The Center for Leadership Excellence presents the Bachelor of Science Completion Degree inOrganizational Leadership

B.S. Completion Degree inOrganizational Leadership

“Leadership must be learned. . . and can be learned.” - Peter Drucker, 1996

About Our Program

If you have earned an associate’s degree, this program can prepare you for supervisory and management careers in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors.

The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership is an interdisciplinary degree designed to provide you with an understanding of leadership roles and responsibilities at various levels within different types of organizations. Whether running your own business or working with large groups in a multinational company, you can use these principles to help you understand how your organization can function most effectively.

This broad-based degree provides a framework for understanding how organizations work. You will take courses introducing leadership, organizational development, and management while broadening your global and social-cultural perspectives. This variety of coursework matches the diverse experiences and responsibilities you will face in leadership situations.

Career Development

According to the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey of 2007, Kentuckians with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of 40% more annually than those with an associate’s degree. In these economic times, a bachelor’s degree may enable you to advance in your current career or become the successful applicant for the position you desire.

A leadership degree is valuable in almost every career field. Along with your development in leadership, you will improve your written and verbal communication skills and your problem-solving ability. You will develop an ability to assess the needs of any organization and learn how to plan and implement changes within it. Your degree, along with the skills and knowledge you bring, will increase your marketability in any field you choose.

BS Organizational Leadership Program (48 hour program)

Prerequisites are in parentheses after each course listing.

Required Courses: (27 hours)

LEAD 200 Introduction to Leadership Studies (General Education Category C)

AND 5 of the following options

LEAD 325 Leading Change (LEAD 200)

LEAD 330 Leadership Ethics & Decision Making (LEAD 200)

LEAD 395 Contemporary Leadership Issues (LEAD 200)

LEAD 400 Practicum in Leadership (LEAD 200, 325, 330, 395)

LEAD 440 Leading Teams (LEAD 200)

LEAD 450 Leadership in Global Contexts) (LEAD 200)

MGT 210 Organization & Management

AND 2 of the following options

MGT 311 Human Resource Management

MGT 314 Operations Management (ECON 206)
MGT 361 Business Communication Fundamentals

MGT 417 Organizational Behavior (MGT 210)

MGT 419 Management of Organizational Conflict

Elective Courses: (21 hours)

AMS 430 Tech Mgmt/Supervision/Team Bldg

HCA 340 Healthcare Organization and Management

PS 110 American National Government (General Education Category C)

PS 311 Introduction to Public Policy (PS 110)

PS 338 Government and Ethics

PS 440 Elements of Public Administration

PSY 350 Social Psychology (General Education Category C)

PSY 355 Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology

PSY 370 Industrial/Organizational Psychology(PSY 100)

SOCL 360 The Community in Rural and Urban Settings (6 hrs. SOCL)

SOCL 362 Social Institutions: Race, Class and Gender (General Education Category E)

SOCL 375 Diversity in American Society (*E)

GEOG 280 Intro to Environmental Science (General Education Category D)

GEOG 316 Fundamentals of Geographic Info Systems*

GEOG 317 Geographic Information Systems*

GEOG 380 Principles of Global Sustainability

GEOG 417 GIS Analysis and Modeling*

GEOG 419 GIS Applications Development*

GEOG 474 Environmental Planning

GEOG 487 Environmental Law and Policy

Other applicable courses as approved by advisor

* It is possible to simultaneously receive the Geographical Information Systems Certificate with these selected electives. For more information visit:

Degree programs vary depending on previous college credit coursework. Students must earn a minimum of 120 credit hours and satisfy all general education requirements.

School of Leadership Studies
Western Kentucky University

1906 College Heights Blvd. #21067

Bowling Green, KY 42101-1067


Phone: (270) 745 - 8973