by the Georgia Department of Education. In order to be a completer in this pathway, a student must complete the following courses: Intro to Business and Technology, Banking and Investing andFinancial Literacy and pass the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification test.

Specific topics in banking that will be covered include: banking history, the Federal Reserve System, the functions of banks in the U.S. economy, and checking and savings accounts.In the Investing portion of the course, we will learn about inflation, interest rates, credit and its appropriate uses, the importance of financial planning including retirement, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, government securities and other investment instruments.

For more specific information about the content of this class, please follow this link to the Georgia Department of Education website to see the Performance Standards: . The Banking and Investing Performance Standards are also posted on my page on the AHS website.

In order to enhance understanding of the curriculum, we will visit the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta and have several guest speakers during the semester.

The credit crisis and the exploding amount of personal debt in this country make it imperative that students understand the importance of the power and the responsibility that comes with earning money. They must enter adulthood educated about the importance of sound financial decision-making early in their lives. It is my plan that they will come to that understanding in this course.

Career opportunities related to this course include bank branch manager, loan officer, bank teller, mortgage broker, stock broker, personal financial planner, investment banker, entrepreneur, corporate financial manager, financial analyst, accountant, economist, and many others.

Pathway Course Sequence

Financial Services:

Intro to Business & Technology Financial Literacy Banking & Investing

Students completing all three courses in the pathway are required to complete the End of Pathway Assessment to earn an industry-recognized credential.

Anticipated Classroom Format

  • Attendance and promptness to class are very important qualities. Be here on time each day. (Remember, school is preparing you for the future and time is money to employers, so develop good work habits now.) Students who are absent during group projects may be assigned a separate activity. Makeup work will be required for any absences.
  • If you are absent, you must have an excused absence form to make up the assignments. It is your responsibility to show me your excuse form. All work must be made up within one week of your return. Any exceptions will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Makeup work not turned in by the required deadline will result in a ZERO. Do not let this happen to you!
  • Students are expected to participate in all classroom exercises and activities as well as to come to class prepared.
  • Be respectful of yourself, your fellow students, and your teacher. You are also expected to be responsible and abide by all school rules.
  • Complete your assigned work as instructed.
  • Listen and follow instructions (when I am talking, you need to be listening).
  • Equipment – you are responsible for the computer equipment, and any other material used in this classroom. Students may be held financially responsible for any missing or damaged equipment.
  • Make-Up Work— I am here at 8:00 and do not leave until 4:30 on most days. You may make arrangements with me to come in before or after school. It is important that you stay current with all of your assignments. Grading for work turned in late will begin at an 80. At some point, I will no longer accept late assignments. As this time frame will vary, students will be made aware of these deadlines well before they occur.

Grading Plan

  • Classwork – 30%
  • Tests/Projects – 50%
  • Final Exam –20%

Infinite Campus

Douglas County schoolsuse a student information system known as Infinite Campus. Because I believe it is important that students be responsible for their assignments and the resulting grades, I am going to ask that all parents and all students sign-up for access to Infinite Campus.The procedures for gaining access to the system are on the Alexander High School webpage.


I will be using the Schoology classroom management system. This system allows me to post classroom assignments to a website which students can access at school or at home. Students can upload their work to Schoology which I then grade from the website. My class will be largely paperless! Parents will also be able to login and check their student’s progress. I will be sending login information soon.

Strategies for Student Learning

This class will utilize all of the following to achieve learning objectives: discussion, collaborative group work, student presentations, field trips, guest speakers and computer projects.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to achieve and maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and excellence. Not only does academic honesty preserve the integrity of both the student and the school, but it is also essential in gaining a true education. Students pledge that they will not lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal in the pursuit of his or her studies and are encouraged to report those who do. In the event that students violate this policy, a grade of zero will be earned and a parent/guardian will be called. A second incidence of cheating will result in both of the above plus a referral to an administrator.

Classroom Resources

Various web resources will be used throughout the semester.

Internet Usage

  • Be selective in your use of the Internet as an education tool.
  • Be Considerate – respect your equipment, your teachers, your classmates and other Internet users. Remember that this is a school setting and you are expected to conduct yourself accordingly.
  • Be careful – remember that there is no such thing as privacy on the Internet. Do not divulge any information about yourself or others. Do not give your password to others. Remember to log off the computer every day .Stay off questionable sites.
  • Do not download anything onto the school’s computers. Technology knows who you are and can limit or discontinue your use of the Internet.
  • Remember: You, the student, are aware of these conditions established for Internet access. You are ultimately responsible for your conduct on the Internet.

Articulation Information

The Douglas County School System has an articulation agreement with WestCentralTechnicalCollege for some business and information technology classes. Banking and Investing does not fall under this agreement, however interested students can check with their guidance counselor for more information.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

All students at AHS who are interested in business and information technology are encouraged to join FBLA. This is a non-profit student organization that prepares students for careers in business and business technology. Its mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Your teacher has more information.

End of Pathway Assessment

The CTAE Programs in Douglas County Schools have instituted mandated “End of Pathway Assessments” (EOPA) for all students who complete one of several career pathway programs. Students who complete the courses in the Financial pathway will be required to take the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification test.


The Douglas County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability or age in educational programs or activities, or employment practices.