Ban on Fossil Fuel subsidies & Divestment initiatives

Finance Climate Action, Not Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Resolution Submitted by Fox Valley Association with support from

First Congregational UCC Downers Grove and the Justice and Witness Committee of Fox Valley Association

Theological Basis:

As the United Church of Christ, we covenant together in justice and peace.

Psalm 241The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it;

As people of the Biblical story we recognize God as the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer over all creation. God exists apart of creation, but is the sourceof all that is unknown and unknown, all that we would call creation. Itexists because of God, and as such it belongs to God. In that sense it is not ours to do with as we please. Nor is it disposable.

Genesis 2:15“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it.” In the Genesis God invited human beingsto participate in the naming of creatures, and gave them the command to:guard, protect, and attend tothe rest of creation. Within this faith worldview, humanity was given a responsibility to care for God’s creation.


The 2013 General Synod resolution calls upon all Members, Local Churches, Associations, Conferences, Agencies, Associated, Affiliated 14 and Covenanted Ministries (and their successor bodies) as one of its resolutions “c) Seek out fossil-fuel free investment vehicles and call on both United Church Funds and the Pension Boards to create and promote an investment vehicle free of fossil fuel companies for qualified investors within 18 months”.

The 2015 General Synod resolution on Transition from Fossil Fuel to Renewable Energy encouraged conferences, associations, churches and pastors to take proactive stances to educate, advocate and move within their own individual and corporate lives to move away from using fossil fuels and towards sustainable renewable energy sources.

WHEREAS, “Although we understand the pull of immediate short term economic and political necessities, as people of faith we answer a higher call, which is to have a deep moral obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation so that all humans, other creatures and future generations may thrive on clean air, clean water and clean soil.” 2015 Synod resolution

WHEREAS, We are called in our Christian faith to care for the poor, the marginalized and those without power and voice. Many of the effects of climate change; floods, extreme heat, air pollution, anddrought forcing the displacement of peoples, are due to shifts in climatethat affect thepoorest and most vulnerable amongst us.

WHEREAS, As people of faith, we must take responsibility for the moral and ecological repercussions of economic practices that exploit of the earth and its resources as disposable commodities to fuel a way of life that allows some to prosper, while the rest of creation suffers.

WHEREAS, nonrenewable fossil fuel extraction continues to be subsidized by our government, renewable energy sources are significantly under-supported, resulting in the de-emphasis of critical renewable energy development

WHEREAS, The greatest barriers to clean energy are political, not technical—and these barriers are largely fueled by the oil industry. We know that in order to achieve a clean energy future, we have to expose and eradicate the political influence of the oil industry; we have to achieve a separation of oil & state.


Be it resolved that we hereby call all Fox Valley and Chicago Metropolitan Association churches to prayerfully consider partnering with United Church Funds to shift any shared investments they hold as houses of faith to thefunds that support renewable energy practices, such as the Beyond Fossil Fuel Fund, so that our churches do not support companies that propose a future relying on the burning and mining of fossil fuels.

Be it resolved that we call upon all Fox Valley and Chicago Metropolitan Association pastors, churches and members to divest in energy companies, stock and mutual fund holdings, and endowment funds that invest in fossil fuel companies.

Be it resolved that we, the members of the Fox Valley Association call upon the national United Church of Christ to introduce and support resolutions to our federal government to establish legislation to eliminate subsidies to fossil fuel companies and locally in our home state of Illinois to pressure Illinois congress to initiate legislationstatewide that help fund clean and renewable energy sources for the people of Illinois.

Be it further resolved that we request that the Illinois Conference Environmental taskforce include this issue as a key element in their initiatives.

Be it resolved that members of our local churches become involved in discussions regarding the continued energy subsidies to “dirty” energy and seek opportunities to communicate our concerns thru individual, church and community social justice groups and climate lobby action groups.

Be it further resolved that the Illinois taskforce speak out thru letters and public action, with this resolution attached, to the Illinois legislators and governor in the name of the IL Conference of the UCC.

Passed by the Fox Valley Association on______, 2017 at their Spring Business Meeting.