Everyday companies make choices. Strategic choices of who to sell to, tactical choices on how to achieve sales and revenue targets. Improving the performance of sales practitioners and managers whilst increasing the overall effectiveness of sales organisations are topics of key importance to almost every Chief Executive today.
Over the past decade, IAN IRVING LIMITED developed a thriving international sales development practice by delivering true business and sales success with a broad range of clients. This success has developed a broader set of capabilities – represented in the new BREESE® methodology.
BREESE exists to provide access to these innovative solutions and help our customers to unlock their customers’ true potentialsm.
BREESE®audit is just one of the programmes that make up the extensive BREESE® portfolio of practical ‘real-world’ workshops, developed with our clients, to accelerate sales and relationship management effectiveness.
The BREESE®audit identifies what can be changed, what cannot be changed and what should not be changed to optimise sales organisation effectiveness.
The audit ensures that organisations implement and develop prioritised investments - in people, process, systems and functions, to achieve the revenue and customer targets set within the business plan. By taking a total approach to the challenges presented in today’s difficult business environment, the outputs of the audit ensure both a strategic and tactical multi-functional approach to improving organisation effectiveness. It is the result of much hands-on experience in developing effective sales and relationship management capabilities.
The BREESE®audit is a natural starting point on the journey of building effective sales organisations.
- The current capabilities for sales and relationship management are agreed by all of the ‘Top Team’ – both Line and Function
- Gaps in capability are identified and a prioritised roadmap of change is defined and agreed
- Interventions to fill existing gaps are combined to maximise organisation value once implemented
- The Senior Executive Team is provided with a consistent business message to communicate to all employees on the need and focus for change
- Organisation alignment ensures that investments are fully integrated maximising the return-on-investment
- The ‘umbrella’ BREESE®methodology creates a ‘safety net’ under which all can shelter during the often difficult transition process
- Competing and ambiguous activities can be objectively rationalised reducing negative political interference in the development of the business
- Finally, organisations change what needs to be changed at the pace they can manage
Two day facilitated practical and output focused workshop using a range of proven methods and tools combining the experience and capabilities of the clients ‘Top Team’, best-practice and the BREESE®practitioners.
“The BREESE®audit establishes exactly why existing practices need to change, the groundwork that needs to be done and how it is going to happen. It forces organisations to consider where they are now, where they want to be and in what timescale and how to measure success.”
Andy Woodruff - Sales Manager Logica
“Because of your contributions SSI successfully turned the concept of ‘Customer teams’ into reality” “BREESE® differs from other tools in its absolute focus on Sales and Account Management. Linking together all the critical elements: the purpose, the process, the people and the performance elements. Where it has been applied organisations regard it as the vital missing link between the sales process and real Customer Relationship Management”
Jacques Dumans – Shell SSI Netherlands
“BREESE® is impacting positively my business. During the last Fiscal year, I improved my sales costs per revenue dollar by 19% with a 13% improvement on the contribution side”
Eric Soares – Country Director Novell
‘BREESE® provides an excellent methodology to plan, monitor and measure the success of a B2B change management project which is significantly complex in nature – every senior executive can benefit from BREESE®’
Candan Karabagli – Global Senior Vice President – JohnsonDiversey
“BREESE® moves organisations systematically from discovery and analysis through prioritisation of business needs to solution design and implementation. Modular in design, it can be applied at any stage of their development – from start-ups through growing businesses to leadership companies”
Ian Irving - Unilever’s business-to-business visiting lecturer at Ashridge Management College
© 2011 BREESE