Fort Lewis College
B. A. in Adventure Education • Degree Planner
Important Information:
1.In order to enroll in any Adventure Education course, except AE 230, you must be a declared Adventure Education major or minor.
2.Application to AE Major: Once you complete a minimum of 6 credits in Adventure Education, including AE 101 plus one AE skills and management course, you must apply for admission to the Adventure Education major to continue taking AE courses. Admission to continue requires a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and 2.5 AE GPA, an application form, current professional resume, and two professional references.
3.Transfer students: The AE degree may be completed in four semesters if you have successfully completed the AA or AS degree of 60 credits, including specified AE transfer courses (see catalog transfer map to graduation). Without the specified AE transfer courses, the degree will take a minimum of six semesters. The AE immersion semester requires enrollment in AE 201, AE 210, and AE 220 in the same fall semester, along with two other AE courses—AE 230 and AE 251. AE 201, AE 210, and AE 220 must be taken together; they cannot be completed separately. Therefore, transfer students entering the program with one or two, but not all three of these courses, will need to still take all courses in the immersion semester, which may result in non-acceptance of some transfer credit.
I.ADVENTURE EDUCATION CORE COURSES: Complete all of the following courses (35 cr) / Adventure Education Courses[with gtPathways fulfillment] / Cr / Prerequisites
AE 101Foundations of Adventure Education / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 201, AE 210 and AE 220 are offered as part of the Fall Immersion Semester. All 3 courses are taken together and priority is given to Adventure Education majors. Two additional AE courses also comprise the Immersion Semester, typically AE 230 and AE 251.
AE 201Wilderness Expedition / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission.
AE 210Adventure Leadership / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission.
AE 220Teaching Methods for Adventure Educators / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission.
AE 230Wilderness First Responder / 3 / None
AE 310Philosophy & Theory of Adventure Ed / 3 / AE 101, CO1 course
AE 251Challenge Course Programming / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 350Adventure Processing & Facilitation / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 450Organization & Administration of Adventure Education / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), AE 201, AE 210, AE 220,
AE 310 (minimum grade of C+)
ES 242Testing & Statistics [MA-1] / 3 / (TRS 92 [minimum grade of C-)] or Computed Math Placement Score MA 110) OR Math 110 or Math 201
ES 495Research Design, or
AT 495Research in Health Professions I / 3 / ES 242, instructor permission.
ES 242, instructor permission
ES 496Senior Research Seminar, or
AT 496Research in Health Professions II / 2 / ES 495 (minimum grade of C-)
AT 495
II.OUTDOOR SKILLS, PEDAGOGY & MANAGEMENT COURSES: Complete 4 of the following courses; at least 2 courses must be upper division (12 cr)
/ Adventure Education Courses / Cr / Prerequisites
AE 121Top Rope Rock Climbing / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 131Paddling Fundamentals / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 141Telemark Skiing / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 241Winter Expedition Skills / 3 / AE 201
AE 321Lead Rock Climbing / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+) and AE 121 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 325Mountaineering / 3 / AE 121, and AE 141 (minimum grade of C+) or AE 241 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 331Whitewater Paddling / 3 / AE 131 (minimum grade of C+) and AE 201 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 360Special Topics in Adventure Education: Skills / 3 / AE 201 (minimum grade of C)
III.PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION COURSES:Complete 12 credits from the following; at least 6 credits must be in AE 480 (12 cr)
/ Adventure Education Courses / Cr / Prerequisites
AE 361Special Topics in Adventure Ed: Profession / 3 / AE 101
AE 380Adventure Education Practicum / 1-6 / AE 220 (minimum grade of C); instructor permission;
*30 days of pre-approved, documented adventure leadership & instruction experience.
AE 395Adventure Education Teaching Assistantship / 1-3 / AE 220 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission
AE 480Adventure Education Internship / 6-12 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), AE 201, AE 210, AE 220, AE 310 (minimum grade of C+), ES 495, AE 450 or ES 496. Instructor permission. *60 days of pre-approved, documented adventure leadership & instruction experience.
IV.LIBERAL ARTS CORE REQUIREMENTS:Complete a minimum of 38 credits in the following.
/ Requirement / Course / Cr
Communications: Two courses required, either: Introductory Writing (CO1) Intermediate Writing (CO2); or Intermediate Writing (CO2) Advanced Writing (CO3).
Mathematics MA-1: One course required / ES 242 Testing & Statistics / 3
Arts & Humanities, History, Social & Behavioral Sciences: 15 credit minimum
History: One course required
Social & Behavioral Sciences: One course required
Physical & Life Sciences
Science with a lab (SC-1), one course required
Science with or without a lab (SC-1 or SC-2)
Physical Well-Being: One course required / 1
V.ELECTIVES AND/OR ACADEMIC MINOR: Recommended for selected AE career interests
The Natural Environment / Regional & World Cultures
Bio 125Conservation Biology / Anth 151Introduction to Anthropology
Bio 250Ecology of the Southwest / Anth 171World Archeology
Geol 107Earth Systems Science / Anth 201Introduction to Anthropology
Geol 113Physical Geology / Anth 330Prehistory of the Southwest
Geol 150Geology of the Southwest / Anth 356Environmental Anthropology
PhSc 205Introduction to Astronomy / Anth 388Ethnology of the Southwest
Hist 313Wilderness in America / NAIS 110Intro to Native American & Indigenous Studies
Hist 323National Parks: America’s Best Idea / NAIS 123Native American History
Chem 125Environmental Chemistry / NAIS 280Native Americans in the Modern World
Geog 320North American Landscape / NAIS 322Native American Philosophies
Geog 235Weather & Climate / NAIS 323Indigenous History of the Southwest
Engl 180Literature of the Environment / Soc 310Ecology and Society
Phil 252Environmental Ethics / Modern Language courses
Psyc 260Environmental Psychology / Minors Related to Regional & World Cultures:
Archeology, Native American & Indigenous Studies, French, German, Spanish
ENVS 100Introduction to Environmental Studies
Minors Related to the Natural Environment:
Biology, Environmental Policy, Geology
Adventure / Wilderness Therapy / Business
Psyc 157Introduction to Psychology / BA 313Ethical Issues in Business
Psyc 233Personality / BA 330Tourism & Hospitality Management
Psyc 270Psychology of Gender / ACC 225Introduction to Financial Accounting
ES 354Adapted Exercise / Minors Related to Business:
Business Administration,
Business Administration – Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Accounting, Marketing
Soc 333Youth and Crime
Minors Related to Adventure / Wilderness Therapy: Psychology, Criminology, Sociology, Gender & Women’s Studies, Exercise Science.
Fort Lewis College
Information about applying for admission to the
Major in Adventure Education
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Adventure Education
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 5:00 p.m.
The professional adventure educator must be competent in a variety of technical, instructional, leadership, and intellectual skills. In order to properly prepare students for this profession, and to help ensure that students are able to maintain satisfactory academic progress (which includes space available in scheduled courses), students must first declare Adventure Education as their major or minor before being able to enroll in Adventure Education courses.
All applicants for the Adventure Education program must submit the following materials to the program director by the Tuesday following spring break in March (for Fall admittance) or the second Tuesday in November (forSpring admittance). Once the application has been received, an interview with a faculty screening committee will be conducted to discuss the application. A completed application, interview, and meeting all admittance requirements does not necessarily guarantee acceptance into the program.
After completingAE 101, plus one of the outdoor skills and management courses, students must meet the following requirements to continue as an Adventure Education major:
•Show proof of enrollment in or completion of:AE 101with a grade of C+ or better. One outdoor skills and management course. SeeAdventure Education Majorfor more information.
•Have a current minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50, and a minimum Adventure Education grade point average of 2.50.
•Submit a completed Adventure Education major application form, to the program director by the Tuesday following Spring Break in March (for Fall admittance) or the secondTuesday in November (for Spring admittance).
•Students applying to the Adventure Education major must also submit (by the above deadlines): 1. A current professional résumé. 2. Two letters of recommendation, one from a Fort Lewis College faculty member (excluding Adventure Education faculty), and one from an adult professional (excluding immediate family) who is familiar with the student’s professional goals and work ethic.
Students applying for admission to the Adventure Education major while they are still completing the courses described above, may be granted conditional admission until proof of completing these courses with grades of C+ or higher is provided, along with proof of 2.5 grade point averages cumulative and in Adventure Education courses. Meeting all admittance requirements does not necessarily guarantee acceptance into the program as a major or minor. Students not meeting these admittance requirements must select a different major.
Before completing this application, please read all the descriptive information available about the Adventure Education degree program, including information in the College catalog. Responses that show that you are well-informed about the program and the discipline of Adventure Education, and that demonstrate a professional commitment will be in your favor.
Fort Lewis College
Application for admission to the
Major in Adventure Education
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Adventure Education
Before completing this application, please read all the descriptive information available about the Adventure Education degree program, including information in the College catalog. Responses that show that you are well-informed about the program and the discipline of Adventure Education, and that demonstrate a professional commitment will be in your favor.
A.Please attach the following documents to this completed application form:(Please save the application form and attachments as a MS Word document)
1.WebCapp transcripts of college work at FLC and other institutions. Transcripts should show:
a.Grades and enrollment in or completion of a minimum of six credits in Adventure Education, including AE 101 plus one skills and management course (or the equivalent for transfer students), with a grade of C+ or better.
b.Cumulative grade point average and Adventure Education grade point average of 2.50 minimum.
2.A current professional resume, which includes outdoor skills and wilderness experience. The electronic professional portfolio provided in AE 101 may be used to describe your outdoor skills and wilderness experience.
3.Two letters of recommendation, one from a Fort Lewis College faculty member (excluding Adventure Education faculty), and one from an adult professional (excluding immediate family) who is familiar with your professional and academic goals and work ethic.
B.Please complete the following electronically: Type in the yellow boxes
Name: / Date:School address (street, city, state, zip):
Local phone: / Email:
Summer/permanent address (street, city, state, zip):
Summer phone: / Email:
Are you planning to transfer from FLC to another institution to complete your degree?
If you answered “yes” or “maybe” to the above question, to what institution, and when?
C.Please thoroughly answer the following questions: Type in the yellow boxes, which expand as you type.
1.Why do you want to major in Adventure Education, and what do you plan to do with this discipline?2.Describe something you have read or learned in one or more of the Adventure Education courses you have taken so far, and why this was significant or important to you.
3.Please describe a time you had to handle adversity or uncertainty, when you found yourself outside of your comfort zone. This may be an outdoor situation, but it could also be a personal, interpersonal, academic, or work-related situation. How did you handle this? What did you learn from it? What, if anything, would you do differently the next time?
4.Adventure Education courses demand a significant time commitment, including field-based courses that occur on weekends and in fall immersion semesters, a good deal of reading and writing, and high expectations for study and class preparation. The schedule and time commitment may not allow you to participate in an athletic team or hold a part-time job some semesters. Please describe how you plan on maintaining the required professional and academic commitment, and what the challenges may be for you to do so.
5.Please describe anything else you want us to know about your interests, goals, perspectives, contributions, attitudes, hopes and concerns regarding your study of Adventure Education.
Please email this application, with attachments, or return a hard copy to
Susan Eppich, Adventure Education Administrative Assistant
Pine Hall 35A
For questions, phone 247-6383, or email
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 5:00 p.m.
Fort Lewis College
Adventure Education Minor Planner
Important Information:
1.In order to enroll in any Adventure Education course, except AE 230, you must be a declared Adventure Education major or minor. Due to course capacity limitations, Adventure Education majors may have priority over minors.
2.Application to AE Minor: Once you complete a minimum of 6 credits in Adventure Education, including AE 101, you must apply for admission to the Adventure Education minor to continue taking AE courses. Admission to continue requires a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and 2.5 AE GPA, and an application form which requires an explanation of how the student intends to use the AE minor to complement his/her academic major and career goals.
3.Transfer students: For students choosing Option A, the AE immersion semester requires enrollment in AE 201, AE 210, and AE 220 in the same fall semester, along with two other AE courses—AE 230 and AE 251. AE 201, AE 210, and AE 220 must be taken together; they cannot be completed separately. Therefore, transfer students entering the program with one or two, but not all three of these courses, will need to still take all courses in the immersion semester, which may result in non-acceptance of some transfer credit.
I.ADVENTURE EDUCATION CORE COURSES: 6 Credits / Cr / PrerequisitesAE 101Foundations of Adventure Education / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 310Philosophy & Theory of Adventure Education / 3 / AE 101, CO1 course
II.CHOOSE OPTION A or B: / Cr / Prerequisites
OPTION A: AE 201, AE 210 and AE 220 are offered as part of the Fall Immersion Semester. All 3 courses are taken together and priority is given to Adventure Education majors.
AE 201Wilderness Expedition / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission
AE 210Adventure Leadership / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission
AE 220Teaching Methods for Adventure Educators / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission
Plus 6 credits from category III below, typically AE 230 and AE 251. / 6
AE 251Challenge Course Programming / 3 / AE 101
AE 350Adventure Processing & Facilitation / 3 / AE 101, AE 251
Plus 9 credits from category III below / 9
III.COMPLETE COURSES for Option A or B, above, to reach 21 credits. / Cr / Prerequisites
AE 121Top Rope Rock Climbing / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 131Paddling Fundamentals / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 141Telemark Skiing / 3 / Declared AE major/minor
AE 230Wilderness First Responder / 3 / None
AE 241Winter Expedition Skills / 3 / AE 201
AE 321Lead Rock Climbing / 3 / AE 101 (minimum grade of C+) and AE 121 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 325Mountaineering / 3 / AE 121, and AE 141 (minimum grade of C+) or AE 241 (minimum grade of C+).
AE 331Whitewater Paddling / 3 / AE 131 (minimum grade of C+) and AE 201 (minimum grade of C+)
AE 360Special Topics in Adventure Education: Skills / 3 / AE 201 (minimum grade of C)
AE 361Special Topics in Adventure Education: Profession / 3 / AE 101
AE 380Adventure Education Practicum / 1-3 / AE 220; instructor permission; *30 days of pre-approved, documented adventure leadership & instruction experience.
AE 395Adventure Education Teaching Assistantship / 1-3 / AE 220 (minimum grade of C+), instructor permission
Total requirements for the Adventure Education minor: 21 credits
Fort Lewis College
Information about applying for admission to the
Minor in Adventure Education
DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 5:00 p.m.
The minor in Adventure Education is intended to allow students to complement their major with an adventure education component. Studentscanconfigure the minor to focus on extended expedition leadership and instruction or on adventure methodology often practiced in the school or community-based adventure programs. Due to course capacity limitations, Adventure Education majors may have priority over minors. Applicants for the Adventure Education minor should have first declared an academic major.
The professional adventure educator must be competent in a variety of technical, instructional, leadership, and intellectual skills. In order to properly prepare students for this profession, and to help ensure that students are able to maintain satisfactory academic progress (which includes space available in scheduled courses), students must first declare Adventure Education as their major or minor before being able to enroll in Adventure Education courses.
All applicants for the Adventure Education program must submit the following materials to the program director by the Tuesday following spring break in March (for Fall admittance) or the second Tuesday in November (forSpring admittance). Once the application has been received, an interview with a faculty screening committee will be conducted to discuss the application. A completed application, interview, and meeting all admittance requirements does not necessarily guarantee acceptance into the program.
After completingAE 101, plus one of the outdoor skills and management courses, students must meet the following requirements to continue as an Adventure Education minor:
•Have previously declared an academic major.
•Show proof of enrollment in or completion of:AE 101with a grade of C+ or better. One outdoor skills and management course. SeeAdventure Education Majorfor more information.
•Have a current minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50, and a minimum Adventure Education grade point average of 2.50.
•Submit a completed Adventure Education minor application form, to the program director by the Tuesday following Spring Break in March (for Fall admittance) or the secondTuesday in November (for Spring admittance).
Students applying for admission to the Adventure Education minor while they are still completing the courses above, may be granted conditional admission until proof of completing these courses with grades of C+ or higher is provided, along with proof of 2.5 grade point averages cumulative and in Adventure Education courses. Meeting all admittance requirements does not necessarily guarantee acceptance into the program as a minor. Students not meeting these admittance requirements must select a different major.
Before completing this application, please read all the descriptive information available about the Adventure Education degree program, including information in the College catalog. Responses that show that you are well-informed about the program and the discipline of Adventure Education, and that demonstrate a professional commitment will be in your favor.
Fort Lewis College
Application for admission to the
Minor in Adventure Education
Before completing this application, please read all the descriptive information available about the Adventure Education degree program, including information in the College catalog. Responses that show that you are well-informed about the program and the discipline of Adventure Education, and that demonstrate a professional commitment will be in your favor.
A.Please attach the following documents to this completed application form:(Please save the application form and attachments as a MS Word document)
1.WebCapp transcripts of college work at FLC and other institutions. Transcripts should show:
a.Grades and enrollment in or completion of a minimum of six credits in Adventure Education, including AE 101 plus one skills and management course (or the equivalent for transfer students), with a grade of C+ or better.
b.Cumulative grade point average and Adventure Education grade point average of 2.50 minimum.