BANA 3000, Hybrid, Operations Management, Fall 2017

Hybrid Course. Each week, there will be online requirements and one in-class session.

Section H01, Call#34997, In Class Session Meets Wednesday, 12:00pm to 1:45pm

Section H02, Call#35000, In Class Session Meets Wednesday, 2:00pm to 3:15pm

Instructor: Michael D. Harper, Ph.D.

Schedule: Semester active from August 21, 2017 to December 13, 2017

Week / Topics / In Class
Wednesday / Assignments
Due Saturday by 11:59pm
No Late Assignments accepted
Due @ 11:59pm / Q#=Quiz
1 / 1. Introduction / Aug 23 / Aug 26 / Q1
2 / 2. Forecasting / Aug 30 / Sep 2 / Q2, H1
3 / 3. Linear Programming / Sep 6 / Sep 9 / Q3, H2
4 / 4. Aggregate Planning / Sep 13 / Sep 16 / Q4, H3
5 / 5. Inventory / Sep 20 / Sep 23 / Q5, H4
6 / ---Exam#1 --- Topics 1-3
Sep. 27, 2017 / Sep 27 / Sep 30
7 / 6. MRP&ABC / Oct 4 / Oct 7 / Q6, H5
8 / 7. Scheduling / Oct 11 / Oct 14 / Q7, H6
9 / 8. CPM&EVA / Oct 18 / Oct 21 / Q8, H7
10 / ---Exam#2 --- Topics 4-6
Oct. 25, 2017 / Oct 25 / Oct 28
11 / 9. SPC / Nov 1 / Nov 4 / Q9, H8
12 / 10a. Quality Management
10b. Project Management / Nov 8 / Nov 11 / Q10, H9
13 / 11a. Supply Chain Management
11b. Global Operations / Nov 15 / Nov 18 / Q11
14 / ---Break--- / Nov 22* / Nov 25
15 / ---Exam#3 --- Topics 7-9
Nov. 29, 2017 / Nov 29 / Dec 2
16 / 12a. Business Sustainability
12b. Business Analytics / Dec 6 / Dec 9 / Q12
17 / ---Optional Final---
Dec. 13, 2017 / Dec 13^
*No class on Nov 22.
àLast day for a Make-up Exam is Friday, Dec. 8, 2017.
^End of Course is Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017. Nothing is considered after the end of the course.


Grades based solely on grade measure performance. Grades are not negotiated. No +/- grades.
Percentage / Grade / Description / Grade Measures
90 to 100 / A / Excellent / 12 Quiz Assignments @ 5 points = 60 points
80 to 89 / B / Good / 9 Homework Assignments @ 5 points = 45 points
70 to 79 / C / Competent / 3 Exams @ 60 points = 180 points
60 to 69 / D / Below Average / 1 Optional Final Exam = 90 points
0 to 59 / F / Failing / Total Points = 375 points
The policies and procedures in this syllabus will be followed in this course and apply to every student. Students are responsible to know and comply with all policies and procedures.

Course Description. BANA 3000. Operations Management.

Introduces the concepts and methods commonly used in manufacturing and service operations. Topics include aggregate planning, inventory control, scheduling, quality control, and linear programming. This is a business core course. Therefore, a grade of a 'C' or better must be earned to satisfy Business graduation requirements. Prereq: MATH 1070 or MATH 1110 or MATH 1080 or MATH 1130 or MATH 1401 AND DSCI/BANA 2010 AND ACCT 2200 all with a grade of C- or higher. Restriction: Restricted to undergraduate students at a junior standing or higher. Max hours: 3 Credits.

General Policies.

Grades based solely on grade measure performance. Grades are not negotiated. No +/- grades.
Grades determined by percentage of points earned out of total possible points. No submission is a zero.
No Curves. No Extra Credit. No Adds. No drops after third exam date. No Incomplete Grades.
Normal rounding conventions are used (e.g., ≥0.5 rounded to 1.0 & <0.5 rounded to 0.0)
Quiz questions and homework questions available on Canvas.
Submit quiz answers and homework answers through Canvas by 11:59pm on the due date.
No assignment submitted by the time and due date has a grade of zero.
No late assignments are accepted.
Exams are in class. No exam will result in a zero.
Exams returned. Exam answers posted on Canvas.
Make-up exam may be taken and the grade will replace a zero.
Make-up exams must be scheduled with me on or before the last day for make-up exams.
Make-up exams are not subject to review. Make-up exams are not returned.
Exams and Make-up exams may be taken only once.
The optional final does not count if not taken. But the optional final will count if taken.
Optional final is not subject to review and will not be returned.
Grades for quizzes, homework and exams posted on Canvas.
Grade for optional final not posted on Canvas.
Course grade not posted on Canvas. Course grade reported to the registrar and posted through the registrar.
The policies and procedures in this syllabus will be followed in this course and apply to every student. Students are responsible to know and comply with all policies and procedures.

Course Design.

Each week there is a topic. For each topic, there will be a Quiz assignment and a Homework assignment submitted through Canvas. Throughout the course there will be in class exams. To aid in understanding the material and working the assignments, learning resources include online videos found at the website [], textbook required readings, the Red Book as a reference, student discussions on Canvas, and lectures.
The Quiz assignment for a topic will be opened at least one week before the week the topic is covered. The Quiz is due at the end of the week the topic is covered. The Quiz is designed to cover basic material supported by the learning resources include online videos found at the website []. Before the first class period of the week the topic is covered, the learning resources including the online videos should be fully utilized and the Quiz questions should be worked. At the beginning of the first class period of the week the topic is covered, unanswered questions about the material, upon which the Quiz questions are based, will be addressed only after the Quiz questions have been worked by the class before coming to class. Questions will be on the material and not the answers to the questions.
The Homework assignment for a topic will be opened after the material is covered for that topic that week. The Homework is due at least one week after the Homework is opened. The Homework is designed to apply the material to operations problems. The learning resources include online videos found at the website [] are designed to support knowledge of the material but the in-class lecture is designed to cover a problem solving approach to work the specific operations problems addressed in the homework. Before the class period during the week the Homework is due, the learning resources including the online videos should be fully utilized and the Homework questions should be worked. At the beginning of the class period during the week the Homework is due, unanswered questions about the material, upon which the Homework questions are based, will be addressed only after the Homework questions have been worked by the class before coming to class. Questions will be on the material or problem solving process and not the answers to the questions.

Course Material.

Required (Bring to first class period). This is not a textbook but lecture supplements.
Red Book, Operations Management, 2016 Edition, M.D. Harper, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-0-982-2980-4-6. The Red Book is available only at the bookstore.
·  Required. This is a textbook.
·  Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, J.Heizer and B.Render, 12th edition, Pearson. ISBN-13:978-0134130422
Required: Canvas. Submit all homework answers only on Canvas. All grades will be posted on Canvas.
Required: Website:

Reading Material.

The required readings are from the textbook, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, J.Heizer and B.Render, 12th edition. There will be additional material covered in the lectures not specifically covered in this textbook. The textbook will cover material that will not be covered in the lectures or required for this course. There will also be online material available through the website [ ]. However, reading assignments out of the textbook are required for each topic. In some cases, specific pages are identified for reading. In other cases, the beginning page number is identified and the following pages are indicated for reading where all the information is valuable for this topic but the lectures will identify which material is necessary for this course. Reading required for each topic.

Topic 1. Introduction.
Overview to operations management, Chapter 1, pages 1ff.
Operations strategy, chapter 9, pages 367ff.
Break-even analysis, supplement 7, pages 318ff.
Topic 2. Forecasting.
Forecasting, chapter 4, pages 105ff.
Topic 3. Linear Programming.
Linear Programming, module B, pages 699-728
Transportation models, module C, pages 729-746
Topic 4. Aggregate Planning.
Aggregate planning and S&OP, chapter 13, pages 529ff
Topic 5. Inventory Theory.
Inventory management, chapter 12, pages 487ff
Topic 6. MRP&ABC.
Material Requirement Planning (MRP) and ERP, chapter 14, pages 563ff
ABC analysis, chapter 12, pages 491-493.
Topic 7. Scheduling & Logistics Management.
Short-Term scheduling, chapter 15, pages 599ff
Topic 8. Project Management.
Project management, chapter 3, pages 59ff
Topic 9. SPC & Statistical Quality Control.
Statistical process control, supplement 6, pages 245-259
Topic 10. Quality Management.
Managing quality, chapter 6, pages 213ff

Policies and Procedures.

The policies and procedures in this syllabus will be followed in this course and applies to every student. Students are responsible to know and comply with all policies and procedures.

Course Objectives. This course will survey concepts, methods, and strategies commonly used in manufacturing and service operations. Recognition of problems, application of techniques, and communication of results are emphasized through lectures, assignments and exams. This course should provide a student the capability to independently acquire a workable solution to commonly encountered operations problems or to be an effective and substantial contributor in a team effort dealing with operations issues.

Course Structure.

This course contains lectures, reading material, online material, quizzes, homework, and exams. Course grade is based solely on student’s performance in the grade measures of quiz assignments, homework assignments and exams. Grades are not negotiated. No curves. No extra credit. In calculating course grades, normal rounding conventions are used.
The rounding convention used in this course: a number, X, with a value 1.5≤X<2.5 is rounded to 2.0 if rounding to the unit digit. This rounding convention will be used for calculations in this course and especially related to grades, assignments and exams.
Material in the prerequisite courses is required before taking this course. Prerequisite material will not be covered in this course since students are expected to know the prerequisite material before coming into this course.
Assignments consist of quiz assignments and homework assignments. No late assignments are accepted. Answers to assignments posted on Canvas after the due date. Exams given in class. Exams returned after graded. No make-up exams will be scheduled after the last day for make-up exams. Make-up exams are not subject to review and will not be returned. Assignments and exam grades posted on Canvas. The optional final is not subject to review and will not be returned. Optional final grade will not be posted on Canvas. Course grade will not be posted on Canvas but reported to the registrar. In taking this course, each student is responsible to know and adhere to the policies and procedures in the syllabus.

Course Management.

This course is not an online course. Class attendance is required. Each student is responsible for the content of each class in the course as well as the required material which includes required readings and online videos.
Respectful behavior before, during, and after class sessions is expected which includes refraining from talking during lectures, arriving late, leaving early, use of cell phones, conducting work during lectures, asking inappropriate questions during lectures, or disrupting the learning process during lectures. Respectful behavior is expected during exams which includes refraining from carrying on a conversation with other students or me, listening to music, use of cell phones, or disrupting the exam time for other students.
Collaboration is encouraged but not required. Collaboration is the responsibility of each student. Lack of collaboration or failure to attend class does not eliminate a student’s responsibility to submit assignments when due. Each student is responsible to submit their own work when due. No collaboration is allowed on exams.
If a tutor is used, which is the responsibility of the student, be careful to use the tutor appropriately. Each lecture is designed to present new material or work selected problems while office hours are provided to answer specific questions. The purposes of these two times will not be exchanged. Email communications with me should only be used in emergency situations.

Communication and Office Hours.

I will be available before and after each class period for students to ask specific questions.
I will have office hours from 3:30pm to 4:30pm on Monday and Wednesday in my office #4205 in the Business School Building 4th floor. No appointment is required or made. I will meet with students on a first come first served basis. During office hours, I will not respond to requests such as grading assignments, working your homework for you or with you, giving lectures, or giving out answers to assignments. Office hours are not the only source of help for understanding the material. I expect a student to utilize the multiple sources available in this course in addition to office hours. Respect the time a student has during office hours and do not interrupt. I do not conduct office hours or answer questions about the material between exams or between final exams.
Discussions are provided on Canvas for students to discuss course material. Use the Canvas discussions for asking questions about the course material, answering questions about the course material, organizing study groups, making announcements about study groups, and other communications helpful for learning.
Email should only be used for necessary communication with me that does not include material already stated in the syllabus, announcements made in Canvas, or questions about the material that could be asked through the discussion provided in Canvas. Since accessing the original source is more effective in communications, I will direct you to appropriate sources if necessary. Any student email to me must only be to the email address [ ] and must contain “BANA 3000, Section #” in the subject area. If this address is not used, I may not receive the email or read the email. I will read and respond to emails Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights after 9pm that have been correctly sent before 9pm.
In summary, I am available in various manners Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am available before and after class to answer questions in person. I am not available other times in person or by email.

Quiz and Homework Assignments.