Provider Portal

Headcount FAQ’s

  1. Will we still have the balance of hours for each child sent to us?

Balance of hours will be sent as a report to the messages section withinthe Provider Portal

  1. Can we print the claim page?

Yes, you can use the download button to export your claim to either save or print. After payment a report summary will be sent to you that will give a break down of funding including EYPP and IDACI

  1. What happens to the payment history on synergy?

All previous payment information will be archived and will be available to view by SfYC staff only

  1. If a child transfers from another county we will have to do a complete new claim for them or will the money be transferred to Hampshire from the other county?

You will need to make a new claim for them – money is not transferred from other local authorities

  1. If a child moves to another setting do we still need to transfer the money?

No, if a child leaves your setting enter an end date to the child record and your payment will automatically be adjusted. The new setting will make a separate claim for the child

  1. What do I enter for a Shared Care child?

There is no longer a need to enter any information on the portal; however, you should still have those conversations with the other provider of a shared care child to ensure you do not overclaim

  1. Claiming for 2 year olds

You are advised to use the 2 year old placement function as soon as a 2 year old joins your setting. Remember to check the eligibility for all 2 year olds before accepting. If you add a 2 year old at the Headcount task without the eligibility code this may delay payment whilst checks take place. If eligibility cannot be confirmed quickly this may result in the child being removed from your headcount claim. If eligible you will need to claim for this child when the next task is issued.

  1. Does the parent declaration form need to be amended if a child’s hours change?

Yes, this is your agreement with the parent for Early Years funding. The parent will need to sign the amendment on the form

  1. EYPP – will the parent consent form have a FAQ sheet explaining what EYPP is?

A guidance document has been added to the website which you can use to share with your parents

  1. Stretched offer – will the portal accept the additional weeks for settings that offer stretched weeks?

Yes, those settings who are currently providing the stretched offer will be able to submit the extended hours. Use the drop down list available to select that a child is on the Stretched offer instead of entering the SSS as before

  1. How can I amend a child or add in parents details for a child that already exists on my list?

On the left of each child name there is anedit button, click on this to edit or add any of the child’s/parents details

  1. I’m still unsure on how to make my funding claim – what should I do?

Follow the detailed guidance documents that are on the website which explain how to make your claim. If you are still unsure then contact your local office

  1. What should I do about bank holiday and inset day closures?

If you use the calculator tools on the website you can record any inset days and the totals will automatically adjust for the closures. The calculators already assume that you are closed on a bank holiday

  1. What happens to In Period Claims?

The In Period claim process has been replaced by an Adjustment Task process. One or more Adjustment Tasks will be issued according to the dates published on the website. Paper forms are no longer required however all hours must be supported by a Parent Declaration form

  1. When will SEN payments be made?
    SEN payments will be made after the headcount payment has been made. Details of payments made will be sent through the portal in the same way as the headcount payment report