B.S.Business Administration

Program Learning Objectives

L=Low, M=Medium, H=High

Learning Objectives: Students will / ACTG
132 / ACTG
133 / BUSN
231 / BUSN
and 355 / BUSN
403 / BUSN
466 / MRKT
281 / ECON
201 & 202 / MGMT
464 / MGMT
360 / MGMT
365 / FINC
Be able to create, read and interpret financial statements / H / H / H
Create and monitor budgets including per unit cost calculations / H / M
Be able to create a marketing plan and discuss the importance of advertising / H / H / L
Be able to explain the micro and macro economic factors affecting businesses. / M / H
Be able to discuss economic decisions based on current macro and micro thought. / M / H
Will be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of business / M / M / M
Will be able to list and describe working environments and the effects of management decisions on work. / H / H / M
Will know the laws affecting the hiring, promoting, and discharging of employees / M / H
Be able to explain the impact of federal legislation, norms of society and economic policy on business decisions and outcomes. / M / H
Learning Objectives: Students will / ACTG
132 / ACTG
133 / BUSN
231 / BUSN
and 355 / BUSN
403 / BUSN
466 / MRKT
281 / ECON
201 & 202 / MGMT
464 / MGMT
360 / MGMT
365 / FINC
Be able to know and explain how laws affecting the hiring of, promotion of, termination of, retention of (compensation strategies) employees / L / H
Be able to discuss the complexities of working with employees and discuss various theories of motivation, reward, and leadership. / H / L / L
Students will be able to create a business plan as outlined by the SBA:
Market Analysis, Organization/Management, Marketing/Sales Analysis, Funding Request, and Financials / H / L / H / L / H / H / H / L / H / H / H

This degree program requires successful completion of a curriculum with a minimum of 128 semester hours. In addition, this general business administration program prepares students for entry-level positions in business that seeks applicants with a general business background for positions in general administration, entry-level management or marketing positions. This degree allows students the opportunity to obtain a minor or specialize in another area of interest.