BachelorofScience inNursing(BScN) –Academic ApplicantProfile
1.Academic profilemustbeprepared in yourownwords.
2.Profilemustbetypedor word-processed,and maybe single ordouble-spaced,12pointfont,Times New Roman orArial.
3.Use onlythe spaceallocated.Anyadditionalpageswill beremovedbefore theapplicationis read.
4.Do not appendbusiness cards, lettersofreference,or a resume.Anyattachedmaterialwill be removed before theprofileis read.
5.EnsurethatyourcompletedformisreceivedintheOfficeoftheRegistrar,Lambton College,by4:15p.m. EST.,March 7.
It isyour responsibilityto ensure thatyour application to the
Office of the Registrar, Lambton College is complete.Incompleteapplication packageswillnot beconsidered
Notice: Collectionof PersonalInformation
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
Personal information provided on this form will be used by Lambton College to assess your candidacy for the collaborative Bachelor of Science, Nursing program. Administration includes: assessing your candidacy; verifying your application; maintaining and auditing your file. Details regarding privacy can be found in the Lambton College policy on Confidentiality and Privacy of Information and Records.
If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the Office of the Registrar, Lambton College, 1457 London Road, Sarnia, ON N7S 6K4; (519) 542-7751.
Program(s)you are applying for:
BScNBachelorofScience in NursingProgram
Provide a history of all post-secondary enrollment or degree/diploma completion:
Name of Institution / City,Country / Degree orDiploma / Discipline orSpecialization / Attendance1.
If you have no post-secondary history, please check this box and sign below:
Lambton CollegeStudentNo.(ifapplicable):
Last Name:First Name:
Student Declaration
My signature declares that the information submitted on this document is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to notify the Office of the Registrar at Lambton College, in writing, of any change to the information in this form.
PleaseprovidearefereeNOTrelatedto youwho can attesttoyourpost-secondary history. It is very important to include a complete post-secondary history in the table provided. All university transcripts must be listed and provided for review. Indirect applicants with a university history are required to have a minimum 72% overall average and be in good standing with the university. Pre-Health Science - Nursing (PNSG) applicants from St. Clair College or Lambton College (with a university history) will be considered based on their PNSG grades.
The signature of yourreferee must beincluded on thisform oryourApplicantProfilewill not be read andwillbe consideredincomplete.
Refereesarefrequentlycontacted bytheRegistrar’s Office, Lambton College toverifythe informationyouhaveprovided inthisProfile.Pleasebesurethatyourrefereeis aware of thedate bywhich this statementmustbe returnedtoyou.This completedformmustbeattachedtoyourAcademic ApplicantProfile atthesame timeyou submit it toLambton College.LettersofreferenceareNOT requiredandwill not betakenintoconsiderationifsubmitted.
2.Tobe completedbythe Referee
Name: Position: Address:
Telephone: (H)
Telephone: (W)
Telephone: (W)
Capacityin which the refereeknows theapplicant:
I havereadtheapplicant’s personal statements. Tothebest of my knowledge, thesepersonalstatementsaccuratelydescribetheapplicant’sbackgroundandexperiences.
SignatureofReferee:Date: Applicant’sFull Name: