AYSO Section 8/Area A/Region 872

Minutes for July 19, 2015

Depot, Reed City, MI

Attendance: Dale Hall, Brent Sible, Angel Sible, Jullie Taubitz, Aaron Aug, Marcie Larr, Stacy Clementshaw, & Chris Maddox

Minutes: Jullie motioned for changes/additions to be made to the June minutes, Aaron seconded, motion passed. Attached are the amended minutes from June.


  • RC-Jullie made sure that we were all aware that Carolyn Taylor, the Section 8 Director, was not renewed for her position. Carolyn had sent out a mass email informing everyone. Our region was given a gift card in the amount of $28.46. We are going to use it at Vics to get snacks for training days.
  • Treasurer-absent. Question for Heather. Did we meet $9000 in the bank account at the end of June?
  • Registrar-We have 329 registered players. 325 have paid. Facebook is going well. He is still cleaning up the webpage. Aaron feels that he is too busy to help head up the sponsors. He handed his stuff off to Stacy. Daniel Boyer is trying to get more U16 and U18 players.
  • Safety Dir- Stacy has nothing to report. Marcie asked about the injury during spring season. Stacy still has not received an incident report. Chris said a trophy is on its way for the injured player (he had to leave before trophies were given out). Chris just has to have a plate made to put on the front.
  • Coach Adm-Chris has 11 coaches signed up at this time. Four of them are coaching two teams & five are board members. Parents need to be called to push volunteering for coaching. The VIP program is not happening this year. There are not enough kids. We will offer it next year & continue to prepare for it. It was decided that teams will be formed, and then we will call parents. If we do not get enough coaches money will be refunded. Jullie, Chris, Angel, Stacy, and Aaron are meeting on July 25 to form the teams. U12 is co-ed. U14 is not co-ed. We need four coaches for U14, we have two. Chris is calling Adrian Ashcroft & Jerry Lindquist to see if they might coach. Jullie is going to find out if they can get intermediate training before fall season starts. Stacy is going to draft a letter to send to the parents informing them of lack of coaches & refs. Aaron is printing the address labels, & Jullie will stuff the envelopes & mail the letters. We will not be using Catz coaching this fall. Chris said the coaches didn’t care for it. Coaches use YouTube for information and ideas. Coaches meeting will be at 3:00 on August 16, 2015 at the Depot.
  • Division Coor-Angel stated that teams are made by breaking down the applications by experience and ratings. Everything is done to maintain balanced teams. Jullie would like a written policy made.
  • Ref adm-Brent planned on having training; however no one signed up for this one. We moved the date to August 8th. This will be a referee & coach’s training combination. He still plans to do a refresher course before fall.
  • Dir of Ref Instruction-Dale didn’t have anything new to report.
  • Uniform Coor-Crystal Maddox is going to fill in this position. Jullie brought some samples for everyone to check out. Score uniforms cost $15/uniform with an estimated $830 shipping cost. Challenger cost $17/uniform with free shipping. In the end both companies cost about the same when you factor in difference in cost of uniform vs. shipping cost. Aaron made a motion to go with the Costa Rica design from Score, Jullie seconded the motion. Motion passed. Remember no yellow or gold jerseys!
  • Field Coor-absent. Jullie said the shed is done. She is painting it next week. It has a combination lock on it. Jullie talked to John Calabrese about the Hersey fields. He wants it to be youth sports. It sounds like it is working out well.

Move up policy-Jullie talked to Mike about a move up policy. He said there is no direct language for moving up. In the past we have let the board decide if a player was to move up or not. A policy needs to be made and put in Appendix D of the bylaws. Marcie motioned that no player is to be moved up under any circumstance. Stacy seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Soccer Camp-Aug 3 thru Aug 7. Marcie is going to send out an email blast about soccer camp. Hopefully more families will sign up. Jullie is making sure there is a porta potty available. Chris said that Bob would like Ty Brocker to get the scholarship that is available. His family is always willing to help & Ty goes every year. The board decided that the camp scholarship would go to Ty. Jullie is going to look into how to make this happen.

Photographer- tabled for next meeting.

Meeting-Meeting adjourned at 5:42 pm. Next meeting will be Sunday, August 16 @ 4:00 pm. The coach’s meeting is scheduled for 3:00 pm that same day.