December 2017 Newsletter

Ballina Primary School

Irish Dance Display 2017

Thank you Múinteoir Marie Hogan (TCRG) for all her hard work with the pupils during this term in Ballina Primary School. The Irish Dance Display for Term I 2017 will take place on Friday 8thDecember. The times for each class are as follows:

10.00am – 10.10am / Senior Infants (Múinteoir Mark)
10.10am – 10.20am / Rang 5 (MúinteoirClár)
10.20am – 10.35am / Rang 6 (MúinteoirCáit)
10.35am – 10.50am / Senior Infants (MúinteoirMáiréad)
10.50am – 11.05am / Rang 6 (Múinteoir Deirdre)
11.05am – 11.15am / Rang 2 (Múinteoir Yvonne)
11.15am – 11.25am / Rang 2 (Múinteoir Ciara O’ S)
11.25am – 11.40am / Rang 5 (Múinteoir David)

Please note the above are approximate times. Entry to the dance display is via the Halla door.

MS Readathon:

Well done to all the pupils who participated in this year’s MS Readathon. The total raised was €3405.90 which was a fantastic amount of money to collect for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland.

Shoe Box Appeal: Thanks to all the pupils and parents who supported the Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal again this year. 253 Shoe Boxes were collected by Team Hope. Well done everyone!!

Staff Changes:

We would like to wish Múinteoir Fiona (Rang 4) and Múinteoir Lorraine (Rang 1) all the best as they begin maternity leave.MúinteoirLorraine will be replaced by Múinteoir Michelle O’ Donoghue.

Parents Association:

The annual cake sale will take place in the school hall on Thursday 21stof December. More information will following the coming weeks. We thank the Parents Association for all their hard work and continued support during the year. Parents’ Association non-uniform day will be held on Friday December 22nd. Pupils are asked to contribute €2 each.

Green Schools:

We would encourage all pupils to wear their high-vis jackets coming to school on these dark mornings. Many thanks to those who continue to bring used batteries for recycling.

School Uniform:

Pupils must wear a full school uniform to school unless it is a designated school tracksuit day. As it is wintertime pupils may not wear shorts to school.

Christmas 2017:

Christmas is a season of giving however to avoid unnecessary expense on familiesteachers do not expect Christmas presents from pupils and parents. Also we ask that children would not hand out individual Christmas cards in school. We encourage them to make a card for their classroom instead.

Christmas Holidays:The school will close on Friday December 22nd at 12pm for Christmas holidays and will re-open on Monday 8th of January 2018 at 9am.

We would like to wish all families a very happy and peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing the pupils back to school in 2018. Thank you all for your help and support since September.

Dates for Diary:

  • First Communion will take place on Sunday June 3rd 2018.
  • First Penance will take place on Monday March 12th 2018 at 7pm.
  • Confirmation will take place on Friday 27th of April 2018.
  • Junior Infants Nativity Play will take place in the school hall on Friday 15th of December at 12pm. All are welcome. Children will be allowed to go home with parents after the show.
  • Second Class and Sixth ClassChristmas Show will take place in the school hall on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th of December at 7:30pm. Due to space constraints and to accommodate all parents who wish to attend we are asking if parents of pupils in Rang 6 could attend on Wednesday 13th of December and parents of Rang 2 pupils could attend on Thursday 14th of December.


  • Allergies: Some pupils in school have a severe nut allergy, therefore in the interest of health and safety no nuts or any products containing any traces of nut will be allowed in the school. Please check all lunch boxes. We ask that no white fish products be included in lunch boxes for the same reason. Thank you for your co-operation and your continued support and vigilance on this matter for the safety of everyone.
  • Head Lice: This is continuing to be a problem in school. We encourage parents to check their child’s hair on a regular basis and treat hair when necessary to eradicate this problem.

Agreed Report from the Board of Management Meeting November 8th 2017:

The Board of Management has approved the updated SPHE School Plan submitted by the staff. The Board of Management have purchased a defibrillator for the school and staff have been trainedto use it. The Board are currently looking at ways to enhance the security system for the school.