Directorate of Planning and Development
BangladeshUniversity of Engineering and Technology
Invitation for Tender
No. BUET/HEQEP/CP-2099/LP-78/G6/DR- Date: 27.08.2012
1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Education2 / Agency / BangladeshUniversity of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
3 / Procuring Entity Name / BangladeshUniversity of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
4 / Procuring Entity Code / Not Used
5 / Procuring Entity District / Dhaka, Bangladesh
6 / Invitation for / Tender for Goods (Multiple Lot)
7 / Invitation Ref. No. / BUET/HEQEP/CP-2099/G6
8 / Date : / 27.08.2012
9 / Procurement Method / Open Tendering Method (National)
10 / Budget and Source of Funds / Development Budget (Government and IDA Credit)
11 / Development Partners (if applicable) / International Development Association (IDA)
12 / Project/Programme Code (if applicable) / 4544-BD
13 / Project/Programme Name (if applicable) / Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP)
14 / Tender Package No. / G6 (MultipleLot)
15 / Tender Package Name / Supply of Experimental Equipment for the Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 / Tender Publication Date / 28.08.2012
17 / Tender Last Selling Date / 18.09.2012 (during office hours)
18 / Tender Closing Date and Time / 19.09.2012 at 11.00 AM(BST)
19 / Tender Opening Date and Time / 19.09.2012 at 11.30 AM (BST), Tender shall be opened in presence of Tenderers/Tenderer’s authorized representative (if any).
20 / Name & Address of the office(s)
- Selling and opening Tender Document / Directorate of Planning and Development (P&D), BUET.
- Receiving Tender Document / Directorate of Planning and Development (P&D), BUET,
- Opening Tender Document / Directorate of Planning and Development (P&D), BUET.
21 / Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / Directorate of Planning and Development (P&D), BUET.
Date and Time : ...... at 11.30 AM
22 / Eligibility and Qualification of Tenderer / The Tenderer may be from all countries in the world except Israel.
The Tenderer shall have
- a minimum of five (5) years of overall experience in the supply of goods and related services.
- successfully completed minimum two(2)supply contracts of similar goods and related services within last five (5) years.
- satisfactory completed supply of similar goods of minimum BDT 63 lac for Lot-1, BDT 10 Lac for Lot-2 and Lot-3 under maximum two (2)contracts in the last five (5) years.
- a minimum amount of liquid asset or working capital or credit facility of Tk. 2 crore for Lot-1, Tk. 20 lac for Lot-2 and Lot-3. .
- Must have valid trade licence, latest income tax clearance certificate, Bank solvency certificate, VAT Registration Certificate and work experience certificate.
- Apply to the undersigned for purchasing the tender document with the stated documents.
23 / Brief Description of Goods: / A)Lot-01:(i) 2D PIV System -15 Hz (ii) Computer Controlled gear pump (iii) Ultrasonic Flow meter & (iv) Pressure Transducers [for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka]
B)Lot-02:Laboratory Chemical [for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka]
C)Lot-03:Data Acquisition System [for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka]
24 / Brief Description of Related Service: / Installation and Commissioning of equipment and acceptance of goods
25 / Price of Tender Document (Tk) / Lot-01:
Lot-03: / 500/-
200 /-
200 /-
26 / Package No. / Identification of Lot / Location / Tender Security
Amount (Tk) / Completion Time in
G-6 / Lot-01: Supply, Installation/Testing and Commissioning of 2D PIV System -15 Hz, Computer Controlled gear pump, Ultrasonic Flow meter & Pressure Transducers for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka / (P&D), BUET / 4,00,000/-
(Four lacs Only) / Ten (10) weeks from the date of contract signature
Lot-02: Supply of Laboratory Chemical for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka / (P&D), BUET / 15,000/-
(Fifteen Thousand Only) / Ten (10) weeks from the date of contract signature
Lot-03: Supply, Installation/Testing and Commissioning of Data Acquisition System for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Dhaka / (P&D), BUET / 15,000/-
(Fifteen Thousand Only) / Ten (10) weeks from the date of contract signature
27 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Prof. Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed
(On behalf of Sub-Project Manager, HEQEP ( CP-2099))
28 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Director
29 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / The Directorate of Planning and Development (P&D), BUET
30 / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Director, P&D, BUET, Dhaka
Tel: 9666413, 9665650-56 Ext. 7350
31 / Special Instructions / The Purchaser reserves the right to accept any Tender, to annul the Tender process, or to reject any or all Tenders, at any time prior to contract award.
Prof. Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed
Directorate of Planning and Development
BUET, Dhaka
F:\HEQEP\Procurement\Experimental Facilities\Tender Docs\Advertisement_Copy_(CP-2099)_Corrected_Toufique.doc