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Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 6068A


NOTICE: This Background Statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this ballot.

NOTICE: For each Reject Vote, the Voter shall provide text or other supportive material indicating the reason(s) for disapproval (i.e., Negative[s]), referenced to the applicable section(s) and/or paragraph(s), to accompany the vote.

NOTICE: Recipients of this ballot are invited to submit, with their Comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, ‘patented technology’ is defined as technology for which a patent has been issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.

According to the SEMI Standards Procedure Manual, a Line-Item Ballot should include the Purpose, Scope, Limitations (if present), and Terminology (if present) sections, along with the full text of any section to which revisions are being balloted.


Every five years every standard must be re-approved. Alternatively, the standard can become inactive, replaced, superseded, withdrawn or removed. During the re-approval balloting procedure, some minor references caused the ballot to fail. This ballot attempts to correct any invalid references in the current published version of the standard.

This ballot has two line items, one for E116 and one for E116.1.

Note that text to be added are shown in underlined blue text. Deleted items are shown in strikethrough red text.

What is the problem being solved?

 Some references are out of date in the specification.

What is the history of this issue and ballot?

 This is the second submission of this ballot. The first ballot was a simple reapproval ballot prepared by SEMI.

Who will this affect? How? Why?

 This will affect anyone reading the ballot by fixing invalid references. No existing or new implementations should be affected.

Is this a change to an existing solution, or, is it a new activity?

 These are updates to an existing Specification.

Revision Control

This revision control records activity within the task force as well as formal submit and resubmit dates and results per SEMI. Entries have been made by the task force.

Date / Version / Name / Edits
Jan 11, 2017 / 1.0 / Brian Rubow / Initial proposed ballot.
Feb 9, 2017 / 2.0 / Inna Skvortsova / Ballot formatting according to SEMI Standards Regulations

This is a Draft Document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted Standard or Safety Guideline. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited.

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The ballot results will be reviewed and adjudicated at the meetings indicated in the table below. Check under Standards Calendar for the latest update.

Review and Adjudication Information

Task Force Review / Committee Adjudication
Group: / NA GEM300 TF / NA Information & Control Committee
Date: / April 4th 2017 / April 5th 2017
Time & Time zone: / 1:00PM – 4:00PM Pacific Time / 8:00AM – 5:00PM Pacific Time
Location: / SEMI Headquarters / SEMI Headquarters
City, State/Country: / Milpitas, CA/USA / Milpitas, CA/USA
Leader(s): / Brian Rubow (Cimetrix) / Jack Ghiselli (Ghiselli Consulting)
Brian Rubow (Cimetrix)
James Moyne (University of Michigan)
Standards Staff: / Inna Skvortsova (SEMI )
/ Inna Skvortsova (SEMI )

This meeting’s details are subject to change, and additional review sessions may be scheduled if necessary. Contact the task force leaders or Standards staff for confirmation.

Telephone and web information will be distributed to interested parties as the meeting date approaches. If you will not be able to attend these meetings in person but would like to participate by telephone/web, please contact Standards staff.

SEMI Draft Document 6068A

SEMI E116-0707E


This standard was technically approved by the global Information & Control Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on April 25, 2007. It was available at in June 2007 and on CD-ROM in July 2007. Originally published July 2002; previously published July 2006.

E This standard was editorially modified in September 2007 to correct an error. Changes were made to Table R1-13.

1 Purpose

1.1 This document provides specification for implementing basic equipment performance tracking for production equipment. Provisions in this document enable the host computer to track basic equipment performance in an automated and consistent matter, without operator or host input. This document provides specification for equipment suppliers to:

  • Track basic equipment states (no operator or host input required).
  • Track basic equipment states in a modular manner, for both major modules and the overall equipment.
  • Report basic equipment state changes to a host computer, at both module and equipment level.
  • Report equipment’s time in state to a host computer, at both module and equipment level.
  • Report reasons to a host computer for why equipment is blocked from performing its task, at both module and equipment level.
  • Equipment users require the ability to track equipment performance without dependence on user input to eliminate inaccuracies due to incorrect or untimely input from the user. The ability to track equipment performance without user input is essential in 300 mm wafer factories where operational scenarios require minimal manual interaction. EPT defines concepts, behavior, and message services that enable the host computer to obtain the equipment data required for equipment performance tracking in an automated and consistent matter without operator or host input.
  • EPT enables factory managers to identify the current states of factory equipment, both at the equipment level and at the module level (e.g., processing chambers), without dependence on user input. EPT enables factory engineers to evaluate the time that equipment and modules spent in different states and identify areas for improvement. EPT enables factory engineers to obtain directly from the equipment the reasons why the equipment or module is prevented from performing. EPT provides industrial engineers the equipment data which, when combined with external data from the Manufacturing Execution System (MES), will enable accurate calculation of SEMI E10 states and SEMI E79 metrics at the equipment-level and the module-level. EPT enables automation engineers to develop reusable host interfaces by using a standardized collection event and data variables to collect equipment state data.

2 Scope

2.1 The Scope of this standard is to define equipment behavior states and the data required to track basic equipment performance for production equipment. These requirements are intended to facilitate equipment-level and module-level state tracking and to communicate state information to the host for simple equipment performance tracking, without requiring host or operator input.

2.2 Specifically, this document provides:

  • An Equipment Performance Tracking (EPT) state model that defines triggers for state changes.
  • Specification of data variables required to communicate basic equipment performance data to the host computer.
  • Specification of event messages used to communicate basic equipment performance data to the host computer.
  • Requirements for EPT compliance.
  • This standard specifies the concepts, behavior, and message services that enable the host computer to obtain the equipment data required for equipment performance tracking in an automated and consistent manner, without operator or host input. It does not specify the report of SEMI E10 states from the equipment to a host computer, as this information requires user input and is already specified by SEMI E58.
  • This standard does not conflict with SEMI E58 nor does it inhibit the equipment’s ability to report out SEMIE10 states via SEMI E58.
  • This standard is a building block towards SEMI E10 and SEMI E79 by providing accurate equipment information required for SEMI E10 and SEMI E79 metrics, without dependence on operator or host input, eliminating inaccuracies due to incorrect or untimely input from the user. EPT assists both SEMI E10 and
    SEMI E79 by providing a modular approach to equipment performance tracking, allowing the state of the equipment to be determined by the states of its major modules. EPT assists SEMI E79 by providing task-level detail of the equipment or module’s current activity, allowing performance metrics to be tracked at the task level.

NOTICE: This standard does not purport to address safety issues, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the users of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory or other limitations prior to use.

3 Limitations

3.1 This standard applies to semiconductor production equipment. Other types of equipment have not been examined. However, it may be used for other types of equipment when applicable.

4 Referenced Standards and Documents

4.1 SEMI Standards

SEMI E10 ― Specification for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM)

SEMI E39 — Object Services Standard: Concepts, Behavior, and Services

SEMI E30 ― Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)

SEMI E58 ― Automated Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Standard (ARAMS): Concepts, Behavior, and Services

SEMI E79 ― Standard for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Productivity

SEMI E90 ― Specification for Substrate Tracking

SEMI E98 ― Provisional Standard for the Object-Based Equipment Model (OBEM)

SEMI 101 ― Provisional Guide for EFEM Functional Structure Model

NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents cited shall be the latest published versions.

5 Terminology

5.1 Abbreviations and Acronyms

5.1.1 EFEM — Equipment Front End Module

5.1.2 EPT — Equipment Performance Tracking

5.1.3 GEM — Generic Equipment Model [SEMI E30]

5.2 Definitions

5.2.1 EPT module — a major component of the equipment that affects processing or throughput. For purposes of simplification, an EPT module executes one and only one task at a time. Each EPT Module has an EPT state model that is maintained by the equipment.

5.2.2 EPT state — the state of IDLE, BUSY, or BLOCKED within EPT state model.

5.2.3 event report — a message the equipment sends to the host on the occurrence of a collection event.

5.2.4 fault — an exception.

5.2.5 host — the factory computer system or an intermediate system that represents the factory and the operator to the equipment.

5.2.6 intended function — a manufacturing function that the equipment was built to perform. This includes transport functions for transport equipment, measurement functions for metrology equipment, as well as process functions such as physical vapor deposition and wire bonding. Complete equipment may have more than one intended function [SEMI E58].

5.2.7 material — the basic unit of process. For the purposes of this standard, material is a set of one or more substrates.

5.2.8 module — a major component of equipment that contains at least one material location and performs some task on material. Equipment modules may be aggregates of equipment subsystems, I/O devices, and other modules [SEMI E98].

5.2.9 substrate — the basic unit of material on which work is performed to create a product. Examples include wafers, die, plates used for masks, flat panels, circuit boards, and leadframes [SEMI E90].

5.2.10 task — a planned and repeatable activity with an expected duration and a definite beginning and end (e.g., Move wafer from cassette to stage, Pre-align wafer, Align reticle, Preheat chamber, Increase vacuum). NOTE: Actual durations may vary.

5.2.11 trigger — an event that causes a change in the state of the equipment. Examples are changes in sensor readings, alarms, and messages received from the host, and operator commands.

5.2.12 unit any wafer, die, packaged device, or piece thereof (included product and non-product units) [SEMIE10].

user — any entity interacting with the equipment, either locally as an operator or remotely via the host. From the equipment’s viewpoint, both the operator and the host represent the user [SEMI E58].


SEMI E116.1-0707


This standard was technically approved by the global Information & Control Committee. This edition was approved for publication by the global Audits and Reviews Subcommittee on April 25, 2007. It was available at in June 2007 and on CD-ROM in July 2007. Originally published March 2003; previously published July 2006.

1 Purpose

1.1 This document maps the services and data of the Equipment Performance Tracking Standard (EPT) to SECS-II streams, functions, and data definitions.

2 Scope

2.1 This document applies to all implementations of EPT that use the SECS-II message protocol [SEMI E5]. Compliance to this standard requires compliance to both SEMI E116 and SEMI E5.

NOTICE: This standard does not purport to address safety issues, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the users of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory or other limitations prior to use.

3 Referenced Standards and Documents

3.1 SEMI Standards

SEMI E5 — SEMI Equipment Communications Standard 2 Message Content (SECS-II)

SEMI E30 — Generic Model for Communications and Control of Manufacturing Equipment (GEM)

SEMI E39 — SECS-II Protocol for Object Services Standard (OSS)

SEMI E116 — Specification for Equipment Performance Tracking (EPT)

NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated, all documents cited shall be the latest published versions.

1 Line Item #1

1.1 Changes to the SEMI E116 Specification

1.1.1 Proposal

In ¶7.2.1, remove the text “an Appendix of” related to E30 because this section does not exist in the current version and is expected to be renamed “Related Information” in a future version.

7.2.1 A state model has three elements: definitions of each state and sub-state, a diagram of the states showing the valid transitions between states, and a corresponding state transition table that defines the triggers for each transition. The diagram of the state model uses the Harel State Chart notation. An overview of this notation is presented in an Appendix ofSEMI E30. The definition of this notation is presented in Science of Computer Programming 8, “Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems”, by D. Harel, 1987.

1.1.2 Proposal

In section 4.1, remove the “Provisional” name from the SEMI 101 reference.

SEMI 101 ― ProvisionalGuide for EFEM Functional Structure Model

2 Line Item #2

2.1 Reapprove SEMI E116.1 as published.

NOTICE:SEMI makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the Standards and Safety Guidelines set forth herein for any particular application. The determination of the suitability of the Standard or Safety Guideline is solely the responsibility of the user. Users are cautioned to refer to manufacturer’s instructions, product labels, product data sheets, and other relevant literature, respecting any materials or equipment mentioned herein. Standards and Safety Guidelines are subject to change without notice.

By publication of this Standard or Safety Guideline, SEMI takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights or copyrights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this Standard or Safety Guideline. Users of this Standard or Safety Guideline are expressly advised that determination of any such patent rights or copyrights and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely their own responsibility.

<End of Ballot>

This is a Draft Document of the SEMI International Standards program. No material on this page is to be construed as an official or adopted Standard or Safety Guideline. Permission is granted to reproduce and/or distribute this document, in whole or in part, only within the scope of SEMI International Standards committee (document development) activity. All other reproduction and/or distribution without the prior written consent of SEMI is prohibited.

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