What’s on for

Babies, Toddlers & Parents

in Portishead and

Surrounding Areas

Updated May 2013

Produced by Portishead Health Visiting Team

Regularly updated by North Somerset Branch


This guide is for parents with babies, toddlers and pre-school children. It gives information about activities and opportunities, which are available in Portishead and the surrounding areas. It can sometimes be difficult to find out what is available for your child, especially if you are new to the area, so we hope that you will find this information useful.

The information in this guide is correct at the time of going to print, however, contact numbers and information change regularly. If you are aware of a change, please email or phone the Portishead Health Visiting team.

Useful Resourses

Practicaly Perfect Mums - Portishead

A website & Facebook page for parents in & aroundPortishead.

Includes a local What’s on Guide & details of events, reviews & useful articles.


‘like’ our Facebook page ‘Practically Perfect Mums – Portishead’

National Childbirth Trust (North Somerset Branch)

The NCT hold get-togethers & events, to offer support and to make friends for yourself and your child.

‘like’ our Facebook page ‘North Somerset NCT’

Contact Lydia for more information:

North Somerset Childcare Information Service (CIS)

The CIS provide information to parents and carers about children’s services and early year’s education in the North Somerset area.

Tel: 01934 426300

There are lots of things to do with your little ones in our area - so lets get started!!

Parent, baby and toddler groups - Portishead

Portishead Bumps & Babies Group

Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill,

For expectant parents, & parents with babies up to 18 months old

Older siblings are always very welcome too.

Friday 10.00 – 11.30 (inc. school holidays)

Tel: 07971 332643 - Katina

‘like’ our Facebook page ‘Portishead Bumps & Babies Group’

Café Mamma

Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill

A drop-in café for breastfeeding mums run by peer supporters

Tuesday 10 - 11.30am (inc school holidays)

Tel: 07816 366370 confidential helpline, Mon-Fri 10am-3pm & 7pm-9pm

Ask to join our Facebook ‘closed group’ ‘Café Mamma Portishead’, to contact both Peer Supporters & other breastfeeding mums.

Toddler & a Tiddler

Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill

Do you have a baby and a toddler? Are you currently expecting your next baby?

We are a friendly group giving second time parents the chance to meet regularly, socialise and make new friends.

One Thursday per month, 10-11.30am

Next dates: 16th May, 20th June 18th July & 15th Aug

Portishead New Faces

Portishead Youth Centre, Harbour Road

For parents new to the area to get together. Not primarily for the children, but for the adults to build a network of friends and allies around Portishead.

1st Friday of every month, 10.30am - 12pm

07900 577 733

North Somerset Slings

Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill

For those interested in babywearing, carrying your little one in a sling/carrier.

You also have the chance to try out different slings, to see which suits you.

3rd Friday of every month 1.30 till 3.00 (starting on 1st April)

or ‘like’ our Facebook page ‘North Somerset Slings’

Wesley Toddlers, Wesley Hall Methodist Church, High Street

Wednesday 9.30 – 11.30 (term time only)

Tel: (01275) 814175 Christine Nutting

St Peters Church Tots, between Church Road North and Church Road South

Tuesday 2.15- 3.15pm (term time only)

Tel: (01275) 846230

Stay & Play Toddler Group, Children’s Centre, West Hill.

Wednesday 1.00 – 2.30pm (inc school holidays)

Tel: (01275) 884001

Redcliffe Bay Toddlers, Redcliffe Bay Hall

Tuesday to Thursday 10 - 11.30am (inc school holidays)

Wednesday is messy play day: play dough, painting, make of the day etc

Tel: (01275) 844433 – Sally - ‘like’ our Facebook page ‘Redcliffe Bay Toddlers’

Little Possets Soft Play, Portishead Youth Centre, Harbour Road

(Café open for snacks & lunch too)

Monday to Friday – 9.30 - 2.30.

Tuesdays (include sticky fingers craft activities until 12.30)

Tel: (01275) 842461 Join our Facebook group:

‘Soft Play and Sticky Fingers Toddlers at Portishead Youth Centre’

Gordano Gate Parent & Toddlers

Gordano Gate, Brewers Fare Pub/Restaurant, Portishead

Fridays 10 – 12pm (Term Time only)

Tel: (01275) 846526

Little Stars Toddler Group, Redcliffe Bay Methodist Church Hall, Queens Road

Mon 9.30 – 11.30am (term time only)

Tel: 07887 694355 Sharon Lovelock

The Academy of Gymnastics

Unit 9/10 Harbour Road, Portishead

Toddling Tigers: Crawling to 3 years. Soft play session in a huge gymnasium

Tuesday & Friday 9.30-11.30am (term time only)

01275 840077 –

International Parents Group

Portishead Children’s Centre, West Hill

A group for parents who speak English as their second language.

Fortnightly on Mondays, 10.00 – 12.00 (phone for full details & next meeting date)

Tel: (01275) 884001

North Somerset Single Parents Group

Christ Church, Nailsea

Every Monday 10.30 - 12.00. Weekend get togethers around North Somerset planned, & a closed Facebook group for single parents to keep in touch with each other.

Contact Shelley: 07568 184835

Lads, Lassies and Dads (LLADs)

Trinity Primary School, Marjoram Way, Portishead

The 1st Saturday of each month from 10.30 – 12.00 Mike 07814 951235

Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill

The 2nd Saturday of each month from 10.30 – 12.00

For dads & their children to get together for Saturday morning playtime.

There will also be decent coffee and bacon butties!

David on (01275) 814198 or (01275) 884001

Parent, baby and toddler groups – Pill and surrounding areas.

Ten Tots Toddler Group

Methodist Church, Pill

Thursday 10- 11.30am

Tel: (01275) 374441

Salvation Army Parent & Toddler Group

Salvation Army Hall, Pill

Monday & Wednesday 9.15-11am

Tel: (01275) 373970

Children’s Centre, Pill.

During school holidays there is a Programme of Events. Contacts Karen/Sarah.

Tel: (01275) 375726.

Nurseries & Pre-schools, Portishead

All nurseries and child-carers have to be registered with OFSTED. You can get detailed information from the North Somerset Childcare Information Service. Tel: 01275 888788 or from

There are five private nurseries in Portishead

Coach House Nursery Tel: (01275) 840000

Honey Tree Day Nursery Tel: (01275) 843752

Busy Bees NurseryTel: (01275) 847275

Lakehouse NurseryTel: (01275) 398787

Stationhouse Nursery Tel: (01275) 398787 (Opening May 2013)

Funded pre-school hours are available for all children at the above nurseries,

& also at these pre-schools & schools.

Hilltop Pre-School, West Hill: (01275) 390947 or 07768685530

Brampton Pre-School, Brampton Way: (01275) 817834

Carousel Pre-School, 92 High Street: (01275) 844370 or 07788897893

High Down Nursery Class - High Down Infant School, Down Road

Tel: (01275) 843969 or 848501.

Children start from the September after their third birthday.

Trinity Primary School Nursery Class - Marjoram Way

Tel: (01275) 397710 or 0759 3676210

Children start from the term after their third birthday.

Nurseries - Pill and surrounding areas

Crockerne School Nursery Class - Crockerne School, Pill

Tel: (01275) 372659

Children are offered a place from September after their third birthday

Child Minders

You can obtain details of local registered child minders from the North Somerset Childcare Information Service. Tel: (01275) 888788


Quayside Creche , Portishead Youth Centre

Currently Mondays & Thursdays 9.00 till 3.00 (hours may be extended soon)

Birth to 5 years. You can leave your little ones & do the exercise classes at the Youth Centre (Keep Fit, Pilates & Zumba), or are welcome to go off to do something else.

Creche, Parish Wharf Leisure Centre, Portishead

From 8wks to 4 yrs. Weekday mornings, also Tues & Thur afternoon sessions.

You must remain within the leisure centre while your little one is in the crèche.

Activity Sessions & Courses - these are usually bookable activities.

Postnatal Class (bring baby along too) – Venue & time to be confirmed.

Gentle yoga-based exercises to aid postnatal recovery, with baby interaction too!

Tel: 07793 315642 Contact Tamsyn Grant for details

Baby Massage Classes

Woodhill Road, Portishead

4 sessions, in lovely relaxing surroundings, with a cuppa & chance to chat afterwards.

Tel: 01275 849780 - Karen Dawson

activities at Portishead Youth Centre, Harbour Road

Little Signers Club Mondays 11.00

Baby signing course for both you & your baby

Music Bugs Wednesdays 9.45

Fun, interactive and lively music and singing classes from 6 months to 4 years

- see clubs & activities, children’s groups

activities at Parish Wharf Leisure Centre, Harbour Road, Portishead

Football Fun4 Little 1s – toddlers & pre-school sessions - Wed & Sat mornings

01275 341090

Cycle Tots – From 2 & a half years – Sundays (Wednesday sessions coming soon)

Learn to cycle on balance bikes. Steven 07976 276242

Tots Tennis – Thursdays 10.00 till 11.00 – no need to book, just turn up!

From 2 & a half years old. Tel 07550 075284 Haydn Benney

Parent & Baby swimming classes – phone for full details (01275 848494)

Fun Sessions, main pool - Saturday 1.30-3pm, & everyday in school holidays

Gymboree – Thursdays 12-1700, various sessions, Cath Hammond 07865 420692

Boogie Beats – Wednesday 11.15 till 12.00 Fran 01934 852868

activities atThe Play Port Portishead, Unit 5, Old Mill Road BS20 7BX

mmmBOPP Tuesdays 10.00 & 11.00

All action, creative, music & movement programme from birth to 5 years

Tel: 07899921693 Kelly or 07810895609 Becky

Sing & Sign Wednesday 9.45 & 10.45

From 6 mths onwards

Tel: 0117 9500017 - Helen Hill

Baby Sensory

Avon Way Hall, Avon Way, Portishead

Fridays 10.45 & 12.15

From birth to 13 months, includes light shows, songs & rhymes, bonding etc

Rugby Tots

Gordano Sports Centre –Saturdays, from age 2 years

0845 313325

Jo Jingles

Redcliffe Bay Methodist Church Hall, Queens Road, Portishead

Fun, music, singing and movement classes from 3mths plus

Contact - Pam Macleod Tel: 01454 610553

The Academy of Gymnastics

Unit 9/10 Harbour Road, Portishead – both classes run on Mon, Wed & Thur

Bouncing Bears: 2-3yrs. 45-minute class. Parent & child session.

Leaping Lions: 3yrs - plus. 45-minute class. Unaccompanied child session.

01275 840077 –

Jolly Babies, Music with Mummy & 3/4 Time

JB = Birth to 15/16 months. MWM = 15/16 months to 3 years, 3/4 Time = ages 3 - 4

St Josephs Church Hall, West Hill Tuesday 9.30 MwM, 10.00 JB, 10.40 MwM

Trinity Communtiy Hall – Fridays 9.30 MwM, 10.00 JB, 10.40 MwM

New class for 3-4 year olds starting soon!

Contact - Eleanor Dunn-Sims. Tel (01275) 847083.

Other useful things to know about

Practically Perfect Market - Portishead

A Facebook ‘closed group’ for local Portishead parents to buy, sell, give away or post a ‘wanted’ request, for baby & children’s items.

Request to join our Facebook group ‘Practically Perfect Market – Portishead’

Scrumptions Cofffee Bar, 42a High Street, Portishead

Story Time – Tuesdays at 11am, also colouring in to do afterwards, all for free.

Portishead Library

Rhyme Time – nursery rhymes, singing & musical instruments – 3mths to 4 yrs

Friday 10.30 & 11.15 – must book in for these 15 minutes before (term time only)

Story Time - for under 5’s

Thursday 2.15 - 2.45 (term time only)

A new modern library with a wonderful children’s area, toilets, baby changing & refreshments available

Children love to look at books- don’t forget to enrol them in the library!

Tel: 01934 426040

Toy Library- Pill Community Centre, Church Place.

A drop- in play session, where children can play/stick/paint/make and mums can have a coffee, then you can borrow large or small toys for as little as 20p. Friday 10-11am

01275 372745 Lesley Davey

Pill Library

Rhyme Time- Music, rhymes and book discovery at the library.

1st & 3rd Friday of month 9.30-9.55am. Throughout year.

Tel: 01934 42607

CineMA & Baby Club - Curzon Cinema, Clevedon.

Parent & baby cinema screenings, with slightly higher lighting, changing mats and bottle warmers. Wednesday mornings. Doors open 10am. (term time only)

Film starts 10.30am.

Tel: (01275) 871000. facebook ‘curzon cinema clevedon’

The Playport Portishead, Unit 5, Old Mill Road BS20 7BX

Soft play centre & café. From babies to children up to12 yrs

Open Mon-Sat 9.30 till 6 & Sunday 10 till 5

Tel: 01275 844510

Softplay, Parish Wharf Leisure Centre, Harbour Road

Soft play room open weekdays from 12.00pm – 7.00pm

(used by the crèche before 12), & open all weekend

Baby & Toddler Friendly Café’s in Portishead

Most places in Portishead are very welcoming, but here are a few of the best!

All of these have: space for buggies (even doubles), good baby change facilities, good childrens mealsplenty of high chairs.

They are all members of North Somerset NHS ‘Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme’.

Waitrose Café, Harbour Road– Staff will carry your tray for you. Outside seating.

(ask for a Waitrose card at Customer Services – FREE cup of tea or coffee every day)

Scrumptions Cofffee Bar, 42a High Street – Set up to be child friendly. Has some baby toys, books & colouring in. 5 high chairs! Outside seating.

Story time every Tuesday at 11am, free of charge!

Heaven Cake Shop & Café, 121 Avonway, Portishead – Run by two local mums. There is a play kitchen & toys to amuse the little ones. They sell lovely cup cakes & meals.

Portishead Youth Centre Cafe, Harbour Road – Great value hot & cold children’s meals. Soft Play area is free to under 1’s

The Play Port Portishead Café, Unit 5, Old Mill Road – Customer microwave to warm baby food. Breastfeeding cushions available on request. No admission charge for a parent and child under 6 months old. Soft play area is free up to 6 months.

Useful Contact Numbers

Health Visitors– Tel: 01275 547541

Well Baby Clinic (drop in session to weight your baby &/or speak to a health visitor)

Mondays 9.15 – 11.15 @ Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill

Wednesdays 1.30 – 3.30 @ Portishead Medical Centre, Victoria Square

GP Surgeries

Portishead Medical Centre, Victoria Square, Portishead

Tel: 0844 4773283

Harbourside Family Practice, Harbour Road, Portishead

Tel: 0800 3000029

Heywood Family Practice, 1 Lodway Gardens, Pill

Tel: 01275 372105

Childrens Centres

Portishead Childrens Centre, West Hill, Portishead – 01275 884001

Crokerne Childrens Centre, Westward Drive, Pill – 01275 884002

This guide is produced by the Portishead Health Visiting Team. Regularly updated by North Somerset Branch (find us on Facebook: North Somerset NCT)


Updated May 2013