Drammen Spring Tour –Drammen Ridesenter AS

28. – 30. April and 05. - 07. May 2017

PONIES KAT II (C) (140 cm)

Schedule for Drammen Spring Tour



Place: Drammen Ridesenter, Drammen

Country: Norway



Ponies participation under the amendment will not have to present FEI passport and will not be registered as participating in an international event. Vaccination according to the rules of the nationality of the pony. The judgment in any circumstances and in any matters will be according to the FEI rules mentioned in the main Schedule for this International event.


The national categorization of ponies, high below 140 cm, participating in the Drammen Spring Tour.

Riders riding one of the ponies below 140 cm have to follow the laid down rules for ages approved by their NF. For all riders riding the pony up to 148 cm have to follow FEI rules for permission to start laid down in Annex XV Special Regulations for Pony Riders.

A pony can only start once per day.

Entry fee per pony:NOK 3275 (incl. NRYF)


Electricity (upon request)800 NOK

Hay150 NOK pr bale

Shavings125 NOK Pr bale


Ponies categorized under heights below 140 cm participating in the show competition can participate under the individual NF’s rules for vaccination as long as they are presenting an official vaccination card, showing the day of vaccination and the name of the treating vet. The ponies below 140 cmdo not show for Vet check.


No matter what is indicated under each competition, only 25% of participants per competition will receive prizes.

All prize money will be paid in NOK

Class No.Art.

Amendment Cat. II (C)



Comp 13b:Pony Cat.II 105 cm, 325 m/min274.5.3

Qualification for Grand Prix

Price money: 700-600-500-400-300-200

Comp 19b:Pony Cat.II 95 cm, 325 m/min.274.5.3

Price money: 600-500-400-300-200-150

Saturday, 29.04

Comp 27b:Pony Cat.II100 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.1

Price money: 650-550-450-350-250-175

Comp 28b:Pony Cat. II 110 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.1

Qualification for Grand Prix

Price money: 800-650-550-450-400-350

Sunday, 30.04

Comp 30b:Pony Cat. II100 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.1

Price money: 650-550-450-350-250-175

Comp 31b:Grand Prix

Pony Kat. II 115 cm, 350 m/min.238.2.2

Price money: 1500-1200-900-600-400

Comp 37b:Pony Cat. II110 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.2

Price money: 700-600-500-400-300-200



Comp 51b:Pony Cat.II 110 cm, 325 m/min274.5.3

Qualification for Grand Prix

Price money: 800-650-550-450-400-350

Comp 57b:Pony Cat.II 95 cm, 325 m/min.274.5.3

Price money: 650-550-450-350-250-175

Saturday, 06.05

Comp 65b:Pony Cat.II100 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.1

Price money: 650-550-450-350-250-175

Comp 66b:Pony Cat. II 110 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.1

Qualification for Grand Prix

Price money: 1000-800-700-600-500-300

Sunday, 07.05

Comp 68b:Pony Cat. II100 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.1

Price money: 650-550-450-350-250-175

Comp 69b:Grand Prix

Pony Kat. II 115 cm, 350 m/min.238.2.2

Price money: 1500-1200-900-600-400

Comp 75b:Pony Cat. II110 cm, 325 m/min.238.2.2

Price money: 800-650-550-450-400-350


Each pony/horse is only allowed to compete in one class per day. The rider is allowed to start 3 ponies/horses in each class.

Qualified to the Grand Prix are:

All Cat. II (C) (140 cm) ponies which have completed one of the following classes:

Comp.13b or Comp28b the first weekend and Comp 51b or Comp. 66b the second weekend.

In the Grand Prix the starting order is based on a draw.