Bangladesh Investment Development Authority
Registration & Incentives-Commercial
Sl # / Name of service / Needed period / Needed paper's/ documents / Source of receiving documents / Fees / Related Officer’s / Related higher Officer(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8)
- 01.
(On-line base service) / 24 Hrs / Paper's/ documents needed for recommendation of ‘E’(Employment) type Visa in favor of the expatriate(s) to be employed in branch/ liaison/ representative office and other private and public enterprise:
- Copy of permission letter for branch/liaison/representative office or Memorandum of articles of association and certificate of incorporation in case of locally incorporated company.
- Board Resolution for employment of foreign nation(s) mentioning Expatriate Name, Nationality & Passport Number
- Photograph of the Expatriate.
- Copy of passport of the Expatriate/Investor/Employee (Whole of the used part).
- Appointment Letter/transfer order/service contract or agreement for expatriate/investors.
- Certificate of all academic qualification & professional experience for the employees
- Paper clipping showing advertisement made for recruitment of local personal prior to appointment of the expatriate(s)
- Specific activities of the company
- Statement of manpower showing list of local and expatriate personal employed with designation, salary break-up, nationality and date of first appointment. (Latest Copy)
- Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minium U.S $50,000.00 as initial establishment cost for branch/liaison/representative office and locally incorporated/ joint venture and 100% foreign ownership companies.
- Up-to-date Income tax clearance certificate (Organization)
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
(a) All documents shall have to be attested by the Chairman/ CEO / Managing director/ Country Manager/ Chief executive of the Company/ firms.
(b) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / No fee / 1. Md. Ariful Hoque
Director (Deputy Secretary)
Tel: 88-02-9562546
(Special desk for
Japanese investments)
Deputy Director
Tel: 88-02-9587455
3. Md. Atik Sarker
Assistant Director
Tel: 88-02-7169580 (Ext. 1821)
/ Mr. Nabhash Chandra Mandal
Executive Member (Additional Secretary)
Tel: 88-02-9563570
- 01.
(On-line base service) / 24 Hrs / Paper's/ documents needed for recommendation of ‘E1’ type Visa in favor of the expatriate(s) to be employed in branch/ liaison/ representative office and other private and public enterprise:
- Copy of permission letter for branch/liaison/representative office in case of locally incorporated company Memorandum of Article and Certificate of incorporation.
- Board resolution for engaging the foreign national(s)
- Photograph of the Expatriate/Investor
- Copy of passport of the Investor (Whole of the used part) each of the pages choronologically
- Service contact/ agreement with the machinery supplier
- Up‐to‐date Income tax clearance certificate (Organization)
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
- Certificate of all academic qualification & professional experience for the expatriate
(a) All documents shall have to be attested by the Chairman/ CEO / Managing director/ Country Manager/ Chief executive of the Company/ firms.
(b) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / No fee / -Do-
- 02.
(On-line base service) / 24 Hrs / Paper's/ documents needed for recommendation of ‘PI` (Private Investor) type Visa in favor of the expatriate(s) to be employed in branch/ liaison/ representative office and other private and public enterprise:
- Memorandum & article of Association and certificate of incorporation of the company duly signed by shareholders.
- Board Resolution for engaging of foreign national(s) in Bangladesh mentioning Name, Nationality & Passport Number
- Photograph of the Expatriate/Investor
- Copy of passport of the Investor (Whole of the used part) each of the pages choronologically
- Specific Activity of the Company (in Company Letter Head Pad)
- Statement of manpower showing list of local and expatriate personal employed with designation, salary break-up, nationality and date of first appointment. (Latest Copy)
- Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minium U.S $50,000.00 as initial establishment cost for locally incorporated joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership companies
- Up-to-date Income tax clearance certificate (Organization)
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
(a) All documents shall have to be attested by the Chairman/ CEO / Managing director/ Country Manager/ Chief executive of the Company/ firms.
(b) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / No fee / -Do- / -Do-
- 03.
(On-line base service) / 15 Days
(Inter ministerial meeting held after around 15 days)
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting) / Necessary documents for New Work Permit of employment of expatriate in Branch/Liaison/Representative office and other private and public enterprises:
- Copy of permission letter for branch/liaison/representative office or Memorandum & Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation of the company duly signed by the shareholders in case of locally incorporated.
- Board resolution regarding employment of foreign national(s) including honorarium & other benefit to be provided
- Copy of passport (whole Used part)with arrival stamp, E-type visa for employees and PI-type visa for investors each of the pages choronologically
- Service contract/ agreement and appointment letter/ transfer order in case of employee
- Copies of all academic qualification & professional experience certificate for the employee
- Statement of the manpower showing list of local & expatriate personnel employed with designation, salary break-up, nationality and date of first appointment
- Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate of the company
- Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum US$ 5,0000.00 as initial establishment cost for branch/ liason/ joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership company incorporation in Bangladesh
- Visa Recommendation Letter of the Expatriate/Investors.
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
(a) All documents shall have to be attested by the Chairman/ CEO / Managing director/ Country Manager/ Chief executive of the Company/ firms.
(b) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / Per person per year BDT 5,000/-
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do- / -Do-
- 04.
(On-line base service) / 15 Days
(Inter ministerial meeting held after around 15 days)
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting) / Necessary documents for Extension of Work Permit ofr expatriate(s) employment in Branch/Liaison/Representative office and other private and public establishment:
- Board Resolution of the company regarding extension of employment of foreign national(s)
- Copy of Passport with E-Type visa for employees/PI-type visa for Investors
- Copy of service contract/ agreement and appointment letter mentioning with Compensation & Benefits
- Income tax clearance certificate from the concerned tax circle for the previous working period
- Bangladesh Bank's Permission under section 18(A), in case of branch/ liasion/ representative office
- Statement of the manpower showing list of local & expatriate personnel employed with designation, salary break-up, nationality and date of first appointment
- Up-to-date Encashment certificate
- Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate for branch/ liasion/ representative office/ locally incorporated companies (Paid in Full_
- Copy of the last Work Permit/Extension
- Copy of office Permission/Incorporation certificate
- Copy of the first work permit
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
- Security clearence of the expatriate from Ministry of Home Affairs
(a) All documents shall have to be attested by the Chairman/ CEO / Managing director/ Country Manager/ Chief executive of the Company/ firms.
(b) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / Per person per year BDT 5,000/-
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do- / -Do-
- 05.
(On-line base service) / 15 Days
(Inter ministerial meeting held after around 15 days)
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting) /
Necessary documents for application of opening of Branch/Liaison/Representative office:
- Audited Accounts of last fincial year of the principal company.
- Company's board of director's resolution regarding opening of office in Bangladesh.
- Proposed organogram of the office showing the posts to be occupied by both expatriates and local personnel.
- Details of activities of the Principal Company & details of activities to be performed through the proposed Branch/Liaison/Representative Office in Bangladesh.
- Name and Nationality of the Directors/Promoters of the Principal Company.
- Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Principal Company
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
(a) Documents shall have to be attested by the concern Bangladesh mission/ mission of the respective country in Bangladesh/ respective country’s apex business chamber.
(b) After submitting the application please submit original copy (Hard Copy) of all documents to BIDA (Commercial wing).
(c) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization.
(d) Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum US$ 50,000.00 as initial establishment cost for branch/ liaison/ joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership company incorporation in Bangladesh. (b) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / BDT 25,000/-
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do- / -Do-
- 06.
(On-line base service) / 15 Days
(Inter ministerial meeting held after around 15 days)
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting) / Necessary documents for application for extension of Branch/ Liaison/ Representative offices:
- Letter of Bangladesh Bank regarding Article-18(B);
- Income tax clearance certificate for the previous periods from the concerned Tax Circle.
- Audited Accounts of last financial year of the principal company.
- Company's board of director's resolution for extension/renewal of office permission.
- Latest audit report of Bangladesh Office.
- List of manpower (local and foreign) showing designation/salary/job description/nationality.
- Up to date Encashment certificate of inward remittance.
- Copy of last office permission letter
- Attachment of company's comments as per remarks (if any)
(a) Document's must be submitted by an authorized person of the organization including the letter of authorization.
(b) Application for renewal to be submitted at least 2 months before the date of expiry. / Bangladesh Investment Development Authority / BIDA website / BDT 10,000/-
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do- / -Do-
- 07.
(a) Work permit cancellation / 5 days / Documents require for application for cancellation of work permit:
- First work permit letter (new)/Last extension work permit letter;
- Up-to date Income tax clearance certificate (organization) paid in full;
- Up-to date Income tax clearance certificate (expatriate) under section-91
- Resignation Letter/Transfer Order Letter;
- Board Resolution, Acceptance Letter/Release letter;
- Photo copy of Passport;
- Bangladesh Bank’s permission under section 18(A), in case of Branch/Liaison/Representative office.
(b) Change of office address / 5 days / Documents require for application of Office address change:
- Copy of Office permission;
- Deed of agreement;
- Board resolution;
- Up-to date Income tax clearance certificate (Org.);
- Pay order BDT 1,000.00;
- Trade license (In case of Locally incorporated);
- RJSC From VI (In case of Locally incorporated).
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do- / -Do-
(c) Amendment of work permit / 5 days / Documents require for application of amendment of work permit:
- Copy of Office permission;
- Copy of work permit;
- Board resolution regarding amendment of work permit;
- Others related documents regarding amendment of work permit;
- Up-to date Income tax clearance certificate (Org.);
- Pay order BDT 1,000.00;
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do-
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting where applicable) / -Do-
(d) Waiver of special conditions given in Office Permission Letter (Like condition no. 5, 7 & 8) / 15 days (Inter Ministerial committee meeting) / Documents require for application of waiver conditions of office permission:
- Copy of Office permission;
- Board resolution regarding waiver of condition;
- Justification for waive;
- Audit report;
- Up-to date Income tax certificate (Org.);
- Waiver condition issued earlier where applicable;
- Agreement with Government/Source of local income;
- Invoice/Bill/Cheque etc.
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting where applicable) / -Do-
(e) Change of company name / 15 days (Inter Ministerial committee meeting) / Documents require for application of Change of company name:
- Copy of Office permission;
- Globally board resolution;
- Global changing documents;
- Up-to date Income tax certificate (Org.);
- Pay Order BDT 1,000.00
(Pay order from any Bank in favour of “Bangladesh Investment Development Authority”) / -Do-
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting where applicable) / -Do-
(f) Branch/Liaison/Representative Office permission Close / 15 days (Inter Ministerial committee meeting) / Documents require for application of Branch/Liaison/Representative Office permission Close:
- Copy of public notice (to be published at least before 03 (three) months for closure of foreign office in Bangladesh;
- Copy of Office permission;
- Globally board resolution;
- Up to date Audit Report;
- Up-to date Income tax certificate (Org.) under section-89;
- Up to date Bank statement;
- All dues settlement certificate;
- NOC from House holder;
- Declaration (regarding if any liabilities including dues unpaid taxes (organizational & individual) and financial raise in future will be bear the all liabilities on this own).
(Subject to approval of inter ministerial committee meeting where applicable) / -Do-