Babies! Babies! Babies!

Number Books

Katz, Karen.Ten tiny babies

Markle, Sandra.How many baby pandas?

Singer, Marilyn.City lullaby

Smith, Maggie, One naked baby: counting to ten and back again

Toddler Bins

Beaumont, Karen.Baby danced the polka

Christian, Cheryl.Where's the baby?

Elya, Susan Middleton,Bebe goes shopping

Fuller, Rachel.Waiting for baby

Global Fund for Children. Global babies

Higginson, Sheila, You're getting a baby brother! & You're getting a baby sister!

Janovitz, Marilyn. Baby baby baby!

Katz, Karen.Peek-a-baby

Kreloff, Elliot.Peek-a-boo what?

Murphy, Mary, I kissed the baby!

Toddler Bins comntinued

O'Connell, Rebecca, The baby goes beep

Slater, Dashka.Baby shoes

Uzón, Jorge.Go, baby, go!

Walton, Rick.Baby's first year

JP Picture Books

Appelt, Kathi, Brand-new baby blues

Banks, Kate, This baby

Burningham, John.There's going to be a baby

Cousins, Lucy. Za-Za’s Baby Brother

Cowell, Cressida. What Shall we do with the Boo-Hoo Baby?

Curtis, Jamie Lee, Tell me again about the night I was born

Denton, Kady. Would they love a lion?

Dyer, Jane.Little Brown Bear and the bundle of joy

Feiffer, Kate.But I wanted a baby brother! No go sleep!

Fox, Mem, Ten little fingers and ten little toes

Frazee, Marla.The boss baby

Harris, Robie. Mail Harry to the moon!

Henderson, Kathy, Bumpety bump

Henkes, Kevin. Julius, the baby of the World

JP Picture Books continued

Hindley, Judy.Baby talk: a book of first words and phrases

Horse, HarryLittle Rabbit's new baby

Katz, Karen.Now I'm big

Keats, Ezra. Peter’s Chair

London, Jonathan, Froggy's baby sister

Long, Melinda.Pirates don't change diapers

Macken, JoAnn. Baby says moo!

O'Connell, Rebecca,Baby parade

Paxton, Tom. Where’s the Baby?

Rogers, Fred.The new baby

Root, Phyllis. What Baby wants

Rowe, John. Smile

Schaefer, Lola. One special day

Waddell, Martin. When the Teddy Bears Came

Wells, Rosemary. McDuff and the bab

Williams, Vera (Caldecott) More, More, More said the Baby

Young, Amy.Don't eat the baby!

Ziefert, Harriet.Sleepy-O!

Non Fiction

J155.4 KNI Knight, Margy Burns.Welcoming Babies

J306.87LAS Lasky, Kathryn.A baby for Max

J 306.87 PER Petty, Kate.The new baby

J 398.8 MOT Mother Goose Books location

J398.8 NUR Gerlings, Rebecca.Mary had a little lamb and other best-loved rhymes

J398.8 YOL Yolen, Jane.This little piggy: lap songs, finger plays, clapping games, and pantomime rhymes

J398.8 YOL Yolen, Jane.Wee rhymes: baby's first poetry book

J612.6 COL Cole, Joanna How You Where Born

Don’t forget you can check out issues of Baby Bug Magazine too

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