WS – Radioactive Decay
Date: Per
Balancing Nuclear Equations
A. Write a balanced nuclear reaction for the reaction in which oxygen-15 undergoes positron emission.
B. Determine what type of decay occurs when thorium-231 undergoes radioactive decay to form protactinium-231.
C. Write the nuclear equation for the alpha decay of astatine-213.
D. Write a balanced nuclear equation for the alpha decay of americium-241.
E. Write a balanced equation for the beta decay of bromine-84.
F. Write a balanced equation for the beta decay of selenium-75.
G. Write a balance nuclear equation for the reaction in which the transition metal zirconium-97 undergoes beta decay.
H. Write a balanced nuclear equation for the induced transmutation of aluminum-27 into phosphorus-30 by alpha bombardment. A neutron is emitted from the aluminum atom in the reaction.
I. Write a balanced nuclear equation for the induced transmutation of aluminum-27 into sodium-27 by neutron bombardment. An alpha particle is emitted in the reaction.
J. Write a balanced nuclear equation for the alpha particle bombardment of A neutron is emitted by the reaction.
K. Write a balanced nuclear equation for the induced transmutation of uranium-238 into californium- 246 by bombardment with carbon-12.
L. Write a balanced nuclear reaction for the bombardment of with alpha particles to produce and a neutron.
M. Complete the following nuclear equations:
a. +
b. +
c. +
d. +
e. +
f. +
g. +
h + + 2 + at no. should be 92
i. + 2 +
j. +
k. +
l. +
m. +
Nuclear Reactions
Date: Per __
Write a balanced equation for each of the following nuclear reactions.
1. Oxygen-16 plus a neutron results in the formation of another element and the release of an alpha particle.
2. Boron-10 plus a neutron results in the formation of another element and the release of an alpha particle.
3. Beryllium-9 plus a proton results in the formation of another element and the release of an alpha particle.
4. Einstanium-253 plus an alpha particle results in the formation of another element and the release of a neutron.
5. Lithium-7 plus a proton results in the formation of another element and the release of a neutron.
6. Plutonium-241 plus another particle results in the formation of plutonium-242 and the release of gamma rays.
7. Argon-40 plus an alpha particle produces another element and the release of a neutron.
8. Einstanium-252 was bombarded by a beryllium-9 atom producing a new element and three neutrons.
9. Plutonium-239 can be produced by bombarding uranium-238 with an alpha particle. Some neutrons are released.
10. Uranium-235 is bombarded with a neutron to produce tellurium-137, another element, and two neutrons.
11. On the sun, three steps are needed to create helium from hydrogen (nuclear fusion). In the third step, two helium-3 atoms react to form helium-4 and two hydrogen atoms.
Write a balanced equation for each of the following nuclear reactions:
1. Chlorine-36 decays by beta emission
2. Dubnium-262 decays by alpha emission
3. Krypton-87 decays by beta emission
4. Curium-240 decays by alpha emission
5. Uranium-232 decays by alpha emission
6. Silicon-32 decays by beta emission
7. Zinc-71 decays by beta emission
8. Phophorus-32 decays by beta emission
9. Americium-243 decays by alpha emission
10. Cobalt-60 decays by beta emission
11. Gadolinium-150 decays by alpha emission
12. Lead-210 decays by emitting both a beta and an alpha particles.