(Associate or Full Rank) Approved June 24, 2010






Approved – June 24, 2010






Approved – June 24, 2010

The following Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (AYSPS) Faculty Search Procedural document is in compliance with the procedures set forth via the October 30, 2008 Georgia State University (GSU) Faculty Recruitment Procedures (Attachment 1) and June 2010 GSU Tenure on Appointment Procedures (Attachment 2).


1. Only AYSPS Academic Departments may hire faculty.

2. After conferring with the AYSPS Dean and receiving the AYSPS Dean’s informal approval, the AYSPS Academic Department:

a.  Completes the Faculty Vacancy Form (FVF) (Appendix A)

b.  Prepares the vacancy’s advertisement text

i.  The applicant qualification advertisement text must specify rank, qualifications, responsibilities, required background check, and as a safety net, always include the statement: “…and must be eligible to work in the USA.”

ii.  As directed on page six of the 1972 Higher Education Guidelines for the Implementation of Executive Order 11246 (as amended by 11375), the university states its commitment to equal employment opportunity in all recruiting announcements or advertisements. Every publication, advertisement or poster that goes off-campus must carry the following affirmative action statement for Georgia State University: "Georgia State University, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an equal educational institution and is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer."

c.  Forwards FVF and advertisement text to the AYSPS College Human Resources Officer (AYSPS HRO):


a.  Reviews that the FVF and advertisement text for content and completeness.

b.  Obtains formal approval and signature from the AYSPS Dean.

(The AYSPS Associate Dean may approve and sign in the Dean’s absence.)

c.  Upon receipt of the approved form, the AYSPS HRO forwards it to the Provost’s Office for approval and assignment of a Log Number.

4. The Provost’s Office returns written approval to the AYSPS Dean’s Office. The Dean’s Office ensures that the AYSPS HRO receives the original copy of the approved FVF. The AYSPS HRO forwards a copy of the approved FVF to the AYSPS Academic Department and the AYSPS Academic Department advises their Search Committee Chair.

5. The AYSPS Academic Department is responsible for appointing a search committee with diverse membership consisting of at least 5 members. Membership could include:

a.  Three department faculty members

b.  Two ex officio members, the Department Chair and the AYSPS Dean or the Dean’s designee

Also, the department must ensure that all search committee member names are identified on

all associated faculty hiring forms. (GSU Faculty Handbook Section 301.09)

6. It is important at this point for the AYSPS Academic Department to review the Faculty Diversity section (pages 4 & 5) of the AYSPS Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan which can be found at the following website:


7. The AYSPS Academic Department, upon receipt of the vacancy’s advertisement text approval may forward the text to the appropriate department source journals, newsletters, websites, etc., and a REMINDER that the Department is:

a.  Required to advertise in the following:

- Diverse Issues in Higher Education

10520 Warwick Avenue, Suite B-8

Fairfax, VA 22030

Ph: 800-783-3199

Fx: 703-385-1839


- The Chronicle of Higher Education

1255 23rd Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

Ph: 202-466-1050

Fx: 202-296-2691


a.  Recommended to advertise in the following:

- Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education

80 Route 4 East, Suite 203

Paramus, NJ 07652

Ph: 800-549-8280

Fx: 201-587-9105


- Women in Higher Education

5376 Farmco Drive

Madison, WI 53704

Ph: 608-251-3232

Fx: 608-284-0601


- Women On Campus with Women


1818 R Street NW

Washington, DC 20009

Ph: 202-387-3760, ext 403

Fx: 202-265-9532


- Job Line International


- Other Recruitment Resources


10 Park Place, Suite 460

Atlanta, GA 30303

Ph: 404-413-2567

Fx: 404-413-2560


8. The AYSPS HRO completes PART A: Position Vacancy Announcement (PVA) of the University System of Georgia (USG) Applicant Clearinghouse WORD document form (Appendix C); obtains a PVA document number from the Opportunity Development/Diversity Education Planning (ODDEP) Office; forwards the original form to the ODDEP Office; retains a copy for the AYSPS personnel files; and advises the AYSPS Academic Department of the associated PVA document number.

9. The AYSPS Academic Department will:

a.  Complete for each position the Affirmative Action Recruitment and Selection Report for Full-Time Faculty Search (Appendix B) and forward it to the AYSPS HRO.

b.  Request all applicants upon receipt of their materials to voluntarily complete the Confidential Applicant Flow Survey (http://www.gsu.edu/oddep/31111.html).

10. When the closing date for applications has passed and before any on-campus interviews are held, the AYSPS Academic Department contacts the ODDEP Office for responses to the optional Confidential Applicant Flow Survey (http://www.gsu.edu/oddep/31111.html).

11. Intrasystem Recruitment is recognized as a good practice for USG institutions to employ faculty members from other USG institutions. BOR Policy no longer requires hiring Academic Units to secure authorization from the president of the employing institution for permission to interview a member of another USG institution.

However, the BOR Policy requires the hiring Academic Unit wishing to consider a faculty member of another USG institution for employment to notify the president of the employing institution before an offer is made to the faculty member. Also, the candidate’s formal offer letter is to include a statement to the effect that acceptance can be made only after all contractual obligations have been fulfilled (BOR Policy Manual Section These processing details are located in #26 of this document.

12. The AYSPS Academic Department completes the Affirmative Action Checklist and Approval of Pool (AAC&AOP) form (Appendix D) and forwards it, together with the vitae of the candidates selected, to the AYSPS HRO, who will check that it has been completed properly and submit it to the AYSPS Dean for approval.

13. If the AYSPS Academic Department did not specify a deadline for applications (i.e., if it accepts dossiers until the position is filled), they are to complete the AAC&AOP form prior to the first set of on-campus interviews and submit an amended form, to obtain approval for any subsequent on-campus interviews.

14. Upon receipt of the Dean’s approval of the AAC&AOP form the AYSPS HRO forwards the document packet to the ODDEP Office for review.

15. The ODDEP Office will, within 48 hours (2 working days) of receiving the checklist, notify the AYSPS HRO when they have approved the candidate pool.

16. The AYSPS HRO then informs the AYSPS Academic Department to proceed with extending an invitation for on-campus interviews to those candidates listed as approved on the AAC&AOP.

17. According to the Affirmative Action Office guidelines when interviewing a candidate it is unlawful to (http://www.gsu.edu/oddep/31592.html):

a.  Make any inquiry into any title which indicates race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, age, or ancestry.

b.  Make any inquiry into foreign address which would indicate national origin.

c.  Require birth certificate or baptismal record before hiring.

d.  Make any inquiry which may reveal whether applicant is at least 40 or less than 70 years of age.

e.  Make any inquiry into place of birth or the place of birth of parents, grandparents, or spouse.

f.  Make any inquiry into national origin.

g.  Make any inquiry which would indicate race or color.

h.  Make any inquiry which would indicate sex.

i.  Make any inquiry of members of one sex, but, not the other.

j.  Make any inquiry which would indicate or identify religious denomination or custom.

k.  Applicant may not be told any religious identity or preference of the employer.

l.  Request pastor’s recommendation or reference.

m.  Make any inquiry which would reveal disability.

n.  Inquire if applicant is native-born or naturalized citizen.

o.  Inquire whether parents or spouse or native-born or naturalized citizen.

p.  Require proof of citizenship before hiring.

q.  Require photograph of applicant before hiring.

r.  Make any inquiry which would reveal arrests without convictions.

s.  Make any inquiry which would reveal the nationality or religious affiliation of a school.

t.  Make any inquiry as to what mother tongue is or how foreign language ability was acquired.

u.  Make any inquiry about a relative which would be unlawful if made about the applicant.

v.  Make any inquiry into all clubs and organizations where membership is held.

w.  Make any inquiry into military service in armed services of any country but the USA.

x.  Request military service records.

y.  Make any inquiry into type of discharge.

z.  Make any inquiry into willingness to work any particular religious holiday.

aa.  Make any non-job related inquiry which may reveal information permitting unlawful discrimination.

bb.  Request references specifically from clergy or any other persons who might reflect race, color, religion, sex, national, origin, disability, age, or ancestry of applicant.

18. When interviewing, each candidate should be asked the following question:

“Are you eligible to work in the USA?”

19. In such cases where after the AYSPS Academic Department’s Search Committee and the AYSPS Dean complete the on-campus interviews an exceptional candidate is selected to be recommended for tenure upon the faculty member’s initial appointment the following is required:

a.  Tenure on Appointment review of the candidate which will be based on the candidate’s vita and other material that the AYSPS Academic Department Chair determines are reasonable and appropriate.

b.  AYSPS Academic Department Chair writes a letter of tenure recommendation to Academic Department’s Promotion and Tenure (P&T) Committee and includes the candidate’s vita and associated review materials.

c.  The AYSPS Academic Department’s P&T Committee completes their review, then writes a letter of tenure recommendation to College’s P&T Committee and includes all associated review materials.

d.  The College’s P&T Committee completes their review, then writes a letter of tenure recommendation to AYSPS Dean and includes all associated review materials.

20. The AYSPS Academic Department will forward the following For the Record (FTR) packet of completed forms and associated documents to the AYSPS HRO:

a.  Completed FTR form (Appendix E) for AYSPS Dean’s approval.

b.  Completed Recommended Applicant form (Appendix F).

c.  Copy of approved Affirmative Action Recruitment and Selection Report for Full-Time Faculty Search (Appendix B).

d.  Copy of all advertisements or the text of the advertisements.

e.  Copy of approved Affirmative Action Checklist and Approval of Pool. (Appendix D).

f.  Vita(e) of the candidate(s) interviewed.

g.  If candidate has a relative employed by GSU, the AYSPS Academic Department is required to prepare a Nepotism Statement (Statement 4) which states that neither will be in a position to have a direct effect on the other's progress, performance, or welfare. This statement is to be included in the hire document packet submitted to AYSPS HRO.

h.  Letter of appointment recommendation from the Search Committee Chair to Academic Department Chair.

i.  Letter of appointment recommendation from the AYSPS Academic Department Chair to the AYSPS Dean.

j.  Letter of tenure recommendation from the AYSPS Academic Department Chair to Department’s P&T Committee.

k.  Letter of tenure recommendation from the Department’s P&T Committee to the College’s P&T Committee.

21. The AYSPS Dean completes his/her review and writes to the Provost for Provost’s approval:

a.  His/her letter of appointment recommendation.

b.  His/her letter of tenure recommendation.

22. The HRO:

a.  Checks the AYSPS Academic Department’s FTR packet of completed forms and associated documents for completeness and accuracy.

b.  Includes the College’s P&T Committee’s letter of tenure recommendation; the Dean’s letter appointment recommendation; and the Dean’s letter of tenure recommendation.

c.  Forwards the completed FTR packet to the AYSPS Associate Dean and Dean for approval.

d.  Then forwards the College’s completed FTR packet to the Provost’s Office.

23. The Provost’s Office reviews all of the materials, while conferring with ODDEP, and forwards the approved FTR to the AYSPS HRO.

24. Receipt of the approved FTR is the formal confirmation, ‘approved to hire’. BOR approval is no longer required for tenure on appointment faculty appointments.

25. The AYSPS HRO notifies the AYSPS Dean, AYSPS Academic Department Chair and copies the Dean’s Assistant and the Department Administrative Manager the FTR has been approved and they may proceed with the job offer process.

26. When an AYSPS Academic Unit wishes to make a job offer to a faculty member of another USG institution the AYSPS Academic Unit must secure authorization from the president of the employing institution prior to making an offer to the faculty member (BOR Policy Manual Section As noted in #11 of this document.

The AYSPS Academic Unit:

a.  Creates a non-letterhead “notifying an offer of employment is being made” letter in WORD format (see Appendix H). This letter will come from the GSU President and be addressed to the president of the employing institution.

b.  Forwards this WORD file to the AYSPS HRO for processing with the Provost’s Office.

c.  Must notify the candidate that the “notifying an offer of employment is being made” letter is being forwarded to institution they are employed.

27. The AYSPS Chair will electronically forward an offer letter template in WORD to the Dean’s Assistant. The Dean’s Assistant will obtain the approval of the Associate Dean and Dean. Once approval is obtained, the Dean’s Assistant will send the formal offer letter:

a.  To the candidate noting that the offer is contingent upon a background check results.

b.  When the candidate is currently employed with another institution within the Georgia University System, the AYSPS Dean’s formal offer letter “shall include a statement to the effect that acceptance can be made only after all contractual obligations have been fulfilled” (BOR Policy Manual Section

28. The AYSPS Academic Department completes the Candidate’s Before Hire Contact Information form (Appendix G) and forwards it to the AYSPS HRO.