cdc most Wanted poster

Due date: ______

The Assignment: Make a “Wanted Poster” which incorporates all of the important information about your assigned bacterium or virus. Think of it as a criminal and the disease it causes as the crime. You are the town sheriff, letting everyone know to be on the lookout for your pathogen. There’s a presentation to the class, too, but it’s not a formal presentation that will be graded.

You will need to include the following information, at a minimum:

  • The Criminal: disease caused by your bacterium/virus
  • Picture: An image of your bacterium/virus
  • Description of it…how it looks, where it was first discovered
  • Mode of Operation…how it attacks the body, how it is spread, any vectors involved
  • Most common victims (e.g. children? men?)
  • Hideouts: any areas of the world where it is more prevalent
  • Crimes: What damage it causes in the body
  • Number of victims: number of people that are affected each year
  • How to defend yourself: treatments or cures for the disease

In addition, the following guidelines apply to the final product:

  • Your poster should be no smaller than 8 ½ x 11 piece of construction paper or poster board.
  • Your poster should be colorful, creative and represent high school level work
  • It should be free from misspellings and grammar errors
  • It should be well organized…not just a jumble of things pasted onto a poster
  • Includes multiple credible references, properly cited

You may choose one of the following pathogens. If there is one not on the list that you are interested in, please check with me first.

Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)Bordatella pertussis (whooping cough)

Clostridium botulinum(botulism)Clostridium perfringensgas (gangrene)

Clostridium tetaniCorynebacterium diphtheria (diptheria)

Escherichia coliFrancisella tularensis (rabbit fever)

Mycobacterium leprae(leprosy)Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)

Neisseria meningitides (meningitis)Rickettsia richetsii (rickets)

Rickettsia prowazekki(rickets)Salmonella typhi (typhus)

Salmonella typimurium (salmonella)Streptococcus pneumonia (pneumonia)

Streptococcus (Group A) (strep throat)Treponema pallidum (syphilis)

Vibrio cholera (cholera)Yersinia pestis

Rhabdovirus (rabies)Flavivirus (yellow fever)

Bunyaviridae (sand fly virus)Arenavirus (lassa fever)

Papilloma virus (warts)Hepatitis virus (hepatitis C)

Hatavirus (hanta fever)Variola(small pox)
Name: ______Period: _____

cdc most Wanted poster


Well developed Mentioned

Disease caused by your pathogen3210

Image of your pathogen3210


Mode of operation3210

Most common victims3210

Hideouts 3210


Number of victims3210


Poster size30

Colorful, creative, high school level work543210

Spelling and grammar errors3210

Well organized3210

Credible references, citations43210

______/ 55 Total